A/N: Monster chapter. Needed to get this happening. XD

"You're actually pretty popular."

Looking up at the familiar voice, rolling her eyes when she caught sight of a jock immediately turn around and go back to the front of the line, Rachel still smiled at the usurper. "I am, aren't I?" she offered cheerily.

"Wouldn't have thought it." Arching her eyebrow, Santana stared at her almost in a 'well?' expression. And, as Rachel moved her gaze from Santana's face, she almost did a double take.

What… Why was Santana wearing a Playboy's version of a nurse's outfit? She even had a hat, a large teddy bear under her arm. Rachel felt an immediate blush take over her face, feeling both offended intrigued as a fellow female. "S…Santana?"

Santana shrugged, a fluid motion that drew attention to her prodigious cleavage on display. "As far as I knew," she tilted her head, eyes looking up before meeting Rachel's again, "The Finncredible Hulk was running this booth. At least…" Her fingers plucked at the top of the teddy bear, "Now I don't have to kiss that loser."

"Right…" Rachel gave Santana a fake smile. Santana had dressed up like that to kiss Finn? Was… Was that why Santana had helped facilitate her breakup with Finn? Because she wanted him for herself? "While this is fascinating, I, unfortunately, do not have the time to engage in idle chatter. There is a line behind you."

"Yo, Lopez," a random jock suddenly called out, "You gonna kiss her?"

Santana's eyes widened, panic flashing over her face the same time Rachel's jaw dropped. "No, of course not," Rachel leaned sideways to address the suddenly excitedly chattering line, waving her hands excitedly in the air as several wolf whistles pierced the hallway, "She was just on her way."

"Like I would kiss Man Hands," Santana sneered, throwing her hair back sharply, adjusting her hat as she swung around to glare down the hallways, obviously trying to encompass everyone in its range.

"Five dollars!" a voice called out that sounded uncomfortably like Azimio's, obviously not caring of the HBIC glare, quickly followed by a flurry of, "Ten!" "Twenty, if it's longer than thirty seconds!"

Rachel flapped her mouth uselessly. That was a lot of money, and all for one kiss. She swallowed, slowly turning to the girl still standing in front of her, "Santana…?"

"Damn, the ex-Head Cheerleader turning lezzie to kiss the hobbit? So. Hot." "Yeah, I have some extra money to drop on that." "Do it, do it, do it!"

Santana's expression was intense, her eyes boring into Rachel's. "It won't look gay?" she practically demanded.

"You can always blame charity," Rachel shrugged, managing a small smile. Did she really want to kiss Santana? Aesthetically speaking, she was… Very attractive. Personality-wise, though…

Rachel squared her shoulders. Didn't matter. It was for charity.

"Lopez, Lopez, Lopez," the crowd chanted, and Santana lifted up her hand. When she snapped her finger, everyone went quiet. "Alright, listen up bitches," she pushed her teddy bear at Rachel before she spun on her heel, holding up her palm, "Nothing less than one hundred dollars will get me to kiss this…" She turned her head to slant her eyes at Rachel, "Beast."

Shaking her head and crossing her arms after placing the teddy bear on the counter of the booth, Rachel watched as, one by one, boys came forward to lay bills in Santana's hand, Santana nodding her head and waving her hand in a sideways circle to get people to speed up. "Seventy three, seventy five – really? That all you got, Provenza? Reach into your ho-account, we all know you have one. That's right, ninety five dollars. Well, Chancellor, you gonna pony up the rest?"

Rachel turned to the side, pulling her hair over her shoulder so she could start petting it. She feigned distraction when Santana's heeled boots clacked back over. "Here," Santana smirked insolently, peeling off a dollar from the wad of money in her hand and flicking it at Rachel, "Let's get this done already."

"But…" Rachel gestured at the money, "The rest – "

"You really think I'm going to kiss you without payment? No." Santana slipped the money into an invisible pocket in her skirt, and, pausing to wait for the chanting to start up again, placed her palms on the counter of the booth. "Well?"

Rachel handed her the cup of mouthwash she'd already prepared. Didn't matter. Santana had to do it too.

"Oh for – " Growling, Santana quickly knocked it back, swishing for five seconds before spitting it out. "Now get over here. I's got places to be."

Sighing, Rachel shuffled closer. "At least you're not the first girl I'm going to kiss today," she whispered as she leaned forward.

"Don't care. Shut up." Lifting a hand to clap it around the back of Rachel's neck, Santana pulled her in. Not expecting the strength of her tug, Rachel wasn't prepared for the crashing of their mouths together. Jerking, Santana's hand wouldn't let her tug back.

"Tongue!" someone shouted, yells and whoops thundering down and up the hall.

Santana growled, and her tongue suddenly pushed into Rachel's mouth.

Mint and lip gloss mingling together, Rachel had wrap her hand around Santana's wrist to center herself as very talented lips and an equally talented tongue gave her her first real kiss since… Well, Puck. Spurred on by the surge of anger and depression, remembering that is was this girl that had caused all of this, Rachel determined to give Santana as good as she got. So, the counter of the booth cutting into her stomach, she kissed Santana just as… Energetically as she was kissing her.

An unknown amount of time later, Santana broke the kiss, shoving Rachel away from her. Catching sight of darkened eyes and a building maelstrom of anger and surprise and panic flashing across Santana's face as Rachel caught herself, Rachel could only blink and suck in a deep breath when the girl swept up her teddy bear, snapping out something Rachel couldn't hear that got even more cheers from the crowd, and stalked down the hall. Taking a second to admit how well the nurse's outfit fit the ex-cheerleader, Rachel let out her deep breath, picked up the dollar bill, and, scrubbing her blush off her face, put the dollar in the lock box, all the while unable to stop herself from thinking that it was no wonder Santana was always able to get whomever she wanted to get.

When her, "Next!" squeaked a little, she hoped no one noticed.