This will be my first multi-chapter Fanfiction. I hope not to quit on it.

Star Trek and Avatar: The Last Airbender belong to their respective owners.

Stardate: Supplementary

Many wonder if space really is the final frontier. This question has actually resounded throughout humanity since the beginning of time, to when we first reached the stars, to the first hyperdrive, and even to our present day. With all our scientific advancements in technology and knowledge, humanity still strives to find out if there is a being, or beings, above them all, controlling their destiny. Science argues that the universe follows a logical path. The universe is, however, so vast, and so all-encompassing, that in order to understand it, one must grasp the logic, and illogic of the universe. Logic is merely one dimension, and the fact of the matter is, that after nearly 10,000 years of evolution, we humans have limited ourselves to this singular dimension.

"First officer, report to the bridge," echoed the baritone voice over the intercom. A man resting on a couch closed the interesting book he was reading, then proceeded to a door. The door automatically slid open, alerted to the man's presence. He then pressed his finger onto a button on the wall, and the whirs of the turbolift indicated his journey to the bridge had begun.

The man was in his thirties, and well-built. He had short brown hair that adorned his head, a full mustache and beard. A serious look plastered his face, but if one peeled off this plaster, they would get a different story.

Commander William T. Riker emerged from the turbo-lift and was greeted with the all-too familiar sight of the bridge. He took his seat next to a slightly older man, his captain, Jean-Luc-Picard.

"What is it?" the First officer asked, with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Captain Picard answered back, "We have discovered a strange anomaly in this sector."

"So? We discover anomalies every day, a wormhole, an asteroid, a space worm," Riker lamented, "What's so peculiar about this anomaly that it demands my presence on the bridge?"

"Every anomaly demands your presence, Number One, and for that, you should be honored" said the Captain with a smirk.

Riker Turned his eyes towards the towering flatscreen at the front of the bridge. Wormhole had hit the mind of nearly everyone who saw the swirling mass of bright violet-blue energy. Riker's eyes widened; Captain Picard was right, this demanded his attention.

The Massive flagship, Enterprise, remained nearly 4 kilometers from this anomaly. Of course, computer systems determined that this value was decreasing ever so slightly. A fierce-looking humanoid with dark skin and a strange forehead ridge, made note of this and warned, "Captain, the anomaly is exerting a negative force on this ship, I would advise reverse impulse to compensate for the pull"

Captain Picard wasted no time following this advice. Too many times in his career was "A little closer" too close. He was not willing to have another episode where he was flung into the other side of the galaxy, or worse.

The universe, whether it was logical, or illogical, beat Captain Picard to the puchline. The pull the anomaly was exerting on the Enterprise became exponentially greater in the few moments it took for Worf to warn the captain, the captain to authorize reverse thrust, and for reverse thrust to actually happen. Despite full reverse impulse power, the Enterprise was losing ground on the anomaly.

A pale man seated in one of the front consoles in the bridge emphasized this to Captain Picard. If impulse power would not do the job then ...

"Helm! Full 180 spin! Warp speed! Engage!"

Everyone in starfleet was familiar with the calculus concept of the derivative. The derivative measures a rate of change. Mathematically speaking, the derivative of the force of the anomaly was incredibly large.

So large was the rate of change, that, when Picard yelled, "Engage," his starship plummeted through the depths of the strange wormhole.

And that's when everything went black

And then he was flying, rising above the ground. The cavern was eerie from the dozens of bright crystals dotting its terrain. The men bellow him were little specks. The sensastion was great, he wanted to go higher.

The sensation was cut off when a bolt of energy slammed into his chest, knocking him down from the heavens. From his decent, he could see a woman in blue with water, coming from him.

Gray eyes shot open, scanning the metal surroundings. His chest felt as if it was run over by a raging moose-lion. His head was cloudy.

As he rose up, Avatar Aang had to wonder what the strange dream meant, and if it would have any significance in future events.

This will remain a one-chapter fanfic until I come up with an outline, and finish multiple chapters in due time.

For now, enjoy this, and I hope to update this as soon as possible.