Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one.

"S is for the simple need,

E is for the ecstasy,

X is just to mark the spot

cos that's the one you really want..."

She breaks open wide, hard and fast in a cascade of sated lust and dripping heat around his slowly moving fingers. Her body pulling tight and snapping in release so that she throws herself backwards, crashing into the lounger.

But it's not enough.

The feeling still there...more intense now, swirling again.

The whimpers and the soft "Ohh," that leave her mouth are a symphony to his ears, the most sought after sounds in his narrowed universe. Her glorious body in frantic reaction to his touch becomes his world, and with each sweep, curl and lathe, with each barely there slide of his fingers and tongue he helps her crest the stars.

Kate lets her head fall back onto his waiting, curled, arm, and his fingers still moving in persuasive circles around her shoulder, beneath her bikini, her own hand gripping tight to the arm of the chair and his hips before turning her face into his chest.

Her breath is heaving, heavy and ravenous and Kate exhales for him heatedly. Burning flames that snake across his chest, permeate the skin and clench tight at the muscle beating wildly within.

But his fingers freeze half way through that treacherous second climb and her thighs tense before he can even think of withdrawing

Holding him.

Trapping him.

And he laughs.

A soft huff to the shell of her ear, more sensation to overwhelm her, and Kate realises, with each gleeful quake of amusement, that he never intended to retreat from her.

Castle rolls towards her, barely another two inches but it's enough and his angle changes.

She gasps.

His fingers sliding deeper, harder and he freezes again. He lets her quiver, roll and clench her hips lifting and dropping almost without her control.

And he stays frozen.

He doesn't need to move because the tiniest pulses in the pads of his fingers are met with the incessant drumbeat of her arousal until she's thrumming with it.

Head to toe, with beat after beat.

And even when she drops flat to the lounger her eyes misty with need, barely opening as she fights the urge to beg, he stays frozen.

And why would he need to move?

When he can lay, pressed deep within her, lashes gliding softly across her cheeks. When he can wait and watch and breathe her in, absorb every wave of pleasure that rolls off of her body.

But she's so close and responsive, gliding under his hand, arching and making noises that send molten lead to rampant rigid muscle. He lifts his leg so his thigh falls over her lap, pressing his hand down with the delicious added weight.

On the next crash down of her hips into the beach chair, he thrusts up, tight and hard against the curve of her hip and her moan breaks free, unbidden, uncontrollable...

The way Kate is when she really lets loose.

And he can't stay still any longer.

Castle lets his nose skim the path from her shoulder to the base of her ear, flooding his lungs with the scent of her. "I want this off." He growls deeply, filling her head and her body - her heart - with nothing but him.

Lips sliding over the rough stubble of his chin Kate moans, her hips rolling on their own as she lets him keep her desperate and wanting, "You...first." Her tongue slides out, darts and drags at the deadly graze.

Her touch makes him flinch with the thrill of it and his fingers...his fingers...

"Ohhhh." It's a hot plea against his skin, a moan and she doesn't need an answer, her mouth sucking at his skin again, dragging him deeply, wetly. Her teeth chase her tongue, nipping to leave her mark.

"I'm not wearing a bikini Kate."

And he doesn't want her in one anymore either. Not the black one or the red one, the slinky purple one with tiny sparkles that should be illegal...the things it does to him, makes him want to do to her.

His sliding hand tugs, thumbing the tiny scrap of material one last time, curling the strings at her neck. Castle pushes it loose, leaving one breast uncovered and his fingers trail over her shoulder. Flicking the material away from her skin until she is exposed fully, glistening with lotion and sweat in the summer sun.

Kate holds her breath, she can't help it, all sensation in her body is now centred around the pad of his middle finger, the way it rotates, presses down. Everything within her narrows to the tweak and pinch of his evil digits as they work together over her nipple, the sharp bite of his nails when he scrapes her hot pink skin.

It's too much.

How can she possibly breathe?

His fingers...too much.

Her grip at his hip painful, vital and her hands, white knuckled and clenched, start to throb in time with the rest of her body.

Too much and not enough.

The thud of her pulse too thick, too dominating, she's drowning in the sound of her own blood pounding through her ears.

Then his lips are on her neck, fingers sliding, soft and gentle, rolling in steady circles as he teases her and Kate lifts her hand, needing to touch his face, skim his jaw and drag his mouth to hers.

She finds his lips with the pads of her fingers and when one slides across his full pout he chases it, catches it with his teeth and bites down hard.

And she gasps, air and life and good...

So good...

Beautiful, he's so...

She turns, curls into him again, her finger in his mouth and with each lick and suck she arches, clenching manically against the eternal dance of muscles that she has no control over.

And he slows again, too soft touches that don't tip her over the edge.

Castle gentles her, keeps her from boiling over, letting her fall into a steady simmer. So hot and wet and warm, bubbling away beautifully with each touch.

Her chest heaves with ragged breath willingly forcing itself free, and if he won't touch her how she wants, she will have him instead.

Kate needs his firm muscle under her roaming hands, the cotton gone and the heat of his chest pressed firmly against her naked skin.

She peels his vest away, somehow, almost one handed, desperate and clinging with each continued swipe of his firm fingers, until it tangles on the arm trapped between her legs.

Castle withdraws reluctantly, his regret increasing when she lifts her ass high, chasing him. And then she gives in with sullen moan and sudden thud, her body crashing down.

"Give me my present." Kate grumbles, looking up at him with frustrated, enormous, eyes that cling to his in desperation, need, love and annoyance. A look he has come to know all too well and Castle chuckles, runs his now free hand along her waist, leaving a glistening path, before he ghosts it tenderly over her cheek.

Sliding it down, palming her breast he whispers, "You mean this isn't gift enough?"

He watches as, unable to answer, Kate bites down on her lip, but she doesn't need words. Her eyes burn through with fire and threats, warnings and pleas. She arches into his hand again, somehow managing to move him closer, he's almost on top of her now.

Her lips find his ear when she clings to his shoulders. "I still want..."

"Oh I know you do." He interrupts fitting himself into all the gaps of her body, hard and soft aligning gently, until he can cradle her close.

"Please..." She whispers, her tongue dropping the word to the shell of his ear with a soft swipe, before she follows it with a kiss.

Castle sighs into Kate's shoulder, presses a kiss and then another to her neck, then leans into her with a grunt and reaches over the arm of the lounger.

"Is it a ring?" She taunts, laughing when he flinches and barks a loud, "NO!"

"A key?"

He returns, his hand still out of sight, "You don't want keys or rings, so stop teasing." Her eyes open wide, daring him to tell her off again for what he has been doing to her all afternoon.

"And I can't eat it?" Kate pouts.

Castle laughs, lips wide and teeth grazing over her skin before he presses a kiss to her confused mouth. "Well, you can if you really want too..." he kisses her once more and lifts away bringing his arm into view, "but I thought you could just..."

"You brought me a flower?" Kate asks, at the same moment Castle says softly. "Wear it."

Her eyes are tinted with confusion for the simplicity of such a sweet act, and she should really have suspected it, he's brought her flowers before. Kate lifts her hand and traces the tips of her fingers over the purple petals of the large Gerbera daisy.

"Sometimes," He says, his voice low, slightly unsure of her reaction, "it's the simple things Kate." Castle searches her face, looking for any indication she might be disappointed and then she blinds him with her smile.

"I like the simple things..." Kate states fiercely, every ounce of truth washing through the words.

"Like a kiss..." He murmurs, still half convincing her, even though he knows he doesn't need to, "like love."

"Like breathing..." And her eyes close so she can inhale him slowly, "breathing you in..." She sighs, "Loving you..." and she lifts both hands to his cheeks, pulls him closer until the tips of their noses touch and Kate holds tight, "the simplest thing..."

"Sounds like poetry" Castle whispers, his lips brushing hers, "...when you speak like that..." He pulls back, relishing the feel of her hands over his cheeks, "beautiful poetry from the sweetest lips."

"Love is reaction," She whispers back, her eyes wide and focused on his, the twist and taint of blue and passion, love and need. "Love is...sensation." Her hand drifts and cradles his neck, the firm muscle she massages.

"Love is always and lost in temptation." He sing songs into her mouth as it opens in shock, before she laughs.


"But of course," Castle widens his eyes, how could she have doubted it? And he snaps the stem of the gerbera nearly in half, so he can slide it where he has pictured it all day. Just above her ear, tangling in tendrils of hair he brushes, lost in the feel, "Anything for you, my wanton summer goddess."

Kate huffs and rolls her eyes.

But his hands are fast, quick and tough but still tender, as they slide into her hair, dragging her face to his. "Don't roll your eyes at me." He murmurs, kissing her lips, searching within until she lets loose another long, drawn out hum, anxious and appreciative, "Don't act like it's not true, like I didn't just make you..." another kiss, "damn near..." another moan, "explode."

Castle kisses again and again before he leaves her mouth, relishing each panting breath, the tight grip of her fingers, "what...are you...oh..."

His mouth opens, warm and wet at the triangle that still covers her right breast, sucking her nipple through the ridiculously thin material, his eyes never leaving hers as they dance with mirth.

He pauses, testing the full weight of her in his hand, his mouth hovering, frozen hot and sweet around her nipple and he lets Kate crash back into the lounger again.

And she's suddenly afraid in the best possible way of what will happen when she asks him, "What are going to do about it?" But the words are out of her mouth before she has a chance to stop them.

And it's like watching a mystical transformation.

His eyes blink closed, before opening torturously slowly, his teeth biting down hard, just on the edge of pain, just the way he knows she likes.

And this is why she was afraid.

He knows her too well, inside and out, upside down...literally that one time.

And he uses it to his advantage.

His eyes darken, laser focused on her own and she feels herself being sucked into the black hole of heat that radiates from him.

The blue she loves to lose herself in, becomes mesmerised by, is gone, replaced by this darkened steely gazed, fierce warrior version of the man she loves.

And it makes her love him all the more.

This is the man who slams her into doors, into walls, into beds and mattresses and soft couch cushions repeatedly until she's a quivering, knee buckling mess.

This is the man who holds her hands high above her head, a near bruising force to her wrists, just so he can touch her without interference.

He is the one who pulls her legs around his waist, angles her hips beneath him and slides into her just so perfectly that even though she's drifting back down sated and dreamy he drags her, pushes her up...


Up high again and again.

"I..." He whispers.

But whatever dangerous threat and delightful promise he is about to make is lost to the palm of her hand as it settles over his mouth.

She lets her legs fall open wide, her feet hooking around his waist to bring his hips crashing down onto hers before she squeezes tight.

It doesn't take much.

A little shift here and there, the heel of her foot and her fingers at the ties over her hip bone and Kate sighs in contentment and burning arousal.

Skin on naked sun warmed skin.

Kate wraps one arm around his neck anchoring herself to him in every possible way before running her hand the full length of his back. Trailing his side, feeling him tense beneath her fingers.

Feeling him.

He doesn't carry on the conversation. Kate doesn't want the dark and deadly words anyway; she wants him to show her.

And with the blazing summer sun hot at his back, no where near as scorching as the heat from her when he slides into her, he keeps every promise he's ever made before he's even made it.