Hey! This took a little longer than I thought it would, but I forgot to send it to the amazing toocute24. Anyway, this is the final closure to the story and I hope it was worth the wait.

WARNING! Twisted darkness with this chapter.

Seven years in jail had flown by. My ungrateful son wouldn't speak to me, and I knew he better thank his lucky stars that I was dying. I wanted to tell my story. I wanted everyone to know what a great man I was. I was sick of everyone thinking I was this horrible man. I only had days left and they were being spent in the infirmary of the prison. I've already said my goodbyes to my perfect wife. I told her that she could never remarry because she would never find someone like me, and I was what she needed. She was making it okay on her own, but I knew she needed help. Years ago, I made plans for Aro to take care of her, and he has not disappointed me. If we wanted to talk about a disappointment, we would have to talk about Edward. That little bastard thought he was better than me and I was the person that plagued his life. After everything I did for him, he wouldn't even speak to me. Little did he know, I knew where he was and how he was doing at all the times. I had my connections, and going to prison didn't dissolve those. I knew that he was letting that little bitch run his life, and he was even giving her a voice in their relationship. What I would give to get my hands on him one more time.

"Mister Cullen, I see you are getting everything and more that you deserve," I heard a woman's snarky voice say.

"The sound of your voice makes my pain worse," I said as she laughed.

"I saw Bella and Edward the other day. I let them know you were half dead and Bella kind of smiled. Although, I was very shocked to see that Edward didn't care at all," she said, getting under my skin.

"Edward is an ungrateful child. Come, sit," I demanded as she did as she was told. It felt good to tell a woman what to do.

"Why did you want me here?" she asked, looking bored.

"I want to go to heaven," I said as she giggled. "I'm going to tell you everything. I'm going to give you all the answers."

"That won't get you into heaven," she said with an eye roll.

"It will. I have accepted Jesus Christ into my heart and I have asked for forgiveness. Now, by telling you, I will go to heaven," I said as she giggled more.

"Whatever makes you die faster."

"You were one nosy bitch once upon a time. What's changed, Hale?" I asked her.

"In my eyes, you and your wife got everything you deserved. Edward and Bella have an amazing life with their amazing little girl. Edward's not the man you made anymore. He still has years to go, but he is getting better," she said, giving me the chance to chuckle.

"Everyone always thought Edward was this poor child who was kidnapped and beaten, but that was never the case. I saved him."

"From what?! Liz and Tony are an amazing couple who are very much a part of their son's life," she said, making me mad. "Liz takes Ava to the zoo, and Edward even let his parents watch her."

"Do you want to hear what I have to say?"

"Not really, but like you said, I'm nosy," she said as she picked at her nails.

"This is for you," I said, handing her a piece of paper. She took it and looked over the names.

"What's this?"

"The start of my story…"


"Cullen," I barked into my phone.

I was not in the mood for this asshole again. I scrubbed my fingers beneath the burning hot water, watching the red from my skin swirl down the drain, never to be seen again. The blood might have been washed away, but the sin still remained.

"Carlisle," the man on the other line said politely. "I assume that it's done?"

I laughed harshly and reached for the soap one more time. I only had a small window of time to work with and with the technology the Police Departments had today, you could never be too careful.

"Of course it's done," I said smugly. "And I will be out of the city within the hour."

The man chuckled and I knew he was pleased. We both were. Scum like that James Hunter had no business walking this Earth. He belonged to the fire pits of hell and it was my job to make sure he got there.

"Very well," he said, "but I have one more job that I think you might be interested in."

I opened my mouth to immediately decline his offer, but Demetri beat me to the punch. "He comes with a young girl — fifteen, if my resources are correct — and I believe she is what you have been looking for, for your young son, Edward."

I forced my mouth closed and exhaled sharply. I wanted nothing more for my son to finally settle down and give my wife and me grandchildren. He was thirty years old and I wasn't getting any younger. Problem was the boy was just like his father and was pickier than what was for his own good. He had very high expectations, and unfortunately in our small town of Forks, Washington, the kind of girl he wanted just didn't grow on trees.

"I'm listening," I sighed.

Demetri knew my weakness and he was using it to his advantage. A young girl of fifteen could hardly defend herself against an abusive man, and he knew that I wouldn't just let that slide. But then throw in the added prospect that she could be what my son needed and was looking for, I was fully in — even if I had just finished a job not two hours earlier.

That was how I found myself standing outside a small, two story home in Portland, Oregon in the early hours of the morning the following day. I drove straight through the night to get there before the poor excuse of a man left for work so that I could assess my next target.


"Wait a minute," Hale said, interrupting me. "You are the Crusade Killer?"

"I always hated that name, but yes, that was me," I said as her jaw dropped.

"Why would you kill all those people?"

"They were all scum who beat and raped women; I'm not sad they are gone," I said.

"And Bella is the little girl?"

"She was, and I thought she would complete my family, not destroy it," I said, wincing in pain. I was going to forego my meds until I was done talking. "Can I continue?"

"Yeah," she said, sitting up straighter. I knew there was a good girl under her hard complexion.


I pulled up the collar of my jacket to protect my skin from the cold rain that was biting into my flesh. It was fucking freezing, and I was more than ready to be done with this and headed home — preferably with the girl in tow if she was what my son wanted. I wasn't a foolish man, though. I knew that if this went according to plan, it was going to take a lot more time than my usual 'job.' I sighed and looked around the neighborhood, noticing that at night, it would not be very well lit with only two street lamps in between houses. I nodded in satisfaction, knowing that would be used to my advantage when it was time. I crept up the front steps of the porch silently, noticing that there was only one dead bolt and not even a bottom lock on the door knob. I shook my head and chuckled under my breath. People were much too trusting these days.

I looked around the porch, and making sure my gloves were protecting my fingers, I began to feel at the top of the door frame. Not finding anything, I moved to the porch itself and began lifting things here and there, looking under pots of plants and a gnome statue holding a Welcome sign. Not seeing anything there, either, my eyes continued to move around until I caught a covered outlet. I smiled, knowing that I hit the jack pot. Moving carefully around the creaky floorboards, I lifted the outlet and held out my hand just in time for a silver key to fall into my palm. Perfect.

Looking up and seeing the first lights of dawn breaking the horizon, I knew my time here was up for now. The two inhabitants of this house would not start their days for another few hours, so that would allow me to check into my hotel and get a couple hours of sleep before the real work of my job began. I pulled the picture out of the front pocket of my jacket and looked at the face of the girl that I hoped would become an important piece to my family.

"I'll see you soon…Isabella."


"That's really creepy," she said as I shrugged.

"Everyone unfortunately has their own opinions. I helped people—that was what I did," I said as she blew out a huge breath.

"So how did Edward end up getting her?"

"If you stop talking, I'll tell you."


"I need for you to find a way to get my son here," I said as soon as I heard the line click.

"Business as usual, Carlisle?" Demetri asked.

Unwilling to take my eyes off the girl ahead, I sighed into the phone. "When it comes to my family or my son's happiness, I will never be anything but," I replied harshly.

"Why do we need Edward here exactly?" Demetri asked, finally understanding that I was in no mood for mindless jokes.

"It's time to take that bastard out before he kills her," I griped. "The abuse is getting worse, and your friends have been keeping me informed on his intentions with her. He's up to his eyeballs in debt, and he's about to make the move to auction off her virginity to the highest bidder. He even posted it online and men are coming out of the woodwork. Get Edward here now and make it believable."


"Wait, wait, wait," she said annoying the piss out of me. "Is that true, or did you make that up in your own sick head?"

"Listen, little girl, either shut up or leave. Everything I am telling is the truth. Demetri was the one to take down his posting about it. Swan was a sick man. I don't look so bad now, do I?" I asked as she rolled her eyes. Anyway…"


I shut my phone roughly and tossed it to the passenger seat of the car I was currently driving. As it was, I was currently following Isabella home from school to make sure she made it safely. The bastard she called her father couldn't even be bothered to make sure she had reliable transportation home in the freezing rain. I had been following her for a few weeks now, and I was happy to see that she was a very scheduled person. At least that was something I wouldn't have to try and ingrain in her. She and her father did practically the same thing every day at the same time. She went to school, she worked, she came home, and she took care of the house and the meals. She was the perfect child, and she would be the perfect wife for my son when that time came.


"So it was you!" Hale said loudly as her eyes grew big. "She wasn't talking about Edward in her journals, she was talking about you!"

"What are you blabbing about now?"

"Bella's journal. She wrote about someone following her and how she was losing sleep. She was talking about you," she said in disbelief.

"I did follow her; I needed to make sure my instincts were right. Swan hit her on her daily and I knew we needed to help her."

"So, in your sick and twisted way, you did."

"Don't be rude," I said harshly.


Her abusive background made her the perfect match for my son because we could use that to our advantage. Forcing her alliance to us would be easier than I thought, though it would still require much time and dedication on all of our parts. But, if she was what made my son happy, then there was nothing I wouldn't do for him. Isabella would be his, and I would take out any obstacle standing in his way—starting with her father, Charlie Swan.

"There is an emergency convention in full swing because of the increase in violence. They invited any department that wanted to attend. Edward is here," Demetri rushed out. "What is your plan from there, oh great one?"

I scoffed at his playfulness as I watched Charlie walk into the local police station. Tomorrow, I promised myself as I drove past. Tomorrow that bastard would meet his maker.

"Get him to see her," I demanded, my plan already put into action. "Give him the details. He'll want her," I said surely. "You have the key to her house. Give it to him and I'll take it from there."

"Can I assume that once this is over you will be taking a long vacation?" he asked.

I chuckled darkly and shook my head. "No, Demetri, I will be taking a permanent vacation. My son will need my help, and with her, my family will be complete. My place from now on will be with my wife and son."

Demetri chuckled and I knew he knew it was coming. "Can't say I'm surprised," he admitted. "It's been a pleasure working with you, Carlisle. And you know that if you ever need anything, I am just a phone call away."

"Same with you, my friend," I said, disconnecting the call.

I sighed out in relief as I returned to my hotel room to pack my things. My job here was almost done, and I knew that I would need a quick getaway once the final piece had been put into the ground. I also knew that in less than two hours, I would be receiving a phone call from my son needing advice on what to do about his Isabella. Unpredictable my son was not. I couldn't be more proud of the man he had become.

The next day I got my wish and I took my time with Charles Swan. I cleaned off my knife with my bloodstained handkerchief and laughed at the piece of filth in front of me.

"Why are…you doing this…to me?" he wheezed.

I laughed manically and threw my head back. Was he serious? Looking down on him I, stepped on his already broken rib, hearing additional cracks as I added more pressure.

The broken man beneath me screamed in pain, but there was no one to hear his cries except for me and God. Chuckling, I took my foot off of his chest and circled his slowly dying body. He had multiple stab wounds in his legs and arms, and he had been slowly bleeding out for the last two hours. His breathing was ragged and he was in and out of consciousness every few minutes. It wouldn't be too much longer.

"What?" I mocked. "You don't like pain? You sure do like to inflict it on helpless girls, though, don't you?" I asked him.

"You can dish it but you can't take it; is that it?" I asked as I surveyed our surroundings.

I brought him out to the middle of the woods—much like I had my previous victims—where there was no one to hear us. No witnesses, and more importantly, a place where cleanup was easy.

"The bitch…deserved it," Charlie choked softly.

"Good thing my son and I are here to take care of her," I said as his eyes grew big for just a minute.

I looked down to see blood making its way up from his throat. Shaking my head in disgust at the man before me, I watched as his eyes glazed over, practically feeling his black soul leave his body. He was gone, and he would never hurt Isabella again. I sighed in relief that it was done, and pulled out my phone to check my time. Edward should be getting Isabella into the car any minute now, and as long as he did exactly as I said, he shouldn't run into any problems. I had Demetri keeping an eye on things while I tied up the rest of our loose ends. Moving around silently, I began the mundane task of cleaning up after myself, smiling as I remembered Edward's words to me as he found out about Isabella.

"Dad, I need your help," Edward said breathlessly as I picked up the phone.

"And hello to you, too, Son," I replied calmly, zipping my last bag.

"Is Mom around?" he asked.

I shook my head and looked around the room for any item I may have overlooked. "No, Son," I said gently. "She's in the kitchen. What can I do for you tonight? Are you in Oregon?"

"I am," he whispered. "And I met someone."

I cocked my eyebrow. "Oh?" I asked, sounding intrigued.

"Her name is Isabella and she's perfect," he rushed out. "She's young, very young, but she's in a very bad position…"

Knowing that he was going to need me to prod further, I pressed him. "Define bad position," I said.

I could hear him swallow and knew that he was trying to reign in his emotions. "Her father beats her. Badly. I'm afraid that if I don't do something now, he is going to wind up killing her…and soon."

I pretended to think for a moment before I spoke. "And you are sure about this?" I asked.

"Positive, Sir. I've watched her the entire day and have seen it for myself."

"And you feel like this girl could be important to you?" I pressed.

"I'm going to marry her," he said surely.

I nodded, knowing that my son was nothing but thorough. I honestly couldn't be more proud. My son was finally going to be settling down, and he could not have picked a more perfect girl for him.

"Very well," I said. "Text me the location coordinate and wait for my signal. When I say go, you get her and leave the area immediately. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir," he replied gratefully. "I owe you one."

I chuckled and shook my head. "You owe me nothing," I said gently. "If she is important to you, then I know she will be important to us. I'm proud of you, Son."

"Thanks, Dad."


"So you told him how to get Bella to go with him? All this time I thought for sure he did all this on his own. It makes sense now that neither one of them could ever answer my questions," Hale said as she sat back in her seat.

"Edward couldn't do anything without my say so. He was a good boy, once upon a time."

"You loved control," she said, narrowing her eyes at me.

"I still do. I'm controlling you right now," I said as she rolled her eyes again.

"I can leave whenever I wish. I, unlike you, am free," she said, making me glare at her.

"Fine, go and I won't tell you about Esme," I said as she crossed her arms over her perfect tits. "You want to know, don't you?"

"Fine," she said with a huff.


After my thoughts of my perfect son and our phone call, I headed back to my car. I stopped short as I bent down to pick up a finger with my gloved hands. How in the hell did that fly all the way over here? I wondered. Shrugging, I threw the finger back to the corpse a few feet away, thankful that I did a wide sweep of the area; otherwise, I would have missed that minor detail.

"Blood splatter is a bitch," I chuckled, looking at the line of deep red that ran from Charlie Swan's body all the way to the trunk of the tree I was standing beside.

That had to be at least five feet.

"A new record," I mused.

I guess my anger got away from me on this one and I went a tiny bit overboard. Knowing that there was nothing else to be done, I quickly retraced my footsteps and began the long walk back to my rental car. My job was done, and it was time for me to get back to Washington to set things up before Edward returned with Isabella. I was going to finally give him the house I bought for him. I knew he was going to be so excited. I made sure I had all my cameras set up so I could watch their every move. Like I said before, Edward did nothing without me knowing.

I smiled internally as my thoughts took me back to my son and how desperate he sounded at getting the girl away from her father and with him. They both were going to be very easy to train in my way of thinking, and in the end, it would make their lives a lot easier. In the Cullen family, there was no such thing as a divorce. The men led the family with iron fists and open hearts. The women were well taken care of and knew their places in their households. Each party was happy, and that was the way it was supposed to be.

About a mile into my hike I couldn't help but think of the ways I would help Edward train Isabella. She probably wouldn't need a strong hand the way Esme did, but it wouldn't hurt to be prepared, either. I silently adjusted my growing cock as I thought back to Esme's training days. Honestly, I lived for the thrill of training Esme, but where she was now was even better. She was a wonderful mother and a perfect wife who knew her place. She obeyed my every command, and her main focus in life was to make me happy. In return, I saw to her happiness and she never went without.

"Who owns you?" I bit out, wiping the blood from the corner of my mouth.

My little spitfire threw a hell of a right hook, but that wasn't going to fly in my house.

"Nobody!" Esme shrieked, fighting against her restraints that I ended up putting her in after her punch. "I'm a grown fucking woman!"

I chuckled darkly and shook my head, moving my hand so fast that she didn't have a prayer of seeing it coming her way. The crack of my flesh meeting hers resounded in the room as her head flew to the side, a red hand print immediately springing up onto her sweet skin.

"Try again," I whispered harshly, gripping her hair tightly in my fist.

I watched as her head bowed, tears falling from her eyes onto the hardwood floor.

"Nobody," she whispered.

I smiled at her and knew that her time for fighting was coming to an end.

"You're only sixteen," I whispered to her, running my fingers through her hair. "You just lost your baby that was placed inside your womb through rape by a man that didn't love you. He didn't want you. He didn't deserve you," I said gently, not stopping my ministrations of playing with her hair even though she moved her head from side to side to try and avoid my fingers.

"Royce loved me," she sobbed.

"Royce was your father who raped you for the last four years! He beat you so that you would lose your son because he knew it was wrong!" I countered sharply, wrapping my fingers around her hair and pulling tightly so that she was forced to look up. "I'm trying to give you a second chance at life. A second chance for a family. I'm going to give you everything you ever wanted if you'll just behave."

"You took me from my home," she whispered. "You hit me. You're no better than him."

Reaching the car, I quickly hopped in and started the ignition. I shook my head at my first memory of my time with Esme, but knew that was just the tip of the ice berg with her. Esme and Isabella came from two completely different backgrounds, though. Isabella was tame. She needed control. She thrived on it. She just didn't know it yet. Esme needed to be taught to need the control. The dominance. And that's where my son would have an easier time with his soon-to-be-bride.


"So you kidnapped Esme, too," Hale mused.

"Kidnapped is an ugly word. I saved her," I said as she chuckled. "I gave her the family she always wanted."

"In your mind you were always the good guy doing what you could for others?" she asked.

"I always thought of others before myself," I said as she laughed again.

"Sure," she said standing. I knew she was leaving. "Do you really think that confessing all of this is going to get you into heaven?"

"Yes. According to the bible, I have followed all the steps to be forgiven," I said as she sighed and shook her head.

"Well, I'm going to go…"

"Don't you want to hear about Edward?" I asked as she halted her movements. Nosy bitch.

"Carlisle, at this point, Edward isn't a concern of mine," she said. "He's back with the parents that deserve a son, a daughter-in-law, and the most perfect granddaughter. I can only imagine what you did to Edward."

"He was easy to break. He was a people pleaser. I took him from his bed and kept him away from people for two weeks. I had to leave Esme locked in our room for the whole time, but I told her the reward would be great. Do you want to know what I did to Edward to break him so quickly?" I asked.

"No," she said as she headed for the door.

"I beat the piss out of that little boy. I made him sleep on the floor with no pillows or blankets. Whenever he would talk, I would slap him in the face. It only took three slaps to get him to learn. I used to make him say he loved me and that I was the best daddy ever before I would comfort him. He was such a good boy," I said as Hale's eyes filled with tears.

"That doesn't make sense! Why Edward? He wasn't in an abusive home or anything like that. He didn't need your twisted saving methods," she said, getting angry.

"He had features similar to Esme. They had the same unique eye color, and I knew he was meant to be our son," I said as she huffed.

"Why didn't you have your own kid?"

"Because Royce, Esme's father, beat her so badly that she could never have children. Like I said, I would have given my wife anything she wanted," I said as Hale glared at me.

"Rot in hell, you son-of-a-bitch!" she yelled before storming out.

I smiled, feeling lighter. I had said everything I needed to say. I was ready to go with the angels.

Well, I hope this answered more of your questions. I know this may have been hard to get through, but I hope it gave more closure to the story. Thanks for reading!

Here is the next story to come:

Title: Raising Ashlynn

Summary: Bella meets a man who in one night leaves her body humming for more. What should she do when the next time she sees him, he is dropping off his daughter, begging her to keep her. With an odd sense of obligation, a person who never saw herself as a parent—is now moving across country with a child who thinks Bella is her mother.


"Anthony, what are you doing here?" I asked seeing his sleeping daughter in his arms.

"I need you to keep Lynny, please. If anyone asks just tell them you're watching your boyfriend's kid. I have all the paperwork you will need. Please, I need you to help me," he begged. He didn't even give me time to answer before he thrust his kid into my arms. I took the sleeping kid with confusion. "I put enough money in your account to take care of both of you. It should last until I get back."

"How long are you going to be gone?" I asked as he ran from my door to his car giving me everything but a bed for this little girl. "You need to answer my questions!"

"I can't explain. Tell me your social…"

"Fuck you!"

"Tell me so I can find you," he said staring into my eyes.

"How long are you going to be gone?"

"I don't know a few years…"

"A few years!"