Lithuania held tight to Poland, allowing his love and kisses. Poland and he were bruised and bleeding, but he had so long been numb to pain. He was however surprised that Poland didn't seem to mind it either.

When the warmth of his Pole left him, he whimpered, reaching out and grabbing at Feliks's wrist. Poland looked at him and tugged him gently into Toris's living room. Toris held his Pole tightly again, thanking God he arrived.

They stayed like that until Poland pushed himself away gently and went looking for the first aid kit. Toris had a large gash on his forehead and many cuts everywhere that needed to be attended to, Feliks forgetting his own wounds.

When Poland came back, Lithuania clung to him immediately, shaking. Toris didn't know Ivan still had that kind of power of him. He still feared the man so much.

"I'll kill him; torture him, if he ever so much looks at you wrong, Liet…" Feliks kissed his boyfriend's wounds gently and bandaging them up. He kissed his boyfriend lightly on the lips, letting their love for each other melt into their lips.

Toris whimpered, looking at the blood coming from Feliks's shoulder and head, where he was stabbed and hit, respectively. Feliks looked at him, eyebrow raised.

"Feliks, you're hurt…you should let me take care of you. You've done so much for me today…" Toris sighed.

Feliks frowned. Toris sighed and hugged Feliks gently. He pulled Feliks down on the couch as gently as he could, although Feliks, being Feliks, crumpled onto the couch like painful human silk.

Toris frowned. He had to hold Feliks down gently because the Pole refused to let him take care of him. Toris kissed Feliks gently when the Pole whimpered softly. He tried to bandaged Poland's arm but Poland stopped him and put his hand to the wound on his head.

Toris bandaged Feliks head, gently kissing the area, knowing the pain the Pole was feeling all too well. He bandaged Feliks shoulder and kissed it too. The Pole had passed out at that point. He sighed and kissed the Pole, laying down with him and wrapping his arms around Feliks and sighed, thinking about earlier. Feliks was braver then him. Feliks took on Russia to protect him. He smiled slightly and fell asleep.

When Toris woke up the next day and found his Pole gone, he had a panic attack. He sat up and whimpered. What if Russia got Feliks? He got up and wandered around his house almost as if he was a ghost. When his bathroom door opened, Toris almost had a heart attack.

Feliks gave Toris an odd look, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, till Feliks realized that he probably scared his poor boyfriend. He hugged Toris tightly. "Przykro mi…"

Toris smiled and relaxed to the tight hold of Feliks, knowing he didn't mean to scare him so bad. Feliks kissed his forehead sweetly and Toris grabbed ahold of his hand. Feliks smiled slightly, kissing Toris on the lips lightly, letting that warm feeling linger.

"Toris?" Feliks nuzzled his boyfriend sweetly.

"Yes Feliks?" Toris kissed Feliks's forehead gently and tugged them into the living room, sitting on the couch and watching Feliks sweetly.

"You should, like, move in with me. Russia can't, like, get you at my house. I won't, like, let him," Feliks said, smiling, using his valley girl accent again.

Toris sighed, "Alright, Feliks."