Code: KHR-OF-CH.11

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the featured media, the rights go to their rightful owners.

Our Family

Chapter: 11

It was odd, Tsuna would think now and for many times to come as he watched silently as the people around him interacted in a way that had been absent in the times he had been in the dark - and so terrible afraid and lonely. No, this was different - so very different from what he had become used to.

The sheets underneath him were cooling underneath his burning skin and so very smooth that it was soothing to him and unlike what he had once called "normal". Normal being a stained mattress; a dark, smoky room; a shifty bed; a wall - cold and uncaring. That was what he had become accustomed to.

' - And with a timid nod the elf walked out of the room, that had become quickly silent as he left. The council of magic's eyes stayed on the door; unknowing of what to say as they had just disheartened their best warrior -'

Aunt Elena's voice was restful as his body settled with the twins that were on either side of him, both in positions that nestled closer then what would usually be comforting for him, but Tsuna allowed himself to relax and blend against them, as they watched their mother as she read from a thick-ish book that was of false wood.

Tsuna just listened - allowing the words to wash over him as he tried to forget what had happened earlier that evening with his new father and promptly shivered as it came onto the fringe of his mind. Mukuro and Chrome seemed to gravitate at his small tremor but he kept himself still. His papa obviously hadn't meant any harm, though it still stung from where he had applied the cream. What really stuck with him was how sick the man had gotten.

' - It had been a mistake - a simple mistake, but it had cost the kingdom their prince and the council was unsure of how to remedy the situation. The elf warrior had already completely taken the blame, whether it was due or not, no one could tell -'

Tsuna's mind wandered, so tired that he didn't have the strength to pay attention to the story being unfolded in front of him - because really, when was the last time he had had a story read to him, or the last time he had even seen a book.

Soon his body was humming with exhaustion, the aches and pains half numbed from medication that had been given as his eyes gained weight and started to sting with their rawness. Black spots danced in his vision as they became half-mast and soon disappeared completely, his breathing evening out in sleep.

Elena glanced up over from the rim of the book and smiled grimly as she saw Tsuna asleep and the twins watching him closely. The children, bless them, knew something was wrong - and they were right, so disgustingly right that she wished everything was as it seemed, But it wasn't, it was a lie of sorts - a hided truth that they couldn't possible tell them until Tsuna let slip or they were old enough to know the enormity of his situation.

With a last look at the threesome, she decided to finish at this page and not continue any longer, Mukuro didn't care much for story time anymore and she had a feeling that Chrome just wanted it to end so they didn't disturb her sleeping, baby brother.

' - The council knew that they would have to talk about it later, but right now it was not the time. Right now it was the time for trust and time for waiting and fighting. They'd have time later.' she closed the book gently and set it aside on the bedside table, pushing her long, wavy hair from her shoulder she leaned down and kissed her two children on their cheeks and her new nephew on the forehead 'Sweet dreams' she whispered into the light glow of the room.

'Good night my children' Daemon said lightly, like he always did as he followed her out, though now before softly touching Tsuna's forehead and allowing his flame to sink into the boy's skin to stop any nightmares from taking hold again tonight. He deserved some sleep.

Daemon caught his wife waiting for him outside, a sad smile upon her lips as she hung her arms around his neck as soon as he had closed the door to the children's bedroom. Her body leant into his and it was only then he became aware - truly aware that she had been gone for a mission and hadn't been around. Soon his own bound to hers and his embrace held her from her waist.

'How was it?' Daemon asked hoarsely, his voice dry from lack of talking from getting the twins and Tsuna to bed to his time getting a maid to clean the mess his boss had made while applying the medication. God, it had been along day.

Elena's nose wrinkled upwards in displeasure 'The man was…despicable' she paused to find the right word for the man who had shown her nothing but who he thought of woman as the lesser sex, in subtle ways of course, but it had been there and she had seen it though. She shook her head, her blonde hair rippling down her back 'Certainly not worthy of being Vongola, I've written a report but I don't know how long it will take for Giotto to get to it, he didn't…look well' putting it mildly.

Daemon grunted in agreement; he had been his bosses shadow for today, as had the skylark and Giotto had looked a bit green; worry clouding his usually clear eye; a falseness to his smile; a tightness to his frame. No, their Sky wasn't coping as well as he could have and it was more then just the tumour Tsuna was, it was the fear of the responsibility they had forced upon him.

Every guardian knew where Giotto came from - how he came to be and just how long he had known G. Family, being family to someone seemed to scare Giotto and although he hid it well everyone in his inner circle could tell.

'He'll pick himself up' he always did. Daemon reassured her. He knew his boss well and he understood better then most that while Giotto could - and would fall (it was human after all) the man always stood back up, no matter the circumstance, no matter the harm or pain it caused, he'd stand on his own two feet or crawl if he had to.

Elena sighed, going to rest her head against his shoulder, her warm breath flowing over his skin pleasantly 'I…know that' she conceded 'Their…strong, but…watching them both is crippling' she whispered.

Daemon simply held her; knowing that this was one of her weaker moments of caring and admitting to her worry 'Giotto always says that its always darkest just before the dawn' he told her, remembering the many times his boss had uttered that one saying in times of hardship - and wondered for a spilt second where the man had heard it himself before it past and he turned his attention back to his wife 'Bringing Chiara here was…sneaky dear Elena'

Elena pulled away slightly, picking up her head and looking at Daemon properly though their bodies stayed together as she smirked playfully, her eyes cool as she peered at him 'He's been overworking a lot recently and she…didn't seem right when she fall over me - taking her here was like hitting two birds with one stone'

'And you get to entertain yourself' Daemon added.

'That too'

'Elena Spade you are brilliant' he laughed lightly, his eyes crinkling as a smile spread his lips thinly, his wife watched silently as his face settled and he looked at her with a sparkle in his navy blue orbs 'So…what's the plan?'

'Plan?' she parroted innocently, mockingly really as she played coy.

Daemon nodded 'For operation Vongola version family' she stared before laughing and leaning in close to his ear, whispering words that made his own smirk stirred. Things were getting interesting.

-Line Break-

A/N (22.02.13) -

Once again, painfully short and unadventful; not at all happy with this but I think it'll lead to a whether interesting chapter next time - after all Elena's plotting something, and that in and of itself is deadly, and with Daemon in the know and helping? Giotto and Chiara not stand a chance.

Sorry about my slow story progress, if only I had more time to really give this then I'd probably be happier but I don't and I just need to get it flowing, not matter the chapter size ect; I can't be overly fussy with it, can't be aford to. God that sounds absolutly terrible - I'm so sorry! *sigh*

In other news, still looking for a beta - that's not coming along too well as I have no idea where to start, but I need one - I just don't have the time to proofread it myself, needless to say proofread it well. Any ideas guys?

Review (Anonymous) 'Guest' 01 - Chapter 10 -

I will keep updating but I' am already doing this as fast as I possibly can. I can't physically do it any quicker - sorry about this I understand how frustrating it is when your waiting for an update and it just doesn't come.

And your right, Tsuna does need to be saved and he will be.

Thanks for reviewing : )

Review (Anonymous) 'biance sta ana' - Chapter 9 -

sì lo è, mi sento sempre di più il male come ogni capitolo passa, anche se il finale sarà felice così Spero che ti piace questo.
Grazie per la revisione e scusate se questo è difficile da leggere, traduttore di Google non è la cosa migliore da usare (^ ^ ")

I Apologise if there are any mistakes in my spelling/ grammar, or if you find anything I have written offensive.

Thank you to everyone who added 'Our Family' to their favorites/ alerts or who took the time to review, you also have my gratitude for reading.