Note: This is an AU from a list of promts I read once. It's called 'Soulmate's name on the inner wrist.' Enjoy.


What a weird name.

Neji had stared at it since it appeared on a hot summer day a week after he turned thirteen. Everyone knew what it meant, this was the name of his soulmate written in their handwriting. Like a signature of sorts. It was a tattoo that appeared after you matured enough, and though Neji had only been thirteen at the time, he felt like he had been ready.


He researched the name countless times. The name "Tenten" literally meant "heaven, heaven," which meant she was doubly heavenly? An angel from above? He frowned at his thoughts. Banishing them, he still felt that the unique spelling and odd meaning should make it easier for him to spot her. Better that then common names like Suki, Yumi, or Ai.

Neji was twenty-two now and knew of all the implications behind knowing your soulmate's name and actually meeting them, or even recognizing them. People didn't start asking random strangers their names. And more often than not, the inner wrist was hidden behind a bracelet or a jacket or a bandage. It was almost as if people were afraid to meet their soulmate.

Their supposed "one and only."

There were groups of people that were against the regime too. Declining to ever know their soulmate and rather "choosing" who they spent the rest of their life with. Others went the opposite direction, going on forums and signing up on websites to find that true love. Neji wasn't super into finding his supposed soulmate, but he wasn't outwardly hiding her name or peeling off the skin on his inner wrist to combat the system.

If it happened, it happened. If it didn't, it didn't.

Simple as that.

"What would you like?"

Neji gave a short look at the young woman behind the cash register. "A large Mocha Frapuccino, hold the whip cream."

"Alright, that'll be 280yen. What's your name?"


As the girl wrote that down on the cup, Neji stepped out of the line to wait for his drink. As he did so he checked his phone before being interrupted. "Um, hey."

A stunning girl of about his age was beside him. He actually had to forcefully keep his eyes from widening. She was really attractive and wore conservative clothing that still showed of her figure nicely. She looked foreign though, possibly Chinese, with a pair of immaculate buns on either side of her head. "Um, hi?" Neji wasn't really used to being approached, especially not by women, most would shy away the moment he met their eyes. Hinata once commented on him being too 'serious and intimidating.' Not that he cared.

"I'm sorry," she muttered, like she was confused. "I was behind you in line…what was your name?" She asked in accented Japanese.


This couldn't be it.

Feeling his heartbeat increase, all kinds of scenarios came to his head. "Neji."

"Is that with a 'j' or a 'g'?"

"Is your name Tenten?"

She actually took a step back as her eyes became wide.


The young man turned to the coffee counter to take his drink. He thanked the guy in a daze as he went back to the girl. "Do you want to sit-?"


The duo turned back to the counter.


He found her.

Or maybe she found him.

As she took her drink in the same daze that he felt he couldn't stop staring at her. The buns on her head were braided over perfectly and he wondered what she would look like with her hair down and around her shoulders. "Do you want to sit together?" He asked her, drinking in her symmetrical features and smelling whatever perfume she used. Like vanilla and lavender.

She looked at the busy shop and signaled forward. She seemed approachable and nice enough, with wide brown eyes and long eyelashes, Neji's type of course if he had any. They sat on the edge and tried to not bring attention unto themselves. When soulmates found each other on the street randomly like this, many would stop to watch and tell them to hug, take videos, hold hands or even kiss.

Even if this girl was his soulmate, he wanted to take it slow and from how she looked at him, she must have felt the same way. He looked at her wrist even though it was hidden behind her jacket.

"So, I guess we can start over," Neji mumbled. He decided to go first and take off the bracelet he used to kind of hide the name. "Is this you?"

She discreetly took a look at his arm and he saw how she let out a long breath. He watched her closely as she lifted the cloth from her arm and there it was.


In his signature, just like he started to write it when he turned eighteen.

He nodded at her before taking out his phone. "Would you give me your number? Perhaps we could talk…?" He left it as a question to not give her the wrong idea. Though she was attractive, he wanted to get to know her first before anything remotely physical happened.

"Um, sure, here." She took his phone carefully with a pretty smile before typing what he hoped was her number on it. She then took out her phone and made his call hers. After she gave it back to him, she took her coffee and stood up. "I have to go, I have practice."

He wondered of what, but he was sure he would soon find out. "That's alright, when are you free?"

"We can talk on the phone after eight tonight if you want."

"I'd like that."

She gave him a grin and he wondered how she could exist, how they could've met lie this.

He smiled back or at least tried to, but by her little chuckle as she left she seemed to like it.

Author's Note: Surprised to see another one-shot? I am too. I've been reading a few promt lists lately so expect a few more AUs involving our favorite duo. This was very fun to write and let me know if you are interested in seeing a second part to it. Either way, I hope you are having a nice day.

Thanks for reading.