A/N: I know at least one person who was really hoping I'd write a multi-chaptered fic. I told them I might if the idea struck me. And guess what-it has.

There's a leaked picture or two from the upcoming episode 8, When Extremes Meet, floating around that shows a pretty angry looking Korra who looks like she's been captured. Some say she's in the Police Headquarters and others say she's at the Sato Mansion. That was the inspiration to this multi-chaptered story. And in case anyone likes this, I plan on writing something else to go along with the other possibility.

Summary: Asami comes to Korra in the middle of the night with a dangerous plan to make a final visit back home and asks for Korra's assistance. Reluctantly, the Avatar agrees, but what sort of welcome, if any, will they receive when they return to the Sato Mansion?

As she walks through the darkened corridors, Asami is astounded at how quiet her new residence is at night. The city seems twice as far away as it did earlier when she looked out over the cliffs at it. There are no sounds from the city that reach the Island and there is no sign of anyone or anything except the hushed sound of beating waves against the rocks. It is dead quiet.

Although she's normally a thrill seeker and although she's broken the rules before at home, this seems different. Tenzin, Pema, and Korra have been so gracious as to offer and let her stay here, and she doesn't want to ruin their hospitality by being caught roaming about. A part of her worries they might not fully trust her; after all, her dad had just been found guilty of being an Equalist, and her being caught wandering suspiciously around the house at night just two days after that turn in events probably wouldn't help her case any. Willingly having electrocuted her father or not, they could still suspect her of being a spy; of pretending to go against her father so she could get closer to the Avatar and her Airbending teacher.

But she believes it's necessary, this so-called suspicious behavior, because she needs to ask a favor of a certain Waterbending Fire Ferret before her teammate can dissuade her from helping before she's even able to ask her herself.

And so Asami continues making her way along the halls, careful not to make a noise as she tries to find Korra's room in the dark. She thinks she's nearly there, but isn't very sure, when she hears a sharp gasp followed by a relieved sigh. Asami stops and notices the door is ajar. She peeks inside and sees that she's much closer to Korra's room than she thought. In fact, she has just so happened to find it.

She hesitates at the door, however, because she notices that while the Avatar is now awake, it seems as if she's rather troubled. It doesn't seem right to interrupt her when she seems like she needs a moment alone. Plus, Asami is afraid she might startle her friend if she intrudes now.

Korra's furry, white companion instantly picks up on the fact that the she seems troubled and picks up her head to look at her from the end of the bed.

"Don't worry, Naga, I'm fine. Go ahead and go back to sleep—at least one of us should get a good night's rest," Korra says dismissively, pulling away the covers and sidling up to the edge of the bed to stroke Naga's head. Reluctantly, the animal lowers its head and closes its eyes, although Asami can tell she's still on alert. Korra turns away and sits on the side of the bed, resting her elbows on her knees. Then she closes her eyes and sighs as she massages her temples.

Asami waits a moment for the Avatar to collect herself, then gingerly knocks on the door. "Korra?" she calls softly, doing her best not to startle her.

Regardless of her attempts, Korra still jumps a little when she realizes someone is at the door.

Asami pushes the door open a bit and peeks her head around it, giving Korra a shy little wave. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"No, no, it's fine," the Waterbender insists, motioning for Asami to step inside. She does, and closes the door most of the way behind her. "Is everything okay? Is the bed uncomfortable or something? Do you need anything?"

"No, everything's fine," Asami quickly assures her. "I'm just…having trouble adjusting."

"I understand. It must be so hard for you," she says with deep sympathy.

"It seems I'm not the only one going through a difficult time right now," Asami answers, referring to Korra's obvious sleep troubles.

"Me? Nah, I'll be just fine," she says, and Asami instantly knows she's lying. In fact, she's a terrible liar.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you're not a very good liar."

Korra sighs and looks down at the floorboards. "That seems like the general consensus."

"You shouldn't be afraid to ask for help. You don't have to go through everything alone just because you're the Avatar," Asami adds carefully, having heard from Mako just how stubborn the girl can be.

"I know, it's just…"

"I get it. You're trying to prove yourself. You don't want to appear as weak or dependent, but trust me, no one sees you that way."

Korra simply nods. "So what'd you come here in the middle of the night for?" she says, changing the topic before any more can be said on the subject.

"I…wanted to know if you could help me with something," Asami says slowly, knowing she has to word this request carefully if she wants Korra to agree to it.

The Waterbender raises a curious eyebrow and sits up a bit. She's got her attention.

"Before I go on, just please, hear me out until I'm done, okay? I know it's going to sounds crazy and you might not like how it sounds, but it's important to me. So please, just hear what I have to say, Korra."

"Yeah, no problem," Korra says, both looking and sounding quiet perplexed.

"I know that it may be dangerous because we don't know what to expect, but I really, really want to go back home. I need to see if my dad's still there or if he's...gone somewhere else. I was thinking of leaving a note for him to explain myself and—and to say goodbye."

"Asami—" Korra gently starts, but the Sato heiress cuts her off before she can protest.

"Please, I need this closure. And maybe you can find something in his office that you may have missed. Maybe there's a plan for something in his desk—I don't know. But it could be worth a shot, right?" Asami ventures, her soft eyes staring pleadingly at the Avatar.

Korra frowns, looking torn over the fairer-skinned girl's dilemma. "I—Asami, I don't know…Have you told Mako about this plan of yours?"

She nods. "Yes, but he said it was a bad idea. He said that if my father's there, he might try to capture me or persuade me to come back to him. He condemned the entire plan, saying it was too dangerous for everyone, especially me."

"Sounds like what Mako would say. But Asami, he does have a point. I mean, he ambushed me, Tenzin, and Chief Beifong, nearly capturing all of us. I don't know if we should risk it. What if what Mako said happens? What if your dad does try to capture you?"

For a moment, there's a level of uncertainty and fear in Asami's eyes which, combined with the overwhelming sense of sadness and desperation on her face makes Korra's frown deepen. She doesn't like letting her down like this because she knows Asami came to her thinking that she'd be the one person most likely to agree to her plan; because she knows how important this is to her.

But she can't help but think that this is all a terrible idea.

As Asami doesn't seem to have an answer to any of these questions, Korra goes on to apologetically add, "I'm sorry, Asami, but I'm in agreement with Mako on this one. I don't think you should go."

And suddenly, Asami's face, instead of crumbling into a fit of tears due to another rejection, hardens. When she blinks, the desperation has morphed into determination. Her jaw is set in a fierce line and she shakes her head at Korra, suddenly looking rather perturbed and angry. "I don't have to ask for either of your guys' permission. Or for your help. I could just go on my own," she assures the Avatar, who looks taken aback by the sudden change and the willful declaration.

"Asami, please don't," says Korra, rising from her seat.

"No, I can do what I want. I'm plenty old enough to decide for myself. I know the risks, and if I want to take them, I can and you can't stop me. Neither can Mako."

"I understand that. It's just that neither of us wants to see you caught in a position we know you don't want to be in. Do you really want to make yourself have to choose again? Wasn't it hard enough the first time?"

For a moment, Asami's resolve looks like it might collapse into a puddle, but then she clenches her fist and sternly replies, "No. Either you decide to come with me or I'm going alone, and I'm not going to let you stop me."

Korra falters, unsure of what to do, before she finally makes up her mind. "Fine. If I can't stop you, then I suppose I'll have to help you."

Asami smiles. "Okay, then. We'll head out tomorrow after everyone goes to bed. Don't let Mako know anything, though. If he asks you if I told you about this, say yes, but swear to him that you refused and that you convinced me to back down from the mission. Got it?"

"Yeah," Korra solemnly promises. "Yeah, I got it."

"And thank you," Asami closes the space between them and wraps her arms around her. "One way or another, I knew I could count on you." And with that, she leaves.

"Yep, good ol' reliable Korra," the dark-skinned Avatar says, heaving a sigh as she sits back down on the bed. Naga looks up at her curiously and she looks back down at companion worriedly. "Why do I have the bad feeling that this isn't going to go as smoothly as planned?"

And although nightmares do not plague her for the rest of the night, the Avatar finds herself unable to fall back asleep.

A/N: Want me to continue? Leave me a review and add this story to your story alerts. If I get a good enough response, I'll keep it going! Thanks!