Apologies for the wait. This took a while to get done. Read and Enjoy!

Chapter 14:

Later, after school, Mitchi walked with June to her house, eager to know what her friend had been working on. The older girl hadn't given any clues as to what it was, but she was brimming with excitement. They couldn't have gotten to June's house quick enough.

When they entered, Mitchi saw that June's parents had not yet returned home so that meant she and June had the house to themselves for a while. June led Mitchi by the arm upstairs to her bedroom. Upon entering, June had Mitchi sit down on her bed while she went over to her desk.

"So what's this project you've apparently started before Lancer even gave this assignment?" Mitchi asked. June smiled and handed Mitchi a small case. Mitchi ran her fingers on the case, the confusion still clear in her sightless eyes. "This feels like a contact case." She said.

"Open it up and put the contacts in." June ordered. Mitchi raised an eyebrow but did what her friend asked. She surprisingly got the contacts inside on her eyes with little difficulty despite not being able to see them. As she blinked to settle the contacts in, she noticed that the black she always saw was beginning to turn grey.

"There's a little less black." Mitchi said.

June sighed. "They still need work." She said, sitting next to Mitchi as the shorter girl took the contacts out and put them back in the case.

"What are they?"

"When they're done, they're supposed to be contacts that should give you some degree of sight." June explained. "I want these in particular to use your ghost energy to help but I'm not sure how to do that."

"We can figure it out." Mitchi said. "What about how it benefits other blind people because you know Lancer is going to ask that."

"Electrical currents mostly, like the ones sent from the brain along the nervous system."

"So basically the ones for normal humans will use the nervous system as a power source?"

"For lack of better words, yeah pretty much."

Mitchi smiled. "Sweet. We can use my 'light sensitivity' as a reason to test them on me." Mitchi said, using air quotes around the "light sensitivity" part. Mitchi tapped the side of her watch, an invention of her parents had created that told her the time out loud so that she wouldn't lose track. "The time is now 4:30 pm." The mechanical voice said.

The door opened, making Mitchi jump a little. "Are you girls hungry?" June's mother asked.

"Sure, mom." June said.

Suddenly, Mitchi felt something off. Like a prickling kind of feeling. There was a high-pitched noise ringing in her ear, almost like wings moving really fast. Once Mrs. Manson was gone, Mitchi turned to June. "Hey, June, can you open the window for me?" She asked. She clapped her hands a little as a sign for wings.

June nodded and walked over to the window, opening it. "There's some kind of camera thing hanging on the window." June said. Mitchi groaned and turned towards the sound. She lifted up her left hand in the direction she could hear the noise and shot a ghost ray out of her index finger. The sound stopped and June held out her hand as she caught the strange object.

"What's it look like?" Mitchi asked.

In his mansion, Vlad yelled in frustration as his view screen went dark. "Aw, butter brickle!" He yelled. He sighed and took a calming breath. Well, that definitely attested to how sensitive young Mitchal's hearing was if she was able to hear his spying device. "Mitchal is smarter than she appears to be. Much smarter Han I originally gave her credit for." Vlad muttered. He grinned evilly. "More fun for me then."

"It looks like some kind of camera." June said. "Why would a camera be hovering outside my window?"

"I have one idea." Mitchi said, crossing her arms as June returned to her bed with the camera in hand. Mitchi then proceeded to tell June about all the encounters she'd had with Vlad Masters, aka Vlad Plamius, another half ghost not unlike herself, Danny or Kim.

By the time Mitchi had finished her story, June gave her a look before speaking. "So this Vlad guy kidnapped you and Danny's clone slash little sister, Danielle, so that he could get your DNA?"

Mitchi nodded. "Pretty much. I'm betting he's gonna use mine to make a clone and maybe try to improve what made Danielle betray him."

"I bet it has to do with your enhanced senses." June suggested.

Mitchi shrugged. "Probably, but it sounds kind of stupid. Unless he treats it with respect, chances are this clone is going to go rogue on him like Danielle did."

"Guy sounds crazy if you ask me." June said, which made Mitchi chuckle. "Hey, if this clone turns on Vlad too then maybe you'll get yourself a little sibling." Mitchi shrugged.

"Honestly, if he does clone me, I just hope the clone isn't blind." Mitchi said. "I wouldn't wish it on anyone, except maybe Vlad himself." She held out her hand. "Let me see that camera."

June reached over and put the bug in Mitchi's hand, the younger girl crushing it immediately. As she did so, she felt a shock, which made her yelp as she shook her hand in pain.

"What was that?" June asked.

"I don't know." Mitchi answered. "It felt like electricity." That was when she felt the electricity travel through her body into her opposite hand, which still held the contact case. "Weird..." she mumbled, shaking her head. She handed the contacts back to June.

June sighed and opened the case, eyebrow raising. "Okay, that's strange."

"What is it?"

"The contacts have a bit of a greenish glow around them." June said, looking at them closer.

"You don't think that electricity just now had something to do with it, do you?"

"Maybe, but I'm not sure."

"I felt the electricity travel through my body into my other hand."

"Maybe it's some weird new ghost power. Try it again!" Mitchi raised an eyebrow and focused on the power, however, nothing happened, which frustrated the blind girl. June chuckled. "If it is a new power, it'll come in fully when it's ready."

"I hope you're right." Mitchi replied.

June smiled. "Hey, just in case, why don't you keep these." She handed Mitchi the contact case. "After all, I made them for you. You never know when they might come in handy."

"But shouldn't you keep them so you can improve them?" Mitchi asked.

"Nah. I'll just make others. Trust me."

Mitchi smiled. "Thanks!"

That night, Mitchi lay awake in bed. Groaning, she turned over and felt for the contact case in the drawer of her nightstand. She opened the case and slipped the contacts in, reeling backwards when they latched into place.

As soon as the contacts were in, Mitchi was shocked to find she could see. It wasn't clear, more like nightvision, but she could see for the first time in her life. She looked around, when suddenly, she saw the whisp of her ghost sense. Grinning, she changed into her ghost form, looking at herself momentarily in the mirror over her dresser.

For the first time, she got a good look at her ghost form and smiled when she saw the costume her sister had designed for her a year ago. She had to admit, she liked her costume. She could see her eyes glowing beneath her sunglasses.

Oh yes. This was gonna be fun.

How was this chapter? I hope you guys liked it! Review please and let me know what you thought!