Denmark walked into the meeting the next day feeling happier than normal. He had no idea why but he couldn't help but hug everyone. Including Sweden who glared back.

As the nations took their seats to wait for England, Denmark played a "what if" game with himself. In his head.

And so the game began, "What if I never went out with Iceland. What if Sweden and I were friends. What if… I never asked Norway why he hits me… Maybe we would still be friends… Or even… Lovers?" Denmark looked up, not entirely sure what to make of that thought anymore.

England walked into the room and Denmark turned his attention to him, although he was really looking behind him, waiting for Norway to enter. Except Norway didn't come. England walked over to Denmark. "Norway's at the airport right now. His flight's in an hour. Go. Iceland and I will explain later."

Denmark looked at England but got up anyway. Those two had done something. What had they done? Then Denmark realised. "Jealousy. You wanted Norway to know that. And for Norway to say his feelings outright. Smart. Not!" Denmark ran out the room and Finland's eyes followed him.

"Idiots," Finland said, leaning against Sweden's shoulder.


Denmark arrived at the airport and used his status to get through security as soon as possible. He finally got to the gate where Norway was waiting. "Lukas!" Norway looked up at the use of his human name and saw Denmark.

Denmark ran over and other people watched them. "Go away," Norway said, not even looking at Denmark again. Norway continued his book.

"But if I go away," Denmark whined. "I can't tell you about this amazing person that I love."

Norway seemed to briefly look at Denmark but would never admit it. "Fine, hurry up."

Denmark grinned and took a seat next to Norway. "This person is just awesome, amazing, beautiful, pretty and so many other words that I'm left speechless. His hands are so smooth. They feel amazing. He has this beautiful skin tone. As white as the snow he loves. And his hair. It's such a pretty colour. But you see there's this curl that's like 'fuck logic, I'm not even attached to his head' and I can't help but laugh."

Norway looked up but didn't look at Denmark yet as he continued. "And his eyes. They're like looking into heaven. The colour is so vivid that I could stare at them all day but that's not the best yet. You see there's this rare feature he hardly shows but I've seen it. His smile. It makes my stomach do flips." Denmark looks at Norway and turns his head using one finger. "I swear that smile is so beautiful that it should belong to an angel. But thankfully I have my own angel right here."

But this point in time, Norway was bright red. He didn't know what to say. But thankfully he didn't. Denmark had pressed his lips against Norway's just to enforce the fact of who he was talking about . Norway didn't hesitate. Or the next or the next or even after that. Norway wouldn't hesitate ever again.

"I do it because I didn't know how to tell you."

Denmark looked at Norway from his game. "What was that?" The two of them had ended up catching the aeroplane back to Norway anyway. After been told what was going on behind their backs.

"I hit you back then because I didn't know how to say I-" Norway stopped and opened his mouh but no words came out.

Denmark just looked confused but knew what Norway meant. "I love you too."


As soon as the two were through Norway's front door, they both dropped their luggage and turned to one another. Norway wrapped his arms round Denmark's neck while Denmark wrapped his round Norway's waist. They kissed passionately in the hallway until Norway broke the kiss.

Norway panted slightly to his embarassment. "Want something to drink?"

"Nope," answered Denmark who was busy kissing Norway's neck.

"Something to eat?" Norway's face was slowly getting redder as Denmark removed Norway's coat and then his own before kissing the neck he loved so much.

"Yes," came the muffled answer.

Norway fidgeted awkwardly. "Ah, good. What would you like?"



Denmark held Norway close. Norway was shaking slightly still but wrapped his arms round the Dane anyway.

"Norway… Lukas, I love you, you know that?" Denmark said, kissing the top of Norway's head.

"And I love you… Mathias," Norway looked up and kissed Denmark on the lips. Denmark thanked the heavens for sending him an angel. An angel which could be his forever.