Author's Note: I sometimes wonder how these things pop into my mind.

Disclaimer: I do not own KNDā€¦This is the Sequel to asked and answered- and snuggie

He said he hated it! He hated it all! His friends sat there around the table, ignoring his constant shouts, they were used to it by now.

"Come on, Jeremy" His mother said. "Please, calm down, You still haven't opened your last birthday gift".

The boy slumped down in his seat and picked the heavy box wrapped in colorful paper. Today was his tenth birthday. Only his four friends showed up to his party, and he was ok with this. He didn't want any stupid relatives or annoying kids from class showing up. His friends were perfect!

The only thing that made this day even better was the fact that he, Jeremy Beatles, and his friends had no missions for the KND whatsoever today! But a few minutes into his party and his mood started to get sour.

It was a wonder Jeremy could see as his black bowl cut hair hung over his eyes. He carefully unwrapped the paper, then neatly folded it and laid it beside him.

"Can we hurry up already" Hank Gilligan muttered from the left side of the table.

Jeremy's smile dropped as he saw what lay inside the box. It was a video game; but not just any video game. Only the one he had talked nonstop about for the past ten months. But even though he got something as great as this, there was something he wanted just a bit more.

"I hate it" He mumbled. He tossed it on to the pile of amazing gifts that he "hated".

His sister sat at the table, her blonde hair reaching down to her knees.

"What?" She asked. "What do you mean you hate it?"

Jeremy growled. "I hate it"

His dad opened up the back door, coming out a plate full of hotdogs and burgers. He stopped short when he saw his son.

"Is everything alright, Sport?" He asked.

Jeremy shook his head. "I Wanted A Pony!" The boy screamed.

"You know" Wally said while watching Jeremy start attacking a tree in his anger. "Kuki, I sometimes I wonder whether he takes more after you or more after me"Kuki glanced back and forth between the table and her son. The four kids sitting at the table had already drew their attention back to the cake, while Jeremy's attention was more towards a newly planted tree.

Jeremy kicked the tree, but when the tree bent back, it sprang forwards and whacked Jeremy in the face.

"You cruddy Stupid Tree!" The boy shouted. " You think You're so smart! I bet you think you can tie shoes better than me! Ha! I'm wearing Velcro!"

The two parents laughed as their son tried to tackle to the tree.

Wally turned back to Kuki . " Did he ever say he wanted a pony?" He asked.

Kuki shrugged her shoulders. " All I know is he takes more after you than me" She laughs.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Wally asked. "You think I could get beat up by a tree?"

Kuki's mouth dropped as she watched her husband go up to the tree in an attempt to help their son.

Jeremy was holding on to a branch, while Wally tried to pin the tree to the ground. The tree was clearly winning.

"Mom," Jasmine Beatles said as she walked up to Kuki. "I'm going over to the Gilligan's"

"Yeah, and away from Treezilla" Hank said as the four kids headed out the gate.

Kuki took one more glance at her boys as they were now insulting the tree's ability to count to ten.

"I think I'll come too" Kuki said following her daughter out the gate.

Wally held the tree to the ground as Jeremy kept kicking it.

"Mom is going to be so proud of me!" Jeremy shouted.