N/A: Uhm, just to tell you guys, the title of this story isn't related with the awesome band of Simple Plan :)

And though I'd wish for it everyday, I still do not own Soul Eater and I never will T^T . . .



It was cold.

Alright, so maybe running out of her father's mansion in the middle of the night wasn't the best idea ever. But what could she do? He's being an idiot! Well, a lot more idiotic that night, if that was even possible. She only went anyways 'coz he promised to never track her down again if she attended his birthday party. She shuddered at the thought of living with that man again.

And she shouldn't have asked Liz do doll her up for this occasion, it isn't wise to dress her up in a strapless cocktail dress in the middle of November, but the dress was nice though she have to admit.

Another gust of wind came past her and she felt the hair at the back of her neck stood up. This is the last time she's going in her father's birthday party. Why did she refuse when her father decided to give her a car again? Oh right, pride.

"This is so not my day." She sniffed and continued to rub her arms to bring a little heat. Her apartment was just a few minutes away . . . just a few minutes, just a few god damn minutes more, what the hell is taking her so long! She sneezed and looked up just to see the tall building of her apartment. Finally! She rushed up the entrance ignoring the pain on her feet caused by her killer heels; courtesy of Liz of course. The moment she entered the building she was greeted by Justine Law, their overly religious door man.

"Oh Maka-dono, I thought you're going to stay over at your father's for the night?"

Maka rolled her eyes; she thought so too, until her father prepared pole dancing for the main entertainment of his birthday. She thought it was just going to be a formal dinner. She should have known nothing good will happen if it was her father who planned the whole celebration.

"Yeah, well papa has a lot of visitors who would also spend the night over; I don't really want to add up to that." Maka growled.

Justine smiled sympathetically at the 17 year old in front of him, he knew the story behind their father-daughter relationship, and he just wish he could lend some advice.

"Well, just sleep it off child," he smiled encouragingly ". . . it's Sunday tomorrow and I believe you still haven't finish that plate you were working on."

Maka groaned at this, he just have to remind her, huh? Being an Architecture student sure has its disadvantages. "Yeah, I almost forgot about it. I'll be going then Justine, have a nice evening, er, morning." Justine smiled in return.

Maka removed her sandals as soon as she entered the elevator and sighed in relief whilst cursing the person who invented high heels. When the elevator doors slid open after a couple of minutes, she felt the urge to run up to her apartment and kiss her door. She's finally home; shielded from the cold night and away from the loathsome man whom she was obligated to call father.

But as soon as she opened her door, she didn't jump to her nicely furnished couch just like what she wanted. She remained standing at her door; a sudden felling of something she doesn't want to name crept up to her chest. She bit her lower lip and kept staring at the wide space of the place she's been calling home for a year now. Her eyes turned to the grand piano that was situated behind the living room. It was the only thing she decided to get from her father's house before she ran away. With the help of a few friends and a schoolmate whose got a family business renting moving trucks. Of course she did it without her father knowing. The shiny instrument was owned by her mother before she got divorced with her father.

But now, for her it just served to cover up the space in her large apartment. Or condominium may be the best term for this type of residence. It was a gift from her mother, the only one in their family who knows where she lived. Her mother said that it would be more comforting if she lived far away from her stupid womanizing father. But she's not that dense; she knew her mother only gave her a nice condo to apologize for leaving her, and for remarrying. She felt a pang of jealousy; her mother has another family now. She's not the most important person for her mother anymore.

Slowly, she walked to the black couch, dropping her heels on the way, and laid her head on the armrest. She stretched, pushing away a few papers that were scattered on the couch and settled on a more comfortable position before closing her eyes. It's too quiet. Too empty. Too –dare she say it- lonely? Maybe, staying at her father's house wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"I should really get used in receiving no welcome home."


Finally! He finally lost his brother! The white haired lad slumped down in an alley. He really needs to get to his dorm now, it's already past curfew and his big brother still wanted to drag him home for dinner at the Evans' residence. His crimson eyes narrowed, as if he'll ever go back there, even if it's just dinner. Sighing, he looked at his wrist watch and groaned. Sid is going to kill him for going home late, very late. It's past twelve for Pete's sake! Wes can't possibly be still on his track right? Wherever he plans on bringing Soul, it wouldn't even be counted as dinner.

Feeling a little safe now from his brother's attempt of kidnapping him, Soul stood up and began walking down to Shibusen's Boys Dormitory. He needs to think of a way to avoid Sid, their dorm master. But right now Sid was the lesser of his problems. His stupid roommate might already be raiding his stuff. Oh he didn't like that thought, what if the blue haired idiot ruin his latest floor plan!

Soul's eyes darkened at the thought of his plate getting ruined. He hadn't slept for three days to finish that! And he still hasn't showed it to Engr. Albarn, his private mentor. Rushing faster to his dorm, Soul can't help but think if choosing Engineering over studying music was the best choice he's ever made. He was kicked out by his father because of that though. He smirked, remembering the furious face of his father. Oh yeah, he chose right. Though leaving music behind wasn't pleasant, he's still accomplishing another dream of his and that's fine with him.

Arriving at the Dorm's gate, he smiled widely when he didn't see any blue muscular man around. The guards aren't there either.


The grin on the lad's face faded, and his brows creased. If he knows Sid too well, the blue man would already know that he isn't in bed. Worst case scenario the bulky man might be planning to ambush him. Soul gulped loudly and slowly made his way to the entrance. Looking from left to right, he breathed out a sigh of relief when no one attacked him.

Cautiously, he opened the door and peeked inside. Sliding himself inside, he tiptoed until he reached the staircase. Alright, so far so good, still no Sid going ninja on him. Maybe the man was asleep now. He can't blame their dorm master; it is quarter to one already. Walking as quietly as he could to the room he shared with his best friend, he felt relief well him up, and proud that he snuck up behind the notorious Sid.

Soul slowly opened their door so he wouldn't wake up his room mate. But as soon as he peeked inside, he felt all the air inside him leave his lungs as he was roughly shoved to the wall behind him. He felt dizzy and he can feel something crack behind him. Damn is he going to pay that damaged wall as well? Mustering up his remaining strength, he looked at the guy who decided to kill him in the middle of the night.

"What the hell Sid!" he coughed up still trying to catch his breath.

Sid walked at where the albino was crouching down and lifted him up by the collar of his shirt. "I know when something's amiss in my dorm. And I shall punish the ones who disobey my rules 'coz that's the kind of man I am." Soul kept his coughing fit and saw behind Sid that his room mate was tied upside down from the ceiling. Oh, the interrogation was over.

"Look Sid, I can explain . . . "Soul started but he was thrown to his room directly at his bed. Damn, did his skull just cracked?

"Explanations tomorrow, meet me at my office Evans. 7:30 sharp! Rest for now," Sid growled, "and while you're at it, untie Black*Star for me. That friend of yours won't shut up and give me sensible answers. Tying him upside down works though." And he left the two teenagers who stared at his retreating back with horror.

"That man should be sued for child abuse." Soul groaned out and lay on his bed. He was about to close his eyes when he heard a muffled voice. He squinted at where the sound was coming from and he saw his room mate, gagged and tied upside down. Soul never felt so scared at Sid right now.

Black*Star's face started to glow red, and as much as Soul wanted to laugh and take pictures right now he's to tired to do that, so he just opened his drawer, got his pocket knife that Sid doesn't know about, and cut the rope holding his best friend. Black*Star fell with a loud thud and Soul chuckled, this guy cracks him up even without him trying. Yes, seeing his best friend in pain is funny, no matter how dark that sound.

Removing the rope that bind the blue haired lad's hands, Soul stood up and crashed in his bed. Black*Star can take care of the rest.

"Aw man that bastard Sid really knows how to ask questions. I thought I was 'gonna die! Hey Soul, you awake?"

"Leave me alone, man. You're not the one who was punched in the gut and was thrown around the room." Soul hissed.

"Yeah but I was the one given the chance to feel how Spiderman felt. And I tell you, it's not easy to make out with someone in that position." Black*Star chuckled when he saw Soul's attempt to cover up his ears.

"Alright, man. Sleep tight and don't forget to pray to me, your god, before snoozing!" and there goes his room mate laughing at his own fantasy. Missing the whisper Soul made.

"I gotta get out of here."

There, I will update as soon as I can. R&R please thanks for your time :)