Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice or any of its characters. But I do own mine. This disclaimer applies for this and all succeeding chapters.

A/N: Okay, guys, Midnight Leo here. I haven't written much after I finished Letting Go, Finding New (Mikan and an original OC pairing) but now I'm back with a not so new story, Have you forgotten? This time the pairing is Mikan and Natsume and it is AU. This was one of my earlier works that I have deleted but now I shall revise it. I saw that it was rushed and done poorly and I am sincerely sorry for the long wait to those who want the update for Bliss. Computer had problems and so on, but rest assured I will finish this and Bliss (Sequel to Unrequited). I hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry for the long wait, but here is the revised version of the story.

A/N: JULY 27, 2016: Chapters are being fixed. Thank you also for reading this story!


"Who are you?"


Chapter 1: A Tranquil Life in The Ritsu Estate

The traditional Japanese estate was quaint and quiet, polished with much care. The Ritsu family head spared no expense in maintaining the main house and this is why its associates preferred meeting in this household than the other properties of the Ritsu family.

"It's bright out today!" A young woman, around twenty-four years of age, chirped. She walked outside her room and padded to another, three doors away from hers.

"Ayame-sama, it's time to wake up." She called from outside the sliding door. "May I come in?"

She could hear the rustling of sheets and eventually the soft response of "Please do" reached her ears.

She smiled and entered the room. Inside, an old woman was seated on her futon.

"Good morning, Ayame-sama, what would you like for breakfast?" She greeted, walking over to her and helping her up.

The old woman, Ayame, smiled up at her.

"Anything will do, Nadeshiko-san. Just make sure to include my tea," Ayame answered, allowing Nadeshiko to help her dress.

"Understood, I'll prepare it immediately, Ayame-sama," Nadeshiko said lightly, securing the kimono of the other woman.

Ayame smiled as she fixed her hair.


Her auburn hair was tied securely in a long ponytail as she walked around the garden, watering the flowers as she went by. The old woman watched her with a light smile on her lips.

The girl was too industrious for her own good.

"Nadeshiko-san!" She called out.

Said girl turned around, large chocolate eyes questioning and alert. "Is something wrong, Ayame-sama?" She asked, walking over.

"No, there's nothing wrong. I just want you to take a break," Ayame told her, "You've been outside the garden for over two hours already."

Nadeshiko rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

She chuckled. "Come inside, child. I've prepared sweets to fight fatigue." Ayame motioned for her to follow, which she did, obediently so.

The silver haired woman smiled and they went inside.


"The roses are blooming spectacularly, Ayame-sama." Nadeshiko said, pouring tea for her. The two women sat by the open terrace, enjoying the calming breeze. Ayame nodded in response, sipping at the pink encrusted white tea cup.

Afternoons like these were something the old woman treasured.

The chamomile scent wafted around them and she regarded Nadeshiko with calm, amber eyes.

"Have you remembered anything today, Nadeshiko-san?" She asked and the girl blinked, momentarily stunned.

A few seconds later, she shook her head.

Silence stretched over them and Nadeshiko looked up at the sky

Funnily enough, it was clear and blank.

As clear and as blank as her.

"No, I have not. Ayame-sama," The auburn haired woman began, "I'm sorry I could not. It might be because I am not trying hard enough…" She trailed off, eyes downcast.

Ayame nodded sympathetically and patted her cheek, making the younger woman look at her.

"Nonsense, child. Let your memories return to you at its own pace," She told her softly "I am merely concerned for your well-being."

As Ayame said this, she let her eyes trail onto the scars on Nadeshiko's neck. There were more around her body, something the other woman kept hidden under the kimonos she wore.

"It's been around two months since that day, after all."

Nadeshiko absent-mindedly placed her hand on her lower right abdomen. She couldn't remember much of that night except for searing pain and the coolness of asphalt against her cheek. It was dark and cold and she could vaguely hear Ayame's voice gently talking to her to keep her awake.

"You keep me company," Ayame's voice cut through her thoughts. "God knows how lonely an old woman like me can get." Ayame's eyes crinkled in appreciation.

She watched the setting sun from her seat with a faraway look. "And even though there's no need for you to do so, you help around the house. The Ritsu estate has more than enough servants to attend to that," Ayame pointed out, bringing her gaze to the woman in front of her.

Nadeshiko felt her lips curl. "I have to repay your kindness in some way, Ayame-sama." She reminded her, grabbing a sweet bun. "Besides, I enjoy serving you."

Ayame chuckled. "You're a good child, Nadeshiko-san." She said fondly. "But, of course I'd want you to remember who you once were. You might have a family waiting for you, friends, people who care about you. I don't mind if you want to find out, my dear."

Nadeshiko considered her words as she stared blankly at the cup in her hands, the tea reflecting her features.

"I still want to repay your kindness, Ayame-sama. You have given me a name, a home and a sense of belonging when I was at my worst. You still took me in even when you knew nothing about me and even when I knew nothing about myself. I don't know how I would have survived if you hadn't treated my wounds that night" She murmured quietly, after a while. "If you ask me, I don't mind if I never remember, Ayame-sama."

The old woman gave a soft smile and patted her head. "It's alright if you feel afraid, Nadeshiko-san," She told the younger woman.

Nadeshiko looked up at her, eyes wide.

Ayame continued, "It is always frightening to find out what you do not know. You are afraid; perhaps if you pursue this matter, you might end up losing what you already have so you do not take the risk, but please heed my words child, you might regret never finding out about yourself. There may always be an empty space in your heart." She told the brunette lightly.

The silver haired woman received no response and she knew she was right about the young woman's fears.

Ayame slowly stood up. "If ever you have nothing to return to, or if you do not want to return, the doors of the Ritsu estate will always be open for you, Nadeshiko-san. I treat you as one of my own and I shan't turn you away," She assured her.

Nadeshiko blinked and gave a soft smile. "I am most grateful, Ayame-sama," She murmurs.

"I hope in due time you can remember, there must be people looking for you too."

Nadeshiko nodded politely. "…I hope so too, Ayame-sama."


"I shall retire for the night, Nadeshiko-san. Tomorrow morning there will be a meeting with one of our business partners and I want you to accompany me," Ayame said as the auburn haired girl escorted her to her room.

"I understand, Ayame-sama. Good night. I hope you have pleasant dreams."

The amber eyed woman nodded.

"Same to you, child."

After that, Nadeshiko retreated to her room and sat on her futon. Reaching for a mahogany drawer, she fished out a small, red box and opened it. Inside sat a simple gold ring with a circular diamond resting on top. She checked the engraved letters on the ring.


She slipped it onto her finger, unsurprised to find it a perfect size. "Why would I have something like this? Ayame-sama told me it was already on my ring finger when she found me…" She wondered out loud.

"Who exactly is N.H.?"




"…Please remember me."




End of chapter 1

Hope you enjoyed.

Please review.

Midnight Leo