Broken. That's what you are. Haven't you always been? It's true. Stuck in a cupboard under the stairs; beaten up by a rotten uncle; ignored by a foolish aunt; bullied by a spoiled cousin; and alone. Friendless. Lonely. Isn't that your life? They say you're special, and you want to laugh just a bit, but that would be rude and you're not rude. But you're not anything either, so you keep your mouth shut and be quiet. Then there's this giant–by god, he's big–he takes you up, for once you smile, and says, "Yer a wizard, Harry." You don't believe that, but you manage to hold on just for a bit, even if it's just a stupid dream. But then you find that magic is real, oh my god, and–guess what–you're magic too. You're still broken, of course, you're still broken. No magic can heal that, or fix you. But you find a girl, two best friends, lots of friends, three kids, grandkids, one family, a home–and now you're on your deathbed. Then you're gone; you were still broken of course, when you died. But you couldn't help but think as you lost your breath; that maybe you're a little bit fixed now.

Jagged; you're a rough piece. Always have been. An unknown genius, the child that you feel never existed. Did you even live? Sometimes you think you are only a dream, that you're not real. They said that when you are a person you are loved. But you are not loved. Does that mean you're not a person? Oh–great. You're crying now. You're so useless, really. Just build, build, build. Like a machine–are you a machine? Looks like it. You can't even make your father notice you; much less be proud. Captain did this, Steve did that, I've got to find him, Tony, you don't understand, you're just a kid; that's what he always says. You scoff, you look away, go back to your room, cry a bit, fix some of the broken prototypes the others left around. Does fixing them mean fixing you? And that's all you do; fix, fix, fix. The company, your reputation, your tech, your suit; everything. Except yourself, and that hurts far too much for you to handle without a drink in your hand. Then–here's the joke, the kicker–Fury pulls you in and asks you to be an Avenger. You don't want to, you don't need to, and you doubt you and the others will ever get along and do something right. But he convinces you, and somehow you're part of a team. You save the world, it's all part of the Avengers Initiative, but eventually you find that you saved yourself this time too. All of them–Steve, Thor, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, and you–are all rough pieces. But you find each other and now you feel you finally completed the puzzle. No damn way are you even close to fixed, but you're getting there. You're getting there.

Green and blue. One and none. You have a curse: you're fierce, lost, broken, and you're only human. So you gave it all and plunged deep into the Lethe. Then you're living in another life. So tell me, if you had the chance to be reborn as another human being…would you?

"The Isles of the Blest, for people who had chosen to be reborn three times, and three times achieved Elysium. Immediately I knew that's where I wanted to go when I died."