It was a bright, sunny afternoon on Air Temple Island and Bolin had been taking full advantage of it. He lay sprawled out underneath the shade of a large cherry tree, staring up at the mass of various shades of pink blossoms. He inhaled deeply, taking in the amazing scent of the blossoms and the grass beneath him. A grin stretched across his face as he lay there basking in the warm sunshine. Just then, a familiar voice cut through the silence.

"It's nice isn't it?"

Bolin's eyelids shot open, revealing those gorgeous green irises. He shot a look to his left where Korra now sat. Bolin bolted up from where he was laying, clearly caught off guard by her sudden appearance. He cleared his throat, feeling suddenly bashful.

"K-Korra! How long have you been there?"

Korra released a small chuckle. "Long enough. I didn't mean to disturb you. You looked pretty peaceful down there."

Bolin couldn't help but grin appreciatively as he studied the young Avatar. The sun glinted off of her naturally tanned skin, giving her what could only be described as a certain type of glow. Her dark locks held up in her usual blue hair spools whisked around pleasantly in the slight breeze.

It took a moment for him to realize that he'd been gawking for a little longer than he'd intended. He cleared his throat again as his cheeks gave way to an involuntary blush.

"Uhm, yeah, well I was just taking advantage of this gorgeous weather."

Korra flashed him a smile before leaning her back against the base of the tree. "It certainly is a nice change from all of the rain."

Bolin followed suit, leaning beside her. His eyes darted over to where she sat just beside him and he noticed that her dazzlingly blue eyes were now masked by her lids. Again, he found himself completely captivated by this girl's natural beauty. He wondered if she knew how truly gorgeous she was. Korra straightened abruptly, her blue irises now peering at his green through narrowed slits. Bolin attempted to regain his composure, mentally cursing himself for staring at her, but mostly just hoping that she hadn't noticed that he was.

Korra cocked her head slightly to one side, oblivious to how Bolin had been watching her. "You're really quite, Bo. That's not exactly like you."

A smirk graced Bolin's lips as he kicked up his feet and leaned back against the tree again. "Well, I'm trying to enjoy the beautiful scenery, but someone keeps interrupting," he teased. Korra's bottom lip jutted out in that increasingly familiar pout of hers. Bolin laughed. Spirits, she was pretty. He shook his head quickly so that he wouldn't get too caught up in the girl again.

"I was just kidding, Korra," he assured her, a grin prominent on his lips.

"Well, it's not funny, you goofball," she replied, nudging him a little less than gently in the arm. Bolin couldn't help but laugh and soon Korra's own laughter followed.

"What are you doing up here, anyway Korra?" Bolin asked her when their laughter had died down.

The Avatar shrugged nonchalantly. "I needed a change of scenery. One can only handle so much googly eyed Mako and Asami," she scowled.

Bolin snorted. "Believe me; I know where you're coming from."

A loud yawn came from Korra. She stretched her arms above her head before slumping down the base of the tree. Bolin watched as she stifled another yawn with the back of her hand. "Thanks, Bo," she said, her blue eyes locked on his.

Bolin quirked an eyebrow. "For what?"

"For being you."

Bolin opened his mouth to either laugh or ask her what she was talking about, he wasn't sure which, when he was stopped short. Korra's head was now nestled comfortably against his shoulder; her eyes shut tight, her breath slow and even. He smiled.

"No, Korra, thank you," he whispered, closing his eyes, as well.