A/N: Here's chapter two and I hope you enjoy. This story is sort of a cross over between the movies and the T.V. series for anyone who may have been confused. And for anyone having trouble pronouncing Mel's name it's pronounced MAY-LAY but I spell it Melay.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Star Wars.

Chapter 2: Naboo Mission

After a few days on Naboo it was time for my first concert. I put on special make up to cover up my red and black skin and put my long, black hair back into a braid that flows past my hips. I'm wearing all black with my mid-section exposed. Even though I was a Jedi Knight, I dressed in all black.

I wasn't scheduled to perform for another two hours, but I could hear civilians gathering at the gate. I smiled at that, I've never seen people get so excited over something like this. I like music too, but I have to focus on more important things so I don't get many chances to relax and listen to music let alone perform.

Two hours later…

The stadium is full and I'm about to perform for the first time I only hope that my target is in the stadium as well. I took a deep breath and proceed to the stage. I looked back at my assistant, who gave an approving nod, then walked onto the stage.

I almost covered my ears from how loud the cheers were, but I refrained from that. "Hello Naboo, how are you doing!" I yelled into the microphone. The response that I got was astounding, they went absolutely nuts. I decided to give them what they wanted and started to sing.

Feeling solid cause I've finally got my feet on the ground


You rescued me with gravity

I was upside down… down

I've got a fire in my eyes

I'm burning brighter than the sunlight

You orchestrated my escape

Now I'm awake

I feel alive for the first time

You ignite

The fire in my eyes

Used to live my life locked up

Inside a room with no doors… before

You found a window

You broke it

And now I won't be contained


I've got a fire in my eyes

I'm burning brighter than the sunlight

You orchestrated my escape

Now I'm awake

I feel alive for the first time

You ignite

The fire in my eyes

Oh, I know you are

The reason I can breathe

Oh, I know you are

The reason I'm… free

I've got a fire in my eyes

I'm burning brighter than the sunlight

You orchestrated my escape

Now I'm awake

I feel alive for the first time

You ignite

The fire in my eyes

After my first song the crowd was going crazy. I had to take a short break to catch my breath; I looked up at my assistant, who had a shocked look on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked, "I didn't know you could sing like that" she said. I was utterly confused we recorded all the songs and used a voice disguiser to make them sound like me when I sang. "What are you talking about? That was a computer generated voice" I said, "No it wasn't, that was all you" she said. "What?" I asked, "I noticed that the console wasn't plugged in after the song" she said. I was in total shock; I couldn't believe that I sang that whole song without any help from the computer. "I can't believe it" I rasped, "I know, but this also gives us an advantage. Now people won't get suspicious" she said. I smiled at that; she was right now that I knew that I could really sing I didn't need the computer anymore.

After the concert was over, I began scanning the crowd, discretely. I noticed a dark figure standing at the far side of the stadium, at first I didn't really take notice until I saw glowing orange eyes, at that time I thought it was Dooku, but later I would find out that Dooku doesn't have orange eyes.

After everyone left, I set out to find Dooku. I followed a trail of fresh foot prints leading to an abandoned part of the city. It was run down and the building looked like they would come down any minuet, but I was determined to find and capture Dooku. I contacted the counsel to tell them that I had tracked him down and requested back up, because I knew I was not ready to take on a sith just yet.

The foot prints lead me to an old bar, like the ones on Tatooine. When I stepped inside, I could hear the murmurs of people talking, 'that's odd, what would someone be doing here?' I thought. I crept down some hidden stairs, where the voices got louder.

When I finally got to the bottom, I saw that the room was full of battle droids and three people occupied the room. One was sitting in a chair, he looked very old, but I couldn't get a clear visual because of the hooded robes he wore. The other two people were wearing similar robes but were less hooded. I could easily identify Dooku, but the two other beings I could not.

I decided to stay a bit longer to get some information from their conversation. "Is everything in place?" the older one asked, "Yes master, everything is ready" Dooku said. When they said that, I just had to get a little bit closer, biggest mistake of my life. "Master, I believe we have company" the younger one said, "well let's just see who it is" the leader said.

I knew I had to get out of there as fast as possible. As two droids approached, I stood up and ran out of there. "AFTER HER!" I heard one of them say, but I could take a few droids. Once I was outside I pulled out my light saber and readied myself for battle.

As the droids came out I sent their blasts right back at them. "There she is, blast her" I heard the command droid say. After it was over parts of battle droids were scattered everywhere and none of them even came close to me. I deactivated my light saber and smiled to myself, the only thing that surprised me was the fact that my make-up didn't come off during the fight.

Unknown by Melay, a droid managed to escape the carnage and sneak up behind her. The droid had received a radio transmission by Count Dooku to stun her and wait for them. The droid did as it was told. It set its blaster to stun, aimed, and fired.

I was just about to leave when I felt this stinging sensation on my back. I grunted and fell forward, I was losing consciousness fast, but I fought to stay awake. I rolled on the ground trying to stay awake when I sensed someone approaching; I lifted my head to see.

I saw the two figures from before, Dooku and the one I couldn't identify, approach me with what appeared to be shackles. I attempted to get up, but didn't get two feet before I was stopped by a foot pressed against my back. "Where do you think you're going?" the cloaked one said. At that moment I couldn't fight anymore, I was just too worn out. "What should we do with her?" the cloaked one said, "I don't know, we should ask our master" Dooku said. "Very well, let's bring her to him now" the cloaked one agreed.

The last thing I felt before I passed out was the feeling of being lifted over someone's shoulders. I just hung limp on the unknown sith's shoulders and attempted to listen to what they were saying. "The force is really strong with her" Dooku said, "I noticed, perhaps she will be of some use to us" the one carrying me said. Before I passed out I heard him say "she seems strangely familiar", I couldn't help but notice that he seemed familiar to me as well then I lost consciousness.

Song Used: Fire in my Eyes- FireFlight

A/N: I know that there is absolutely no singing involved in star wars, this is just an idea that will be in all my stories because I love music.