Once Upon A Time: The Heart Of The Devil, Part One

By Rebekkalee Mouri-Hibiki

( ABC owns 'Once Upon A Time' and I don't. Part five in my series. Shortly after Mary-Margret is freed from jail, Emma embarks on her mission to expose Regina's frame job, deal with Sidney's betrayal and try to get David and Mary-Margret back together as she contemplates her next step with Mr. Gold. I'll keep with writing from both Emma and Mr. Gold's third person points of view. Connects back to 'Into The Devil's Den', 'Dancing With the Devil', 'Through The Devil's Eyes' and 'Deal With The Devil')

Mr. Gold was in the workroom at the shop, tinkering with an old clock. He was trying to get it to work but wasn't having much luck. He was just about to give up for the day when the sound of the front door made him look up. He frowned, sensing an unwelcome yet expected presence.

Just the day before, Mary-Margret Blanchard had been cleared of murder charges. She hadn't been responsible for the murder but Mr. Gold knew who had set everything up to make it look like she was. He could hear his visitor's high heels tapping on the floor as she slowly approached the curtain, the only barrier between her and Mr. Gold himself.

He kept poking around at the clock, trying to look preoccupied with it as the curtain swished aside. He could feel Regina's anger as it poured off of her in waves. " Your highness, " His tone was curt. He didn't bother looking at her, something he knew would just make her angrier... and he hoped she'd have a stroke from it.

" I should kill you right now, " Regina said in a low, threatening tone.

" Whatever for? " Mr. Gold asked, still poking at the clock. " I carried out my part of the deal. "

Regina stormed to the table, snatching the clock up and throwing it against the wall. The glass face shattered, gears and springs flying everywhere. " I thought you were helping ME! "

Mr. Gold sat back, furrowing his brow, " Helping. You. Wherever did you get that impression? "

" You put the key in the cell and became Miss Blanchard's lawyer at my request, remember? " Regina looked infuriated even further by his lack of reaction.

" You did, " Mr. Gold nodded then smirked ever so slightly. " After that, you told me to sit back and watch the show. I thought you were finished with me. "

Regina frowned, " But I didn't tell you to help them! "

" I was no longer under obligation to you, " Mr. Gold said. " I was free to do as I wished. "

" No you weren't! " Regina slammed her hand down on the table. Everything on it jumped from the force of her hit.

Mr. Gold arched an eyebrow, still trying to appear nonchalant as he fought the urge to wring her pale white neck. She was close enough, all he had to do was reach up and do it. " As I saw it, I was. The terms of your deal were that I place that key in her cell and be her lawyer. You said nothing after that. "

Regina sneered, " Always trifling with technicalities... "

" Yes, my dear. It's the technicalities that make a deal what it is, " He smiled.

" I wanted Mary-Margret out of Storybrooke! " Regina shouted. " I didn't get what I wanted! "

" No one ever does, " Mr. Gold said. " But, as I recall you were not clear with what you wanted. Clarity makes all the difference, you see. "

" Then I'll make something very clear to you, " Regina leaned closer. She gave him an icy smile, " You will never get what I promised you. "

Mr. Gold snorted, " I am well on my way to getting what I want without your help. I was before you offered your assistance. "

Regina frowned deeply, " I should have known. Just how close are you to getting Miss Swan? "

" That is none of your concern, " Mr. Gold replied. He had been with her as much as he could manage while Mary-Margret was incarcerated. The tactic served as a way to keep Sidney away from Emma as much as possible but also so he could spend time with her. It was vital he build a rapport with her to build her trust in him.

Regina scowled, " I see. Well, the two of you deserve each other. You are both damaged goods. "

" And what is that supposed to mean? " Mr. Gold felt his smile fade a little.

Regina seemed to have noticed his offense at the insult and she smiled an evil smile, " Where shall I start? With you or with her? "

" I prefer you left us both alone, " Mr. Gold clenched his hands into loose fists. The urge to throttle Regina was getting stronger and he was determined to resist it. It wasn't his place to kill her. Fate had bestowed that honor on someone else... this he had known for a long time.

" Well I won't, " Regina pushed herself away from the table. She began to pace as she thought then cocked her head to the side, " I think I'll start with the cowardly little man who fled battle and got his entire squadron slaughtered by ogres. "

" Those were rumors and lies, " Mr. Gold hissed. " They were fine when I left them. "

Regina scoffed, " I know you like to tell yourself that but everyone knew the story. You can't fight that. Just like you can't fight the fact you traded your soul for the power to save your son from the Ogre Wars and you still lost him even though you ended the war. "

Mr. Gold's frown deepened, " He was all I had left in the world. I had to do something. "

" Oh yes. Of course you did, " Regina scoffed. " Then, when someone had the heart to love you, you pushed her away and she... "

" If you say one more word, I will kill you right now, " Mr. Gold clenched his fists tighter. The thing that happened with Belle was second only to losing his son and Regina had the gall to mention both. She knew full well that bringing those things up was like shoving a knife in his heart.

" Then let's move along, shall we? " Regina said. " Let's talk about Miss Swan. "

" I would prefer you didn't, " Mr. Gold said evenly.

" You asked what I meant so I'm telling you, " Regina narrowed her eyes. " What do you know about her, really? "

Mr. Gold quirked his mouth. He knew more about Emma than Regina ever hoped to. He had seen it all in his vision he told Prince Charming and Snow White about. Of course, they were anxious to know how to stop the curse so he only told them what they wanted to hear.

Everything else, he kept to himself. The knowledge was a terrible burden and he wanted to step in and pluck her from her tumultuous life many times. However, he knew better than to disrupt the course of fate. It would deliver her into his hands when the time was right.

It had been part of fate's plan when he had been enabled to leave Storybrooke and collect Henry. He had been quite crafty, asking Regina's permission when she still thought he was affected by the curse. That was the closest he ever got to Emma before meeting her in the foyer of Granny's bed and breakfast. After that, he had made it a point to keep tabs on her and always know what she was doing.

" As much as you know I suppose, " He sighed, knowing she'd believe it. He smirked, " And what Sidney's printed in the paper. "

" My point exactly, " Regina said. " How can you be going after her when you know her past? She could up and leave at any time. "

Mr. Gold smiled, " I believe her running days are over. "

" And what makes you think that? " Regina arched an eyebrow.

" She's found a reason to stay, " Mr. Gold said firmly.

" Oh? Do you mean Henry... or someone else? " Regina eyed him intently.

Mr. Gold quirked his mouth, " Only time will tell. Now, get out of my shop. Please. "

Regina frowned, knowing she had to honor his request. Mr. Gold was pretty sure she rued the day she had agreed to their deal. " This isn't over, Rumple. "

" I know it it isn't, " Mr. Gold smiled coldly. " It won't be until one of us is dead. "

Regina returned the cold smile but said nothing as she turned and walked out of the room...

Emma sat at her desk, poking at the bug she found in the tulips with a pen. After getting Mary-Margret home the night before, they both went to their respective rooms and crashed out. She hadn't come in until one the afternoon, her mind set on exposing Regina's frame job. It had been so elaborate and well planned, a less suspicious person would have taken everything at face value.

Emma wasn't like that though. She knew too much to be fooled by the things on the surface. She could see past that, finding evidence that Regina planted things to make Mary-Margret look guilty. She reconsidered that theory, knowing Regina would do everything she could to keep her hands clean.

Emma poked at the bug a little harder, wondering just how much Sidney had done under orders from Regina. She frowned, unable to believe she had been so blind to his betrayal. She recalled Mr. Gold's words about emotional entanglements, his meaning becoming even clearer than when he explained himself at the police station. She realized he wanted her to see it for herself because she probably wouldn't have believed him otherwise.

At the time, she thought Sidney was still on her side and would have defended him. Now, she knew better. The proof was right in front of her and now she had to decide what to do about it. She wanted to go right out and confront him then thought better of it.

She needed more proof. Dealing with Regina had taught her not to jump right up and go after someone. She needed to take her time and build her case. It had to be airtight with no way for Sidney to tap dance his way out of it.

She sighed, picking up the bug and putting it in her desk drawer. She would deal with Sidney later. She had other things on her mind, like proving Regina had framed Mary-Margret. Her mind went to the heart in the jewelry box, wondering just exactly where it had come from. She grabbed the file folder containing all the paperwork on the case and opened it.

She flipped to the lab report and picked up the phone on her desk. She dialed the number for the lab and waited for someone to answer. " Storybrooke medical and forensic services, " A lady answered after the third ring.

" Hello, " Emma said. " This is Sheriff Emma Swan. I was wondering if you or someone else could tell me if the evidence from the Kathryn Nolan case is still there. "

" I'll transfer you to the forensics lab, please hold, " The woman said before the 'on-hold' music came on.

Emma waited patiently for someone to answer. As she did, she heard footsteps outside of her office. " Gold, " She sighed. " I'm on the phone. "

" Gold? " August poked his head around the corner. " Were you expecting him? "

Emma shook her head, " No. He just shows up when I'm not, that's all. Sit. I'll be with you in a moment. "

August came into the office and sat in the chair across from Emma. " So what's going on? "

Emma shushed him as the forensics lab finally answered, " Peter Cook, lab tech. How may I help you? "

" Ah yes, " Emma said. " Mr. Cook, do you know if the evidence from the Nolan case is still in the lab? "

" Nolan... Nolan, " He muttered, the sound of papers rustling coming through the phone. " Oh yes. What did you need? "

" I need to see the heart that was sent in for testing, " Emma said.

Peter sighed, " We don't keep entire organs for a long time. We just take tissue samples and dispose of the rest. "

" Do you still have it? " Emma asked sharply. She hoped they did.

" Let me look at these papers again, " Peter said then took a sharp breath. " We do. It's scheduled for disposal tomorrow morning though. "

" And how do you dispose of those things? " Emma said.

" We incinerate them in the mornings, " Peter said.

" What time? " Emma got the pen she had been poking the bug with.

" At eight, " Peter replied.

Emma frowned, " Can I come by and look at it today? "

" As long as it's before six. We close at six, " Peter said.

Emma sighed, " Fine. I'll be there around five. "

" We'll be looking for you, " Peter said. " See you then. "

" Bye now, " Emma said and hung up the phone. She looked at August, " What do you want? "

August frowned, " Grumpy much? "

" You know what I've been through, " Emma said. She sighed, " And you know what I'm about to go through. "

" I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, " August said.

Emma arched an eyebrow, " Did you come here for something? "

August smirked, " Actually, I did. "

" Then tell me what it is, " Emma said.

" I have a theory... " August started.

Emma growled, " Everyone does. "

" Everyone? " August looked puzzled.

Emma sighed, " Well, Gold has one. It's way far fetched though. "

" Tell it to me, " August leaned forward in the chair. " I'd love to hear it. "

Emma tried to remember it, " It was something about whoever tried to kill Kathryn tried to kill her some other way than cutting out her heart then dumped her in the mines. Of course, I asked Kathryn what she remembered and it wasn't that at all. "

" What did she remember? " August seemed to be hanging on every word.

Emma thought about it, deciding it would be safe to tell August. " She said that she crashed her car to avoid hitting a deer. When the airbag deployed, it knocked her out. When she came to, there was a figure in black standing over her with a knife. "

" Did she say if it was a man or a woman? " August arched an eyebrow.

" She said she couldn't tell, " Emma said.

" I see, " August nodded once then furrowed his brow, " Did she tell you she was in a mine? "

Emma frowned, " She said she ran away and fell down a shaft of some sort. She was still kind of out of it when I questioned her. "

" So who said she was in a mine? " August cocked his head to the side.

Emma frowned, " I told you. Mr. Gold had a theory. "

August chuckled, " Right. A theory. "

" Are you trying to say something? " Emma quirked her mouth.

" You're the police officer, " August sighed. " You tell me if that tells you something. "

Emma stood up, " I'm not in the mood for riddles. I get enough of that from Gold. "

" Going somewhere? " August stood up as well.

" Yeah, " Emma nodded. " I have to go to the lab, remember? "

August nodded, " Oh yes. I guess you should. "

Emma gathered her things then looked at him, " I'm having a party on Saturday night to welcome Mary-Margret home. You can come if you want. "

" Me? Really? " August stood up. " Are you sure? "

Emma scoffed, " Yeah. You helped me a lot. It'd be wrong not to invite you. "

August smirked, " I'm flattered. "

" Let me give you the address, " Emma grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.

" Can I ask who else is coming? " August asked.

Emma wrote the address down, " I don't know yet. You're the first person I've asked. "

" Are you asking Ruby to come? " August asked, a hopeful edge to his voice.

Emma handed him the paper, " I'm thinking about asking her, yeah. Why? "

August chuckled, " You and her are the only two people I've really talked to since coming to town. I'll need at least a couple of people I know to stick with so I don't feel totally alone. "

" Oh, " Emma muttered as she walked out from behind the desk. The smiles that Ruby had been giving August hadn't gone unnoticed. If Emma didn't know any better, she would say Ruby was in puppy love with the stranger.

" I'd better go, " August followed her out " I have some things to do before I go back to the bed and breakfast. "

Emma cocked her head to the side, " Oh? Like what? "

August gave her a slow smirk, " I found a really pretty place to get some inspiration. I'm going to go watch the sunset. "

" Hmm. Sounds like fun, " Emma sighed. " I wish I had time to watch a sunset. "

" Maybe some day you will, " August smirked. " See you out? "

Emma shrugged, " We're going the same way so why not? "

August bowed a bit stiffly, putting his left arm out, " After you. "