Once Upon A Time: Heart Of The Devil, Part Twenty

By Rebekkalee Mouri-Hibiki

Emma paced the sidewalk, trying to get things sorted out in her mind. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, her brain was still having trouble processing it all. Henry collapsing because of the apple turnover meant for her, Regina admitting the curse was real, her seemingly short love affair with Rumplestiltskin, and now the fact she was off to fight some beast with the sword that belonged to her father.

Her stomach knotted as she thought about everything all over again. Added to that mess was the fact she just saw August turn into wood. Right in front of her eyes, he became a human sized wooden puppet. He hadn't been lying after all and she felt so bad for not believing him.

Only if she hadn't been so stubborn, she could have saved him. Instead, he was just another victim of her resistance to what was turning out to be the truth. She still had a chance to save him. If she broke the curse, he would turn back to a person or so she assumed from what he was able to get out before taking his last breath.

She looked at the building. It was where she was supposed to meet Regina. She had been there before, during the rash of robberies Clarissa Clairemont had been responsible for. Her mind wandered to the petite thief.

The little monster had put her though quite a bit of Hell but the fate she had met was undeserved. The transport that was taking her to the state prison had wrecked on it's way out of Storybrooke. The burly prison guards had survived the crash but tiny Clarissa hadn't fared so well. The force of the crash combined with the fact she was not belted in properly made her the only casualty of the accident.

It was a sad turn of events but Emma didn't dwell on it long. Her scrambled mind shook out a detail she thought nothing of at the time. Mr. Gold had never used the front door to access the building, instead using a side door and even the back door but never the front. She also remembered how the walls looked like they were out of place, like they were put in as an afterthought.

She then recalled Archie had storage space in the building but it too was suspiciously separated from the front of the building as well. The little details meant nothing at the time but now spoke volumes to Emma. It was becoming quite obvious the building held a secret... one she would soon face whether she was ready or not.

Mr. Gold watched from the window of the shop, smirking. Regina and Emma had just entered the clock tower building. In just a short while, Emma would have what she had gone down there for. This he already knew for he had looked into the future.

Though he couldn't look far, he could look far enough to matter. He had seen Emma's entire battle with Maleficent. She showed her stubbornness by using a gun instead of Prince Charming's sword, forcing him to subdue a chuckle. He just loved her determination, a quality he had loved so in Belle as well.

He found himself comparing the two of them in so many ways, trying to find some of her same qualities in Emma. She possessed so many and perhaps it was why he cared for her so. Emma was hard though, damaged by the pain she had endured for so long. Belle had never been in pain... not until he caused her to feel it anyway.

He sighed, longing to see her again but he knew it was impossible. She was dead and even magic couldn't bring her back. All he could do was treasure her memory, keeping it safe in a tiny place of light in his otherwise dark and empty soul. Emma would have a place there too but not like Belle... no one could ever take her place.

He glanced at one of the clocks on the wall and smiled. When the time was right, he would head across the street and collect the potion. He hadn't mentioned it wasn't quite necessary to wake Henry.

Emma's love for the boy would do that but he needed the vial. It played a part in the grand scheme of things... things he would keep to himself for the time being. He had a very complex plan in mind, something that would have to be executed perfectly with precise precision. Emma believing was only one small step in the plan but it was vital and it had happened.

He looked at the clock again and smiled as he whispered to himself, " It's time. "

To Be Continued...