Based on a recent episode of White Collar I watched recently and one of the first episodes of Castle. Wrote this pretty quick and had Edgar Allen Poe do a quick beta on it for me. Any mistakes are mine and I'm going to try to do more and keep to the characters as much as well.

Neither Castle, nor White Collar belong to me… but you can bet if they were the entire world would know it.


It's not fair, he decides impatiently shifting from foot to foot. We're the FBI.

The FBI! Not just your run of the mill beat cops.

Neal smiles. Well, maybe it's more his cocky smirk as the steam gushes out of the silver machine in front of him and the liquid gold- in espresso form drips into the demi-tasse below. His previous reservations about helping out the local NYPD 12th Precinct evaporating with the steam.

When the machine finishes, the semi-reformed art thief slowly reaches out taking hold of the saucer to lift the elixir to his nose. Perfectly roasted beans…Italian no doubt, maybe Arabica if he's wrong; which is unlikely because he's very rarely wrong when it comes to his coffee.

The sound of someone clearing their throat in the doorway makes Neal look up from his little cup of heaven to see Peter looking at him with amusement.

"If you're done making love to the percolator, we have a crook to catch." The FBI agent states with his arms crossed and a file in hand.

"It's not a percolator, it's an espresso machine." Neal let out a frumpy sound, a pout coming to his lips. "Which brings me to the much bigger issue at hand Peter, I'm serious. Some little Police Station has an espresso machine in their break room! We're the FBI, we were able to catch John Dillinger but we can't even have good coffee on our break!" The thief shook his head. "This is a serious oversight."

"I already told you we're not putting an espresso machine in the office Neal."

The forger and art thief huffed holding out the untouched espresso in his hands. "Try this- No, really Peter," he cut off the other mans rejection before he could even get the words out. "Try this and then tell me that you'd rather keep the sludge we brew back in White Collar."

Reluctantly Peter reaches out and take the small cup, he knew that Neal would just keep on his case until he tries it, knows that if he wants to get any work done he's going to just have to indulge his CI, and while he agreed that the coffee back in their own building was horrendous, Peter just knew there was going to be no living with him as soon as he saw the stations fancy coffee machine.

Neal wasn't proven wrong as Peter sipped at the espresso and he rolled his eyes at his partners expectant look. It was delicious, and he stated so, the blue eyes across from him shone with hope until the agent continued. "But I still don't like the sound."

Shoulders slump in their perfectly tailored suit as Peter turned and left the room, it was only moments later that Neal remembered that Peter still had his cup. "HEY! Peter that's mine, brew your own! Peter!"

Esposito and Ryan exchanged raised eyebrows as they watched the sharply dressed man take off after his partner. "You really think they're FBI?" the darker man asked. "They're nothing like Shaw."

Ryan shrugs, "They sound like Castle and Beckett did before Castle broke down and bought that." he motions to the silver machines.

His partner nods before Esposito shakes his head with a sigh. "This case is going to be long isn't it?"

"Very." There's an excited tone to Ryans voice that's impossible to miss.


Oh humour, thou hast not forsaken me. Let me know what you think because there's likely going to be more as I try to get back into the rhythm of finishing my other stories.