This was the third day of morningsickness. Something wasn't right and Magdalena feared the worst. Had that bastard of a Colonel made her pregnant? This can't be happening. It just can't.

Magdalena sat at the end of the bed, sobbing quietly. If her Uncle would find out about this she would be sent away without any chance of explanation or reconiliation. She atleast had to tell Hans. With shaky hands she grabbed the phone and dialed his number. For every waiting tone that passed, her heart beat faster and faster.

"Standartenfuhrer Landa." His voice made her heart thump harder inside her chest and she felt herself close to tears. "Hello? Magdalena, is that you?" "Y-yes, it's me Hans. We have to talk. Now. Can we meet somewhere or should I come to your office?" "I'm quite busy today, my little dove. You have to come here." Magdalena hung up without a goodbye and hurried down the stairs. As the front door was only inches away from her, her Uncles voice called out to her from the livinroom. Magdalena could swear that her heart gave up beating and stopped completely. With the feeling of defeat, she walked into the livingroom and saw her Uncle sitting on the couch, reading thru a newspaper. "Magdalena, liebling, come here and sit next to your old Uncle." Playfully, he patted on the empty seat next to him. Magdalena walked over and sat down, waiting for the worst. She tried to brace herself. "Now, I have heard certain rumours around town, and these rumours have made me quite upset." Hitler turned to Magdalena and she didn't dare anything else but to look back at him. Gently, her uncle took her hands into his and squeezed them.

"My little Magdalena, kleine Magdalena. What I have heard is that you've been doing more than just getting pianolessons from Colonel Landa. Is this true or not?" Magdalena froze and a slight feeling of nausea began to rise inside her. "Bitte, I know that you care about me, uncle. But the Colonel have been so good to me and he's a good man." "I don't doubt that he is, Magdalena. But you know who he is and WHAT he is, don't you?" This time she couldn't hold back the tears. "I forbid you to ever see him again, is that clear? I have the responsibility for you and as long as you're living under my roof, you will not contradict my rules. Do you understand that, Magdalena?" His grip around her hands tightened and for the first time Magdalena felt scared of her own uncle. "Please, I'm carrying his child." The slap in her face came so quickly that she didn't have time to react until the sharp pain started to subside. "I didn't want to do that, but you gave me no choice. You will have an abortion and then I'll take care of the Colonel." He rose and left Magdalena on the couch. She was a bundle of misery and sorrow.

After all she and Hans had been thru, she did love him more than she would ever confess to herself. He brought her safety and if she lost that, what would she do? From her uncles office she could hear him pick up the phone. Who was he calling? What was he planning on doing with Hans? Her whole body started to shake as images of Hans popped up in her head. Would they torture him? Kill him? Would them send him to a camp?

The panic slowly started to rise inside her as she ran into the kitchen. Everything had happened so fast, faster than she had ever thought it would. She had to stop this madness.

The smooth handle of the knife felt so right in her hand. She loved her uncle but she couldn't let him take away the only thing that made her happy in life. As she walked into her uncles office, she kept the knife safely hidder behind her back. Luckily for her, he was standing with his back towards her, chatting away with someone on the phone. She wasn't thinking clearly, she knew that and thru all the chaos that run thru her head, she could distinguish the words "drag him out on the street if you have to", "do whatever's necessary" and "don't let any people see it." After that, it all happened so fast. The knife in her hand met her uncles back several times. Before he had the time to react or let out any screams, she pressed the knife against his throat and pulled the final slash. His body sank to the floor and the knife in her hand fell next to him.

She was shocked of what she had done. She would certainly get killed for this, no doubt about that. But she couldn't let him take away Hans from her. It was unthinkable to her. She reached for the phone and dialed the number to Hans again.

"Magdalena, where are you? I've been waiting." Hearing his voice calmed her fast-beating heart. "Hans, get out of there. My uncle know about us and that I'm pregnant with you child. He has sent someone to kill you. Please, hide." The silence on the other side of the phone disturbed her. "Don't worry, liebe. I can take care of myself."

Without further thought, Magdalena hung up and rushed out from the house. She had to find Hans before anyone else did and the time was not on her side.

She started running like she never had run before. This couldn't be the end. Please God, don't let it be the end, she thought to herself. She felt her knees starting to give in and she could taste blood in her mouth, but she didn't care, she didn't have time to.

She needed Hans.

Luckily, she didn't live to far away from the SS Headquarters and when she finally got there her heart pounded more than ever. As she entered the doors, she almost ran into Major Hellstrom. Was he the one who would carry out the deed? Was he gonna be Hans Landas murderer? "well, what do we have here? The Colonels little whore?" His words was poisonous and his eyes clearly burned with anger. "Please, Major. I know that you love Hans as much as I do. Please, don't do this. I beg you." She fell to her knees in front of him, begging for everything she was worth. It all seemed like a bad nightmare and all she wanted to do was to wake up. She looked up at him and hoped he would find it in his heart to just walk away. "Stand up, you filthy whore. I don't care if your uncle is my Fuhrer. I'm not afraid of either him or you. Stand up, girl." He grabbed her arms and forced her back up on her feet. "Look at you, a pile of disgust and disgrace. I hope you'll be happy with him." Suddenly, he just left. That's it? Was it really that easy to get Hans of the hook? Hans, she had forgotten to look for him. With the few inches left of her energy, she ran towards his office and when she found him sitting in his big armchair at the desk, her heart finally calmed down. "HANS." She rushed towards him and threw her arms around his neck. But something wasn't right. She let go of him and tried to meet his eyes, but there was no sign of live in them. At that point, she noticed the small entrance hole right where his heart was. She backed away until she felt the wall against her back. There was nothing left for her now. She was alone and she wouldn't let that be.

She knew perfectly well where Hans had his sparegun. The slightly cold metal and the weight of the gun in her hand felt so welcoming and happy. On three she would join her beloved Hans in heaven. Everything would be good again.
