Chloe 'Cazzy' Burton - Back story

A/N: Just so you all know, this story is done by ChloeBee (Chloe) and Chloe Burton is British so it isn't how ChloeBee talks!


Chloe stirred slightly in her sleeping bag, her friend Izzy was already awake.

"Chloe! Get up! There's someone at the door!" Izzy urged as she pulled on her dressing gown and slippers. Chloe only mumbled in response.

"But it's eight in the morning!"

"Half-eight, actually. And anyway, it could be your parents!" Izzy pulled her best friend out of her sleeping bag; Chloe had been staying over at Izzy's house for a sleepover for the past two nights (and last night had been an especially late one!) to celebrate the end of their exams. Although both girls were in Year 9 they had been chosen to take most of their GCSEs early instead of in Year 10 and Year 11, making both very tired as they sat through hours of revision and slogged through even more hours of exams. Izzy had decided that they should celebrate with a sleepover for a few nights considering it was now the summer holidays, Chloe couldn't help but agree with her best friend.

"Izzy-y-y-y-y-y-y-y! Its too early for this!" Chloe yawned as she, too, pulled on her dressing gown and slipper boots while Izzy went to answer the door. Quiet chatter ensued the opening of the door.


"Try telling that to the person at the door!" Izzy replied as she grabbed Chloe by the arm and dragged her to the door.

"Izzy! Lemme-" Chloe stopped dead when she saw the figure stood at the door, waiting, undoubtedly, for her.

"Miss Burton." The police officer greeted gravely.

"PC Bolton, what are you doing here?" she couldn't help but ask officer; PC Bolton was one of the London City officers that Chloe had grew to know quite well, thankfully not through crime.

"May I come in?"

"Sorry about the mess, officer, we weren't expecting any visitors." Izzy and Chloe apologised as they went to the kitchen to talk.

"That's ok girls, Izzy, may I talk to Chloe alone?" PC Bolton asked apologetically. Izzy nodded politely as she left to get dressed.

"Yeah sure, I'm just gonna go get dressed." Pigtails bouncing, Izzy left the room. PC Bolton then turned to Chloe, a solemn face present.

"Chloe, as I am sure you are aware, you have no idea why I am here, correct?"

"Yes sir"

"Now there are a few things you will need to understand before we continue, firstly please do not interrupt until I have finished because this is an extremely important matter. Secondly, don't try to run towards where I am about to say because you must understand what has happened. And thirdly," the officer's face softened, "we will sort out everything and accommodation matters will be sorted out, understood?"

Chloe could only nod, her mouth dry with adrenalin and fear; had she done something? Had something happened to her home? Her family? Was she going to be arrested? A million questions had already begun to fill her mind even before Bolton had started his story. Her mind had gone into near lockdown, basic commands had been forgotten – like how to stand up. Her legs suddenly felt like jelly, forcing her to sink down into one of the chairs.

"Chloe, I regret to inform you that a virus has infected and has killed your entire family."

The world had just gotten very, very big and lonely.

"Now, we aren't sure of the exact origins of the virus but what we do know is that it has been genetically engineered to appear as a common cold, then to mutate violently into a killer virus. Your parents were killed at 3am today and we were notified of this at 4am when one of your neighbours smelled ammonia in the air. Naturally, they went to investigate and as soon as they opened the door, they immediately knew something was very wrong. Mr David then called the police and the ambulance services to come immediately to your address. He had now been taken for disinfecting just in case the virus had become airborne and he had inhaled some of it." Bolton paused to allow the shocking information to sink in. From where he was sitting, he could tell that Chloe was only just holding back tears. Before she could break down, he quickly continued,

"What I would like to do now is to allow you to get dressed and I shall escort you to your house so you can see for yourself. May I do that?" There was no response.

"Chloe?" it was Izzy from the doorway, dressed in a pink top with bunnies on it and dark jeans with furry boots, "you ok? Officer what happened?"

"Izzy, I'll tell you in a minute, just let me get dressed first." Chloe said, her voice wavering so much that tears had been jerked from her eyes and had started to slide down her cheeks. Straight away, Izzy could tell something pretty awful had happened; instead of moving aside to allow her friend to pass, Izzy stopped Chloe and, because it was the only thing she could think to do, hugged her reassuringly.

"Chloe, whatever has happened, I will always be there to comfort you. Ok?" Chloe sobbed and nodded into her friend's shoulder. Izzy slowly let go of the sobbing girl and moved aside.

"PC Bolton," Izzy said, "what happened?"

"I will allow Chloe to tell you herself, I am not allowed to say because it might upset Chloe further or invade her privacy. Izzy, once Chloe has come back down and is dressed, can you please tell her that I will be waiting outside by the Scoobie."


"Scoobie is a slang term for 'Subaru'" Bolton explained as he left for said car. Izzy could only sit and wait as her mother woke up and Chloe got dressed, preparing herself for the inevitable. She already had an inkling as to what had happened but only by going with her friend could she determine what had happened for sure. Izzy sighed and reached for the Coco Pops.