My eight FanFiction...please read and review! Thank you :)

Gilan spotted something in the distance. Something green. He darted toward it. Up close, he saw it more clearly.

It was a bottle.

Gilan curiously studied the glass bottle. It was chipped in several places and looked like it had been in water for many years. There was seaweed stuck to the bottle and the cork looked pretty old and worn-out.

It looked like there was a giant fog on the inside, so Gilan uncorked the bottle and let the mist out.

Then, something completely out of the ordinary happened. The mist that had been in the bottle wasn't a mist anymore. It had taken shape of...

A genie. A big, fat, purple genie that smelled of perfume.


Gilan, his eyes wide and mouth wide open, made no reply.


Gilan recovered and stared at the genie. "Anything I want?" he said in a small voice. He felt so small compared to the towering shape above him.

The genie shook his head. "No, silly man, of course not anything, you cannot wish for more wishes."

Gilan smiled. "Is that it?" he asked.

The genie thought. Finally, he nodded again. "I believe so."

In a loud, clear, voice, Gilan replied, "I wish to be a genie."

The genie nodded. "As you wish," he said. He pointed a fat, purple finger at Gilan, muttered some words, and in a split second Gilan was transformed. The ex-Ranger looked down at the ground. He had grown at least four feet now that he was a genie, and his skin was purple. He had gained some weight, too.

"Why'd you have to make me so fat?" said Gilan.

The genie managed a small smile. "Well, aren't all genies fat? Now, before I leave, you need to know the secrets of being a genie."

Gilan nodded. "Let's hear 'em," he replied.

The genie crouched down. Even though Gilan had grown, the genie was still a considerable amount taller. "Right. So, now that you're a genie, you can grant wishes. Each person only gets one wish, do you hear me?"

"What happens if I grant more than one wish for a person?"

"Then you'll immediately lose the privilege of being a genie. Now, no granting people wishes if they wish for more wishes, and though it's possible, I'd advise you to steer clear of wishes that require bringing people back from the dead. Do you think you've got all that?" the genie said importantly.

Gilan the genie nodded. "I'm only allowed to grant each person one wish or I'll lose the privilege of being a genie. I can't grant wishes to people if they wish for more wishes. And I should steer clear of wishes having to do with bringing people back from the dead." Gilan repeated everything loudly and clearly.

The genie nodded. "I must be off now. I expect you'll be taking the job of being a genie seriously. It's not an easy job, I tell you. Oh, I almost forgot. To grant someone a wish, you must say the magic words: wish come true."

"Okay," said Gilan. He rubbed his hands together. "Thanks!"

The genie smiled, patted Gilan on the purple back, and disappeared into mist.

Gilan smiled. This was going to be fun.