Author's note: I have read a lot of stories where the Massacre simply didn't happen. Sometimes, I wonder why they didn't happen. Other times I wonder if perhaps the world shouldn't have been significantly changed. Some days more, I wonder if it wouldn't have perhaps not changed at all, and I decided to think about it. This is my attempt at a concept I fell in love with some time ago, and the ways it will change everything. I sincerely hope I do not disappoint any readers I might collect on this journey. Do know that I have several plans, and none of them revolve around pairings, so, for now, we'll simply call this a story about Itachi.

Act of Mercy: Prologue

He'd tried.

Everything that had happened in these last weeks had driven home that his efforts were not enough without drastic measures, and it made him absolutely sick to realize that his best friend died because his family was unwilling to bend. Unwilling to bend, unwilling to take any hands offered in friendship. Simply unwilling on a scale so large that it meant that he was quickly losing what chances he had to fix this, and would have to resort to taking an offer from someone that revolted him on the deepest of levels.

He was very afraid he would have to take Madara's hand if he couldn't stop this.

And thus came the moment of desperation when he got the order and three days to prepare, a black scroll that was very simple and precise. A scroll that said that he was to destroy everyone. There was no exception made for the handful of clan children. There was nothing that said there could be clemency for those who did not know. It was simply an order to kill. An order that said that he was to destroy them all, and he knew, with utter conviction, that if he did not do this, they would find another, and any chance, any chance at all would be lost to him.

There was simply not enough time.

Instead of waiting, of planning, first he had to risk.

That was how he found himself before the Hokage in the dead of the night, the old man watching him as he stepped away from the window he'd come in through. It was unusual for the Hokage to have visitors unannounced at this hour, but he was known, and thus not interfered with. He was ANBU and ANBU tended to trust ANBU. He was, on some level, thankful that he was loyal, and thus the trust was warranted. On another level, he dearly wanted to do something about that lack of vigilance.

Still, that was not the purpose of this visit, and he forced his mind to unpleasant things. Instead of meeting the Sandaime's eyes, he looked to the ground, bowing his head as he settled to his knees and lifted the scroll, offering it to his Hokage as he began to speak, voice very soft as he desperately hoped that this would do, well, anything.

"I understand that things have come too far to fix with the clan, and I accept that something must be done. But... Hokage-sama, while I can do this, can I not... can we not at the very least save those who are youngest? The children surely cannot know. There are not a great many but at least... at least them."

He did not look up, but he listened, the silence broken only by the crisp sound of unrolling paper for several long moments. When finally the older man spoke, he sounded very tired, and Itachi knew that he would not like the answer. "If you feel you cannot do this, surely we can find another."

There was no hesitation for that. No, he knew that could not happen. That must not happen. "No, Hokage-sama, I will accept my task as I know it was given to me as the one best suited to carry it out. It is simply... Hokage-sama can I spare no one? Even just... even just one?"

He knew his voice hadn't cracked, though it had come terribly close, but still he must have given something away, for the older man moved over to him, resting a wrinkled hand on his hair. "What would you have me do? If you were in my position, what would you have as a solution?"

He didn't lift his head, but the urges to relax and tense were both there, both instinctive, and driven by entirely different motivations. It made him hesitate. "I would try to save as many as I could while dealing with the problem Hokage-sama. I am aware that those causing the worst of the problems cannot perhaps be quelled, and that you have tried, but the entire clan is not at fault for those causing the difficulties."

"And you are correct that this would be ideal. I am not, however, in a position where this is a viable solution."

"I am aware of that Hokage-sama. They... we are both aware that the clan feels slighted by the last few years." If anything, Itachi's tone grew more hushed, and he had the horrible feeling he would simply have to do and hope for the best.

He did not expect the Hokage's tone to turn... considering. "Yes, they do feel slighted. And you, you want nothing more than what is best for Konoha, no matter how much it hurts you."

"I live to serve my home Hokage-sama." The murmur was soft, barely audible, but was utterly sincere. He would always be loyal to Konoha, no matter what he might be forced to do for it.

"You want a chance to save part of your clan." He heard the older man move away, and he had a moment to wonder what he could be doing. "The fact you came to me however... this was inspired because of your brother, if I'm not mistaken?"

The silence felt deafening, and he swallowed thickly before answering. "Not only him, but... yes. He is my brother and I do not think I would be able to kill him, no matter what my orders are."

"Very well Itachi." The sound of his name was enough to get him to look at the man, whose eyes were speculative, watchful. "I will give you a chance. If you cannot find out how to deal with the situation given this chance, then I will have to insist the orders be completed. Does that sound agreeable to you?"

He felt his own eyes widen in shock, but he gave a sharp bob of his head to show he heard and understood. "Yes. Yes, Hokage-sama. Whatever I must do I shall."

This time, when the weathered hand rested atop his head, he saw it, and there was no missing the almost sorrowful smile on the old man's face. "Then go home Itachi. Go home, and in the morning we shall see if your announcement will be enough to give your family pause."

He would have nodded, but he did not wish to seem as though he was rejecting the reassurance offered in the touch. "And what will my announcement be?"

"Ah, we cannot forget that detail, can we? I hereby name you my successor, Itachi Uchiha, for the title of Hokage."

For a moment, Itachi didn't even breathe. "Hokage?"

"Yes, Hokage." The sad smile brightened slightly, and a nod was given to him before the man finally stepped away from him. "You are young, but you know how to lead and you take care of your men. Once you are trained enough, should things not become enough to enact the orders, you shall be Hokage. Do you find this solution... fair?"

There was a sharp nod, and the young teen bowed his head again, voice little more than a relieved whisper. "I shall do all in my power to live up to your hopes Hokage-sama."

"Go home Itachi. This is a heavy burden you're choosing, but no less heavy than the one you're seeking to avoid. Go home and sleep, and we will talk again soon."

"As you say. Sleep well Hokage-sama."

There was only a second more of stillness, then the boy was gone, and the old man curled his fingers tightly around the scroll that had brought the youth to him this evening.

"You as well Itachi. I hope that this will be enough. I hope it most sincerely."