Hello nonexistent fans. Though this is not my first fanfiction I hope for it to be the first one I stick with and complete. I'm new to this My Little Pony and I've only seen 2 episodes but I'm already hooked and feel like I have to write a fic about it. During this story I will be needing a lot of ideas and corrections from you; empty audience, so be prepared. Anyway thank you for your time and please check my profile for more information. This is the first prolog/chapter so please be kind and help me because I usually don't get further than this. Now without further ado I give you Lost:

For my 16th birthday having a camping trip alone in the woods was not first on my list of things I wanted to do, or last anyway. What I would have wanted was to stay home and play this new videogame I got but my parents decided I needed to practice living alone for at least a day. I would have invited my friends anyway but they all had plans and couldn't be bothered to go on some random camping trip for my birthday.

"Sigh. At least I got to choose what I brought." I murmured to myself. I had a cooler filled with soda and junk food. My laptop bag with my laptop (duh), my I-pod shuffle and my brand new, cruddy, hand-me-down Nokia flip phone which of course had no reception out here. I also had a backpack with some things to keep me entertained. Other than that I had the usual camping stuff like a tent, sleeping bag, matches, etc.

When I arrived at the campsite I proceeded to put up the tent, where I stored my two bags and got a snack from the cooler. The campsite wasn't too impressive; it was just hardened dirt in a circular pattern with a fire pit in the middle and an electrical outlet near where I set the tent up. After staring at nature for about 3 minutes (nature being the neighboring campsite through about a foot of trees) it was getting dark and I decided to retire to my tent and play civ 5 on my laptop.

I defeated the mongrel civilization before I even discovered flight technology, a new record. It had begun to rain about an hour ago and I thought now was as good of time as any to go to bed. I had just started to drift into sleep when a sudden bright flash of silent light scorched my vision rendering me unable to see anything and a searing pain ran through my body, as if every single was on fire. I heard a loud low grumbling noise which could only be thunder and consensus started to slip away from me.

Wow I can't believe all the support I got just from one not even a chapter. Well I hope you liked this one better, it's not as good as I wanted it to come out but I'll probably just edit it latter. Just a few things I need to ask before I do the next chapter

How old are the main (or is it mane) 6 or is it just left to speculation

B. Do you guys like first person or do you want me to do third person (don't worry there will still be -'s pov)

how many pages do you guys typically write for a chapter (this is like 1 ½)

q. where dose Rainbow Dash live (I'm pretty sure it's a cloud house)

And finally: which pony should I meet first?

Thanks for your help don't be too hard on your reviews,
