This is the sequel to my first fic, PPL. You don't have to read it to understand this story for the most part. There may be some references to events that happened in that fic, but overall it shouldn't affect your understanding of this one too much. It takes place a few months after where PPL left off. If you have any questions, let me know!

Love and Business

Chapter One

"Taishou Enterprises, this is Rin speaking how may I help you?"

As Rin went through the motions of setting an appointment with the client and Sesshoumaru, her mind was elsewhere.

Ever the bubbly ex-reporter, no one would ever know of the inner turmoil currently troubling the young woman.

Rin always thought of herself as a go-getter. One way or another, she'd find away to overcome any obstacle and achieve whatever it was she wanted. Okay, maybe that was not always the case, but no one could ever say she didn't try her hardest. She was a fighter and didn't do anything half-assed.

That's why, when after three years of getting nowhere in her 'relationship' with Sesshoumaru, she was far from ready to give up. Most would have already written him off and turned away, but not Rin. To her, he was worth the fight.

That didn't mean she wasn't beginning to feel like it was a lost cause and that maybe he'd never feel the same way for her as she did for him—at times that's exactly how she felt.

The thing was, they'd had sex. Quite a few times, actually. And it had been amazing. The first time had happened by complete accident—not that Rin was complaining at all.

It had occurred almost two years after they had met when the two of them were alone in the office. Sesshoumaru was behind on some paperwork and asked Rin to stay late and help. Rin, never one to turn down extra time with him, of course said yes.

As the night had gone on, one thing had led to another, and the next thing she knew, clothes were being thrown across the room and she was straddling him in that big expensive office chair of his.

At first, it had been a little awkward—mostly on Rin's part. She didn't know how this would change their relationship. But, the next day, Sesshoumaru had acted as if nothing had happened. If anything, he was a bit more open and friendly with her.

The second time, Sesshoumaru had called her into his office unexpectedly. Rin had barely managed two steps into his office before he had her bent over his desk, as he ravaged her from behind.

Vaguely, she recalled him mumbling something about those damned tight work skirts of hers. Needleless to say, Rin wore them more often.

That encounter had been the most embarrassing. Of course it had happened during office hours, and Rin was sure half the floor had heard them.

Rumors had begun to spread like wildfire, and those that had already been jealous of Rin to begin with, now felt they had a legitimate reason to treat her poorly—especially the women who had failed to get Sesshoumaru's attention.

"It all makes sense now." Rin had heard one of them saying. "She only got the job because she's his personal little whore."

Rin had quickly settled that score and that woman, and those associated with her had all been either transferred or let go. After that no one ever spoke of it again, at least not when Rin was around.

Since then, there had been a few stolen moments here and there that she'd certainly never forget.

Rin had hoped it would be the turning point in their relationship, but nothing monumental had really come from it.

She wanted a relationship with the man. Not to be his fuck buddy. She knew he didn't think of her as such, but Sesshoumaru wasn't the most open of men when it came to his feelings. And frankly, after three years, Rin wasn't getting any younger—not that she was old in the slightest. But hey, a girl can't wait forever!

She eventually wanted to get married and have babies. White haired 'pups.' It wasn't exactly your typical dream, but Rin had never considered herself to be a typical woman.

Mostly, Rin wanted to be able to call Sesshoumaru hers—in every sense of the word.

She'd already set a goal for herself. If Sesshoumaru wasn't hers in six month's time, she'd move on with her life and let him go—forever.

That didn't mean she was going to cut him out of her life completely. It just meant she'd no longer pursue him romantically and whatever it was that was going on between them would have to end.

That being said, she had enlisted the help of Kagome—a woman with whom she had gotten quite close to over the last few years, and one who had experience in handling men not exactly completely human.


At the sound of her name being called Rin looked up to see a smiling Kagome making her way towards her desk.

Rin's eyes immediately noticed the small bundle tucked safely in Kagome's arms. She was out from behind her desk in seconds.

"Is that your new baby?"

Kagome beamed brightly. "Yes it is. Would you like to hold him?"

Rin didn't have to be asked twice. Seconds later she was holding the barely four-week-old in her arms.

"He's beautiful, Kagome. I can already tell he's going to be just as handsome as his father and uncle." Rin praised, running a finger across the child's silver tufts of hair.

"Thank you, Rin." Kagome's smile shined with pride.

"Checking up on the hubby?" Rin asked, never once taking her eyes off the babe asleep in her arms.

Inwardly, Rin sighed. She hoped within the next couple years, she'd have a child of her own…. And if all things went according to plan….

"Of course! I'm here to bring him his lunch! He was running late this morning and forgot it." Kagome held up a small-boxed lunch. Rin knew the young mother loved to dote on her husband, and of course jumped at the excuse to visit him at work.

"Uh huh. And I'm sure you had nothing to do with that." Rin said knowingly, begrudgingly returning the child to his mother.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kagome winked, though she couldn't stop the slight blush that spread across her cheeks. "Any progress with you and the boss man?"

"Unfortunately, no." Rin sighed dramatically. "I'll call you tonight?"

"Sure thing. We can discuss your next course of action." The young woman grinned knowingly with a waggle of her eyebrows.

Rin nodded and watched Kagome make her way to her husband's office to greet him with a kiss. She was immediately ashamed of the envy that welled in the pit of her stomach. Why couldn't that be her and Sesshoumaru?

Rin knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that she loved Sesshoumaru. The only problem was, she had no clue if Sesshoumaru had any sort of romantic feelings towards her. Sometimes it hurt—the not knowing.

She knew he respected and cared for her, but that cold mask he always kept in place made him hard to read. Sure, Rin knew him better than anyone in this world, but there were things he even kept locked away from her. Rin hoped that in the near future, she could break those walls he seemed too desperate to keep in place.

If not… she'd have to let him go. She couldn't keep up with this hurt. She feared it might destroy her in the end.

It's short, I know! But it's just the beginning. I had always planned to write some kind of spin-off, or drabble series in this universe with Sess/Rin, but after talking to a reviewer, who even gave me some good ideas, I have come to decide to write a more developed sequel. It won't be very long, but I think you'll enjoy it. I guess I wasn't completely ready to let PPL go… XD You'll still see all the other characters that were in PPL, but this one will be a Rin/Sess centered fic.

On that note, I'd just like to dedicate this story to Temari Asura, for without their encouragement you probably wouldn't be reading this story right now!

And before I go, and end this already too long author's note, I want to apologize for taking so long to post anything, and even the story I promised to have out weeks ago… -_- A lot of things happened and I got busy and caught up in it all. I came home from school for the summer, and picked up a babysitting job, and had several doctors appointments—just routine check ups!—and then last week was my birthday, (I'm so old…) and two days later was my brother's… I'm the oldest of three, and we are all close in age… my poor mother. But anyway, I finally found enough free time to edit and post!

Please Review! I really missed hearing from you guys and would like to know what you think!

Also, please go read the other story I posted, Forever Yours!