I do not own one piece.

I was born into royalty. My family was just below the world nobles, it was Father and Mother, my older sister Aimi, my twin brother Takao, and I. Before I go on my name is Sumiko.

I unfortunately inherited mother's adored long fire-like locks. I also inherited my blue eyes from my father, and again unfortunately I inherited flecks of the same fire-like color that lite up my eyes. Everyone said I was the spitting image of the cursed woman. What is even worse is that I agree with them.

Sadly so did my pretentious sister. She despised me, the things she said to me when my father's back was turned would make a marine commit suicide. Much to her dismay I never did, most of the time I never even blinked. Why? Because I do not let the words from those I utterly despise get to me, usually anyway and when they did I confided in my brother.

My witch of a mother was no better. She did nothing but pressure her three children to accept nothing else but the best, which is why she hated the first person I ever loved. He was what she called "trailer trash", though she was only looked at what was on the surface no deeper. She hid behind her famed beauty. Once Father told me she used to be a lot like me… I was never more disgusted with myself than at the moment.

Growing up I considered books and studying fortune telling a more valuable use of my time, than joining in "family time", which was basically bragging their wealth other people, which Mother dragged Father and Tokao into. My mother greatly disagreed; she and I argued often for sixteen years over it… which leads me to that night.

I was perched in my window, nose in a book I had started that morning. My mother danced into my room –without knocking as she was accustomed to- a smile light up that flawless face of hers. She looked at me as if she just found out some tacky family heirloom she never wanted was actually worth millions of beli.

"I have wonderful news sweetheart!" She said jumping like an excited child that just received a new toy they had been begging for, for many weeks. While if I were naïve I would guess that "toy" might have been me, I am not that dumb. She obviously just found a way to use me to her advantage like she does my poor father.

"What is it Mother?" I said plastering on a fake smile.

"I have arranged you to be wed to the world noble Saint Charloss." She said as the fake smile fell from my face.

I could not believe what I just heard, so I asked her to repeat. My heart sank when she gleefully repeated the name Saint Charloss. I knew exactly who he was, sadly unlike everyone else. He was a disgusting mule that somehow disguised himself as a World Noble. Of course as long as he could pass for one no one cared if he was a mule, swine, or even a goose.

"Is it not wonderful?" She exclaimed as if she expected me to be jumping for joy.

"No, are you insane Mother?" I screamed at her.

She looked as if I had slapped her, which right now was no that out of the question. She then walked fluidly over to me and slapped me out of my spot in the window. It hurt to say the least. I could feel blood flowing down my cheek from where her claws penetrated my pale skin.

My mother looked utterly terrified. She did not care that I was hurt, well she did, but it was only because she was worried she had ruined my looks. She then grabbed my wrist and yanked me over to the vanity I never used.

She slapped a rag on my face and forced me to hold it as she dug through one the drawers, then the other and pulled out a container of foundation. She then pulled my hand away from my face. Since she let out a sigh of relief I guessed that the bleeding had stopped. She quick ran out of the room taking the rag with her.

"What brings you to this little village, girl? More importantly me?" An older looking woman said to me, with the only thing between us being a crystal ball and the table that held it between us.

She was holding up a newspaper that had "Taiki Village Times" in big letters with the date –July 30- beside it in smaller print. She then lifted the paper down giving me a better look at her. She was quite small and had long greyish blonde hair tied tightly behind her head, the poor lighting dimmed her dark red eyes.

We were sitting in a huge wagon that was definitely decorated for a fortune teller. It had dark brown wood with a reddish tint and dark purple tarp protecting the inside of the wagon from light.

Before I could respond she looked up as light filled the wagon. I turned around saw a young man. He had blonde hair that reached shoulders and the same red eyes as the women before me. He was probably her son.

Behind him I could see a sign that said Demon's Tide. It in the shape of a flame, the inside of it was painted black and while the outline was orange. My first guess was that it was a pub, but I would never go in to check.

"SUMIKO LISTEN TO ME WHEN I AM SPEAKING OR SO HELP ME!" My mother screamed. I was expecting to be slapped back to reality.

She had a proud look on her face. Curiosity took over and I looked in the mirror to see what she had done to my face. I saw my mother's perfect face on the other side, the only thing different was the blue eyes that looked almost like a backdrop.

"Now as I was saying…" my mother started immediately grabbing my attention ", the World Nobles will be none the wiser of your blemish tomorrow night."

While most people might be disgusted at her lack of concern I was completely used to it. I was also used the proud smile she wore.

"Well it's late and you have a big day tomorrow so go and get some rest." My mother said before leaving.

Seconds later I heard what sounded like a click. I ran to the door and tried to open it… unsurprisingly it was locked.

"That the best you got Mother?"

I then looked under my bed and pulled one of the large heavy books underneath. I quickly to the first blank page and scribbled down what I envisioned moments ago in thorough detail. I was not in much of a hurry to escape. In fact the exit to what is now my sorry excuse for a prison is always there so I had time.

Once I finished I put the book down on the bed and retrieved the two others. Now I was ready to escape. I simply slid the canopy away from the back of my bed. If Mother or anyone else for that matter had looked behind it they would have found nothing, but I knew where to look. I gently pressed a small square, that to even to my eyes was almost impossible to see. It led to a larger square almost twice the size of my waist falling almost soundlessly a few inches.

I then turned around and retrieved the books and slid them in the opening. After blowing out the candle I crawled inside, making sure I put the hatch back firmly in place. This will be the last time I will use this.

I crawled forward pushing the books forward with me. I had plenty of room to move which was covenant due to three foot drop-off. I slowly lowered myself down. Once down I put the down books next to me and returned to my former position. After crawling a few feet I finally reached my destination.

Suddenly hatch in front of me opened.

"Finally, it took you long enough." A rough familiar voice said as pulled myself and my books out. It was Takao.

He was my identical twin brother. The only difference between us was he was taller and more muscular due to the fact he is a soldier, and his eyes were just a pure ocean-like blue. He is the only person I could run to whenever I am in need, and I, for him. Which is the whole reason for the hidden passage way between our rooms, whenever Mother, Sister, or life wears a little too hard on us we use this passage way and confide in the other. I assure you this is the reason I have yet to knock any of my sister's teeth.

"You leaving?" He asked with a knowing smile.

"Yep, I just came to ask for a little help…" I said handing the books over to him.

"Sorry to tell you this but you need more than a little help." He said before walking over his closet and searching through what was inside before pulling out a shirt and pair of pants.

He finally took the book from my hands with ease and put the clothes down in their place.

While I was changing he pulled off his boots and grabbed a belt for me. He obviously being the only person I could change in front of. I would force Mother and Sister out of my room and it just felt wrong in front of Father, but Takao was and always will been different.

Once I was fully changed he pulled my hair up and used a hat to hide it all.

Looking up at him for the first time I could have sworn he was close to tears.

Pulling me into a choking embrace he said ", take care of yourself… I'll miss you, Sis."

"You too." I said fighting back the tears; I could not afford to cry right now.

After ending the nostalgic embrace I allowed myself one more look at one of the most important people in my life. I turned around and left almost noiselessly. I will miss him so.

I left the house completely ignored; everyone was used to brother leaving at random times in the day or night. Before I left the house I retrieved some food and water -putting it in a dark bag that I draped over my shoulder as I left- as I have seen my dear brother do many times.

I could not allow myself to leave the town without talking to one more special person. After an half an hour walk -I walked to the edge of the town- I arrived at a little cottage. There was a light on in the window, good he is awake.

I gently knocked on the door and waited for a response. Probably not even five seconds later a tall handsome man answered. He had short, straight, chestnut colored hair and deep seductive eyes the color of oak leaves.

"Yakao?" He said his voice heavy with surprise and disappointment.

"No, it's me." I whispered suppressing a smile.

He looked happy as he took my hand and lead me inside. The second the door closed he lifted me up with ease and kissed in his own strong passionate way. I do not know how long we stayed like that.

"I'll go with you!" He stated when he finally ended the kiss.

"No you can't if Mother caught you who knows what she would do." I reasoned, it hurt to admit it but he had to stay behind.

He did not put me down, instead he positioned to carry me bridal style and carried me to his room.

It was completely plain but I did not time to think about it. He threw me on the bed so hard my hips and back hurt. He quickly got on top of me and squeezed my shoulders with agonizing force. Before I could demand him to get off me he kissed me once more.

What I did next I regretted for so long. I moved my legs up to my chest and kicked him as hard as I could.

He got thrown off the bed and landed on the floor in front of the bed. As he was gasping for breath I fled the house and refused to stop until the town I grew up in was out of sight.

Now it was my turn to gasp for breath. My knees gave in and I fell on my side in the dirt. My brother's hat fell off my head and landed next to me. My lungs were on fire, while everything else ached. Tears rolled down my face while the stars above me looked down on me, mocking me.