His eyes seem to bore into me, though he kept a calm easy smile. Seconds later he cleared the space between us, leaving only inches between us. I glared up at him but said nothing. How did I ever put up with this idiot?

"I hear you have been a rebellious little lady?" He asked as if I was a simple child.

"I have no clue what you speak of," I said plainly before continuing as his face lit up in amusement, "I really must be going."

His fat fingers curled around my hands holding me tightly. His face had a smug look like he was a cat that just caught a very fat mouse. I tugged on my fingers experimentally only for his grip to tighten painfully.

"Will you please release me?" I said calmly.

"Now why would I do that?" He said pulling his arms and my fingers back behind him making me stand against him. He continued, "Why would I give up my ticket to the favor of the world nobles."

Before I could react he kissed me. His lips were soft, like he wore lip gloss or something. It would not surprise me, in fact it reminded me why I lost interest in 'suitors' of my former social class. They were truly just as concerned at keeping a beautiful appearance as women, along with being obnoxious prats.

I scowled waiting for his lips to release mine. Just then I got an idea. I leaned into the kiss smacking our lips together full force. When he let go of my hands I curled my arms around him, not putting too much effort but not seeming not into it. I felt his hands cup my butt.

I was relieved when he broke the kiss and started nuzzling my neck. He said with his lips muffled by my collar bone, "maybe we could enjoy each other for a couple extra days."

"Hmmm… maybe we could." I said even though I wanted to vomit in disgust, though my voice kept a sultry tone. How much I would love to just strangle him, but that would come in time.

I let him pick me up and carry me to the room we have been rather… well as ashamed as I am to admit it we have done a lot of naughty things in this room. He tossed me on the bed none to gently and slammed against me. I bit back a whimper as he started licking me like some stupid mutt. Did he seriously think that was attractive?

After that I remembered exactly how bad he was in bed. The details are too embarrassing to admit. The entire time I pretended to grunt, giggle, and scream anything I thought he would like. Finally it was over and I felt disgusted with myself. I also remembered why I stopped wanting sex in my relationships. It got annoying having to fake an orgasm every time someone wanted to smack my rear.

Once it was over I waited for him to fall asleep while I planned my escape over. There was little chance that the staff would believe I was from a wealthy class, so only he would know. As in I had to kill him if I wanted freedom. The idea made me feel sick to my stomach but I knew I had to do it. If I somehow got away without having to do it now I would have to do it to someone eventually. Better sooner than later.

All the while my stomach was still alive with anxiety. No matter what I told myself the idea still terrified me. I thought over the easiest way to do it. I could strangle him, or cover his face with a pillow but he could still fight back. I could stab him, but I had no knife. I could also sneak in the kitchen to get one but someone might see me. Being as inexperienced with murder as I am I knew the later was my best idea.

I slowly scooted to the edge of the bed cautious of any unexpected noise from my sleeping partner. Once I got to the edge bed. I slowly lowered myself to the floor only bothering to cover my breasts with my arms.

I looked around the bed and floor for any sign of my clothes, or at least my shirt. I slowly snuck to his side only to find something sticking out of his pillow. I grabbed it then gently pulled it out. My heart nearly stopped when his face twitched. He groaned then turned to the side. I kept pulling to find the blade of a knife.

I stared at it terrified. What was I waiting for? I had a knife and he was laying right there. I bit my lip as I lifted the knife above his chest. If I waited for him to turn on his back I could go straight for the heart. Finally he did. His chest was calling for the knife but I stood there motionless.

'HURRY UP!' I demanded in my head but I stood there.

I reminded myself of everything about him I hated. Looking for any spark of anger to finish the job. I easily came up with the sick tongue on my skin, those sick eyes undressing me, that expectation, EVERYTIME HE HUMILITATED ME, EVERYTIME HE CALLED ME HIS LITTLE TOY! Finally I brought the knife down, then pulled it out and stabbed him three more times.

I backed away when my anger was used up, letting the knife hit the floor. I realized it was unnecessarily thick in blade and hilt, with small jewels running up on one side of the hilt. I looked to see him still 'sleeping' while I fought back tears.

After what felt like hours I sucked it up and looked up his pillow for a hilt. It would be stupid to leave the hilt behind. I found a fat hilt touched my fingers. I yanked it out then picked up the blade. Slowly I slid the blade back into its sheath as reason slowly came back.

Before I planned my escape I found my clothes and put them back on. The blood seeped through my clothes, though my cloak hid it all very nicely.

I went to the window and looked down. I was two floors from the ground. Thinking to myself I pondered how I could get down without hurting myself. After a long sigh I gave up and simply hoped for the best. Pulling one window opened I balanced on the sill. I closed my eyes then jumped. For a few seconds the wind whipped against me until I landed on a bush. It hurt and the thing crunched loudly but no one came and I could still run.

Within minutes I had fled out the front gates to the city. I knew I must have looked a mess but no one was awake so I was safe. My legs finally gave in the middle of the road. A sigh escaped me as I planned out what to do next. I need to find Hawkins if he's still here.

As I muddled it over I realized my powers would come in handy. I focused on a few hours later when the sun would still be down. I found him fast asleep on a bed and hand over his eyes with his chest rising and falling evenly. I made myself see the bigger picture; he was on a boat in a dock. It was small and alone with the bouncing waves as I looked even further back I saw it was next to the boat shop he showed me.

I came back to reality and picked myself up. I walked to the dock hoping my memory was adequate. As it turned out it was, since within half an hour I stood in front of the little boat shop. I turned to the left to find the dock.

There it stood was the ship. It was a little over twice my size, but not exactly huge. Obviously it is something that could be manned by two people but could hold many more. I smirked to myself unsurprised by Hawkins. He never ceases to impress.

I looked at the plank wondering what I would say when I got up there. Would he be forgiving, would he be angry, would he ask where I went. I sighed ready to walk up there and take whatever punishment maybe waiting for me.

I walked up the plank a couple steps before I heard someone walking up there. Seconds later Hawkins came into view. His expression was blank. It made me wish he looked angry at least I would have known exactly what he was thinking. No, he stared at me with the cryptic stare of his.

Finally when he spoke it was low and difficult to hear, "Where have you been?"

A lump formed in my throat. What could I say that wouldn't make him angry. I considered lying but the mysterious look in his eyes seem to have a dangerous glint below the surface. I had to tell him the truth.

"I ran into an old friend and he was going to turn me into the world nobles." I said as I wordlessly brought out the sheathed knife blade up. He stood there a moment before offering his hand to help me the rest of the way up. I used my other hand to take it.

Once the wood of the boat was under my feet he asked, "may I see the blade?"

I didn't hesitate to give it to him. He started walking to a door that led who knows where. The blade came clean out and was still coated in blood. As he opened the door for me he suggested I clean it so it doesn't rust. We walked down a row of steps to a lighted hallway. He opened the first door to the left to show a modest sized kitchen and mess hall.

He led me into the kitchen and stopped in front of the sink. I watched anxiously as he cleaned it the dried it before returning it to me sheathed. Then he instructed me there were two rooms further down the hallway, he continued saying me along with any female crew members would stay in the one on the right.

As I turned to leave to go to bed he stopped me with another question. This one terrified me even more than the last.

"Where exactly did you kill him?"

I stiffened up biting my lip before trying to ease up. Finally I told him, "in his bed room."

The long pause on Hawkins part scared me. I thought for a moment of if I should just leave but before I could he followed up saying with a neutral tone, "did you sleep with him?"

I slowly turned back expecting to see him paying attention to a card but his eyes were right on me and arms crossed. He stood against the door attached to the wall separating the kitchen and the mess hall.

"No, of course not." I huffed halfheartedly, I some what doubted he would believe me but he didn't say anything so I guessed I was in the clear.

"That is surprising you would think any man with a woman as-" He started but stopped, I could have sworn I saw him flinch. What was he going to say? Was he about to call me beautiful, no probably just meant something else. Still curiosity plagued me so I had to ask what he was going to say. I saw a miniscule twitch in his face as he said, "it just seemed odd with a woman practically his prisoner he wouldn't take the opportunity."

After that he went to bed without another word. I stared at his back thoroughly disappointed.

Sorry for the HUGE delay. I have been really lazy v.v... but I hope everyone enjoys it. Feel free to give me feed back, if you like it tell me it makes me want to add more. By the way I love everyone who was patient with me :P.

Oh by the way I am not sure if the sorta sex scene should be enough to boost it too 'M' just yet. Anyone that could give it a ya or na would be appreciated.