Fire. Blood. Death. The Hunger Games flashed before my eyes and I saw everything, saw all the faces in the sky. Then I saw Prim's beautiful face, smiling at me. I ran over to hug her, seeing her waiting for me outside our dinky house in District 12, but when I touched her, she flinched. She backed away in horror screaming "Murderer! Murderer!"

"Prim, no don't call me that. I did it for you. Prim!"

"MONSTER!" Her scream echoed, growing louder and louder.


I painfully jolted awake, catching my scream in my hoarse throat. I wiped my sweaty forehead, before realizing the rest of me was drenched too, and how cold my back was without...well without Cato. I had gotten use to his muscled chest pressed against my back, keeping me warm, keeping me safe. I wanted to get up and walk across the short hall to his room and just cuddle with him in his bed, but I couldn't. It would say I was weak, and I am not weak. I only need three things in this life now that'd I'd survive the Hunger Games. 1) Prim. 2) Food. 3) Some type of roof over my head. Having Cato would just be a pleasure, a pure want and dammit, I deserve to be happy right? But how would me and him even work? He lives in District 2, I live in District 12. And what if the only thing between us is lust? A relationship can't just last on lust.

I shook my head as I quickly stripped out of my sweaty clothes and went to the attached bathroom connected to my room in only my underwear. It was still crazy to me how these trains were nicer then any of the houses in District 12. Ah, District 12, home. I would be at home soon. The next stop on our Victory Tour was District 11 before stopping at 12. 'Soon Prim, I will see you soon' I thought to myself.

I turned the shower as hot as it would go before scrubbing all the imaginary blood of the innocent victims that were killed in the games off my body. I didn't kill many, but I'm still alive and they aren't.

'You killed someone. That makes you a murderer.' I heard my inner voice say to me in taunting tone.

'I didn't want to.'

'Then why did you do it. Murderer.'

'Because of'-'Murderer.'

'Shut up!'

'I don't listen to murderers.'

'I HAD a reason!'

'Do you know what the definition of murderer is?...You.'


BECAUSE PRIM NEEDS ME! SHE NEEDS ME AND I WILL DO FUCKING ANYTHING TO GET TO HER! I mentally yelled back at myself before punching the glistening white tile as hard as I could. My hand hotly pulsed with pain but I ignored it as I forced myself to take deep calming breaths.

The rest of the shower I only allowed myself to focus on one thing: how nice it was to finally shower! With actual soap and shampoo.

5 minutes later, I climbed out the shower, letting my wet hair hit my back as I slipped on my underwear before wrapping myself in a towel. I walked back out to my room, coming to a quick stop as I saw Cato lying on his back in my bed, flipping through a magazine in only boxers and a shirt.

He looked up and smiled. "Hey babe, couldn't sleep?"

"Could say the same for you. It's," I looked at the hologram clock on my bedside table. "3 am."

"I couldn't sleep without you. So I made plans." He said as he sat up.

"And what are those plans?" I asked.

"Well come closer."
I stepped closer.

"Closer." He urged.

I walked over, close enough for him to grab my waist and pull me to stand between his thighs.

"My plan." He said in a low voice that made the moment intimate. "Is for you to wear my shirt as we cuddle in this bed and talk about your nightmare before we fall asleep. You'll then wake up in my arms and I'll kiss you like crazy, because why?"

"Because I'm yours?" I asked.

He smiled widely. "Because you're mine."

"Was that you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked, smirking at him. "Mr. plain. I was expecting flowers and chocolates."

"I've never had to ask someone before. Just winked and showed them my six pack and they came crawling."

"Well don't expect me to crawl because I've seen better abs."

"I wouldn't expect you to,"

"And my answer is no by the way."


"To being your girlfriend."


"Ask me in a more romantic way and maybe I'll say yes." I joked.

Cato laughed before giving a warm smile. "Come on let's cuddle. Let go of the towel first." he said before lifting his white sleep shirt over his head.

"Why?" I held my towel close around me.

"Now you're shy?" He gave a small smirk.

I slowly dropped the towel and quickly covered my breasts with my arms. He gave me a soft smile. "Lift your arms, I promise I'll close my eyes."
"You better. Or I'll stab you at breakfast." I said before slowly raising my arms. He closed his eyes like instructed before maneuvering his shirt over my head and putting my arms through the holes.

His shirt was way to big, stopping mid thigh and it smelled heavily of him, and it was the most comforting thing in the world right now.

"I might have taken a small peak. I only saw elbow, so don't stab me." he mocked.

I laughed before it was muffled by his lips. I reached up to thread my hands in his soft hair, his hands firm on my waist, running up my back. I quickly climbed into his lap, overwhelmed that he came here to talk about my nightmares with me. It wasn't just lust. This could be a real relationship.

I pressed closer and he moaned before pulling back, his voice husky. "The plan-the plan was to just cuddle and talk. You're making this hard."
"Not hard enough." I said as I bit his lip.

"Katniss. We got to talk."

"Okay, one more kiss." I insisted before he grabbed my thighs and pressed me down on the mattress. I leaned forward for a kiss but he just laughed. "Talking Katniss."

We settled on our sides, facing each other, his hand on my waist as he asked. "What happened tonight? I heard you."

"What part, the terrible screaming or me picking a fight with the shower wall and loosing? Look I really don't want to talk about this."

"I'm trying to do this with you Katniss. Comforting I mean."

"I don't need you to comfort me."

He was silent for a few seconds before he set his jaw. "Fine." he nodded before starting to get up. "I was being stupid anyways."

"Wait, Cato don't." I said but he didn't stop. He was walking to the door when I realized he was serious. I quickly got up and pushed him against the wall, kissing him breathless. I knew he wanted to push me away but didn't. He angrily kissed back, his hands fisting in the back of my shirt.

I pulled back and leaned my forehead against his. "I'm glad you came to comfort me. I'm so glad."

"Katniss. I don't pick many people to be in my life."

"And I'm the same way. But we picked each other. So now you're stuck with me. Just... give me some time to fully open up."

He nodded his head.

I pulled him back to my bed and we got situated like before, both on our sides, facing each other.

He didn't bring up my nightmares, but he deserves to know. And I deserve to have someone to trust too. So I told him. And I asked him how he deals with the bad dreams.

He propped up on one of his elbow and grabbed my face. "You are not a murderer."

"I killed someone."

"And that makes you a monster? Out of the two of us,I'm the real monster. But here's something you have to remember. Monsters can do good things too." and he was right. Cato killed half the kids in the games, but he saved me more then once. He was capable of good, of love.

"Thank you." I whispered as he wrapped me in his arms. "We are so messed up." I laughed in his shoulder.

"We are, but I don't care." was the last thing Cato said as we fell asleep.

Later, I was woken up to Haymitch banging on my door. "Get dressed! District 11 is waiting."

I turned over to see Cato fast asleep, seeing how peaceful he looked. Unlike when he was in the games, vicious. I leaned over and woke Cato up with many kisses. He smiled up at me before I shoved him out of my room, still shirtless. "You're going to pay for that." he laughed before turning around to see a young avox girl blushing at his half undressed state. He gave her a wicked smile and said "Morning." before strutting back to his own room.

Less then 2 seconds later, my designers marched into my room and dolled me up. I then walked to the dinner table and ate an extravagant breakfast of frittata with ham and roasted peppers and a glass of milk. Then Cato and I were ushered out of the train and into a black car, heading to a tall cement building in town square.

"Stick to you're scripts." Haymitch gruffed as he handed us many notecards before he shoved us out to the stage.

The stage was brightly lit, making me sweat. But I ignored it and the thousands of pairs of sad eyes staring at me. I stuck to my cards and Cato stuck to his. Everything was fine until... "You tried to save my baby! Thank you Katniss Everdeen!" I looked up to see Rues mother standing on the family tribute stand, tears streaming down her face. "I can't repay you enough for trying to keep her alive."

"I can't repay you enough. I tried but I couldn't save her and I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." I said as I hopped down from the podium and ran over to Rue's mother, climbing the steps to their stand and hugging her.
"She wouldn't have made it as far without you. We owe you."

I shook my head. "She helped me just as much as I helped her." I wiped the tears that threatened to fall before turning to the other families stand. Thresh's family stand. "Your son Thresh saved my life and without him I wouldn't be here. I think of how lucky I am for his actions and I can't-I can't stand myself that I didn't, that I couldn't save him in return. I truly hope you understand why I made the decisions I made." I turned back to the crowd and took a deep breath. "The capital will pay for anything these families and all the families of the fallen tributes need as a condolence. Money can not soothe the pain, but this is the best I can do. I am so sorry for your lose."

The crowd began chanting my name but it was quickly shut down as a Peacekeeper shot gun shots off into the air to shut people up. It did the opposite. People began chanting louder as they rushed forward to attack the Peacekeepers. I looked around at the horror, of the people being shot, and the Peacekeepers being smacked and beaten with tools, of the children screaming. A little girl was hiding under the other families stands, Thresh's, sitting and shaking with fear. I was about to climb down the stairs to help lead her to safety when I felt arms grab me. I turned around to see Cato dragging me back to the cement building, away from the vicious fighting.

It wasn't till later on the train that I saw the true aftermath of what happened at District 11. Many causalities and half the town burnt down. Haymitch told me it was because I didn't stick to my script, So I told him I would fix this.

When we arrived in District 12 before telling them "What happened in District 11 was terrible and I do not encourage violence. Do not encourage any more violence then what we already see in the disgusting, animalistic Hunger Games. They will never be able to repay for all the lives taken, let us not lose more. We must stick together, unite. Together we can get through any thing, any pain."

President Snow was watching the flat screen in his office, having the video on repeat. Katniss Everdeen saying "disgusting, animalistic Hunger Games. disgusting, animalistic Hunger Games." He shook his head. "Katniss, you really need to watch what you say my dear child." He gave a dark chuckle before calling his assistant in.

I ran through the crowd as fast as I could, before picking up Prim up off the ground and hugging her as if my life depended on it. She hugged me back with all her force, crying with joy.

"I'm so glad you're alive! Katniss I was so scared."

I leaned back, keeping her in my arms, never letting go again. "I told you I'd be fine. I didn't doubt it for a second. You know I'd do anything to come back to you."

She smiled, a tear falling down her cheek before looking over at Cato.

"Prim, you know Cato, my-." I swallowed. "My boyfriend."

"Oh the b word?" Cato mocked.

"Thank you for saving her." Prim said, looking at Cato slightly skeptical.

"My pleasure. I'll meet you back at the train later?" He asked me.

Cato wanted me to be honest and open with him and even though this relationship thing was new to me, I think it was kind of common sense: If I could trust Cato in the games, could trust him with my life, then he deserves to meet my biggest treasure in life. Especially if we were going to make this long term. So I invited him along with my mother and Prim. We all walked back to our dinky house, all sitting in the living room, Prim catching me up on what she had been up to. Apparently mom had been teaching her medical stuff, how to put in stitches and how to make remedies. After a half an hour I went to the small kitchen to make District 12's famous tea (missing it's odd but comforting taste), mother following me.

"If you hurt her, I will kill you." Prim said with a serious face.

"How old are you?"

"Old enough to know how to kill you."

"You're pretty brave saying all that to a Hunger Games Victor."

"I don't care who you are."

"You are definitely her sister." Cato laughed. "I really like you're sister Prim. More then I should." He sighed.

She studied him, seeing how genuine he was. So she nodded. "I approve of you...for now." Prim gave a small smile before getting up and hugging Cato. "Thank you, for bringing her back to me. I can never repay you."

"I am glad you are alive." mother said. I just nodded at her. "Glad to be alive. Thanks for taking care of Prim." I simply responded before walking into the living room holding three cups of tea. There was a knock on the front door, mother called out saying she would answer it. I plopped down next to Prim, stroking her hair as mother re-entered the room with a worried look on her face. "What's wrong?" Prim asked.

"Katniss you have a visitor." And right behind mother, President Snow.

Holy crap an update! I got this very sweet comment the other day about how they love this story and how I inspire them. And in return they inspired me. I'm to lazy to make another story, so I will just add to this one. Umm I don't know how I want Katniss and Cato's relationship to be. Throughout this story they have had a very sexual and unhealthy relationship. This was me trying to get them to be open with each other and I think I'd like to show more the evolution of their relationship, about Katniss trying to open up and about Cato trying to be this good boyfriend. They are going to struggle with different opinions on the games and just struggle to trust each other. This is a huge step for both of them. If you guys could tell me if you liked this, liked softer Cato, if you don't mind the relationship drama? So yeah tell me what you think, everything is helpful and comments make my day:) Thanks for reading. Hunger Games doesn't belong to me.