Luke's Match

A Dukes of Hazzard fan fiction

Disclaimer: I own no characters of the Dukes of Hazzard. Only the story is mine.

Chapter one


It was a typical Saturday afternoon in Hazzard, Georgia. One that was sweltering. If you were from the South, you knew that this was normal Southern weather. The only thing that wasn't normal about this afternoon was the car bounding down the rural clay country road. It was a bright orange car with the Confederacy flag painted on the top of the car and a giant 01 on both doors. Anyone in Hazzard would tell you that this car, commonly referred to as the General Lee, wasn't an uncommon sight. It was the fact that there was only one person in the car.

Luke Duke, the driver of this colorful car, was headed back from town where he was running a few errands. He looked over at the passenger seat, and suddenly he missed Bo.

Bo was Luke's cousin, and in their younger years, they shucked, jived, and pretty much caused a ruckus for "Boss" J.D. Hogg, county commissioner for Hazzard, which was polite way of saying he was a crook. Old Boss Hogg had his fat little fingers into just about everything that would bring in a profit. Then the day would end as both Luke and Bo would cause the crooked sheriff/ brother in law to Boss Hogg, Roscoe Coltrane ,and his strait as an arrow deputy, Enos Strait, to chase them.

Luke chuckled as he remembered some of those chases. The General could out run the squad cars any day.

Sighing, Luke knew what his God fearing Uncle Jesse would ask him. When was he going to start his own family? Uncle Jesse had passed away two years ago. Bo was living in Atlanta with a pretty wife and two kids. His other cousin, Daisy, was settled down with Enos, still working as a waitress at the Boar's Nest. He was the only one who was unattached. To tell the truth, Luke liked it that way, able to maintain Uncle Jesse's farm and the upkeep of the house he and his cousins grew up in. Things weren't the same anymore. There was no more shucking and jiving. Bo grew up and out of the "fighting the system" phase. Luke knew that Boss Hogg was not as adamant about putting him in jail. After Boss' wife Lulu passed away five years ago, the fight in Boss Hogg just left him. He even managed to call a truce between him and the Duke family, ending the once fierce feud, talked about by the citizens of Hazzard to this very day. How Luke missed those days. Maybe he aught to marry and settle down as his cousins had done. But he hadn't found that right woman. He only hoped that she would walk into his life.

As Luke bounded around the curve that would take him home, he was met with a surprise. A green Toyota was on the side of the road, the hood up.

Luke pulled the General Lee to the side of the road and climbed out of the car thru the window. The General's doors were welded shut, just like the cars that raced in the Indy 500. He walked around to the front of the green car. He saw a long pair of legs attached to a woman with long blonde hair. She had a determined look on her face as she worked with the engine.

"Having problems, Ma'am?"

The woman looked up. "Yeah, this car just quit on me."

Luke looked at the engine and immediately saw the problem. "Your battery terminals are bad. I know a good mechanic that can tow this into town and have it fixed by Monday."

"That's going to be a problem. I have to be at the doctor's office by this evening."

"If you're sick, I can drop you by there."

The girl was laughing. "No. I'm taking over the practice."

Luke looked confused. "You're the new doctor?"

"Dr. Angel McCormick."

"McCormick? As in Wesley McCormick?"

"Wesley McCormick was my father. You knew him?"

"Well Mr. McCormick, my father, and my uncle used to run moonshine together when I was a kid."

"And you are?"

"Sorry, Luke Duke."

"As in Jesse Duke? I always wanted to meet him."

"He went to be with the Lord nearly two years ago."

Angel put a hand to her mouth. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to insensitive. It's just that my father used to tell me stories of how the Duke family would cause Uncle J.D. such trouble. I would laugh myself silly at your family's antics…"

"Wait wait wait," Luke said as he ran a hand thru his black hair. "You're Boss Hogg's niece?"

"Technically, I'm Lulu's niece. Her sister, my mother, married my dad. After Daddy died, I went to medical school. Momma knew just the place for me. Hazzard. So, here I am ready to take over the medical practice."

"Does everyone know that you're the new doctor?"

"That's what I was doing. Introducing myself to the patients that Dr. Weaver had. I wanted to let them know that I make house calls."

"You're not like Boss Hogg."

Angel studied Luke. "If there's one think I don't like, It's someone who takes advantage of good people. Uncle J.D. may be a person of great power, but he's greedy and selfish. I grew up in a home where, we didn't have much. What we lacked in money, my family made up for in love."

Luke immediately liked this girl. She reminded him of the old days when Uncle Jesse was still alive, and made sense when he spoke. Full of wisdom and full of care.

"Why don't I take you to the clinic myself. I'll have that mechanic tow your car. You live nearby?"

"I'm actually staying with Uncle J.D. until I can get myself established. Hazzard looks like a great place to live."

"That it is."

The two walked to the General Lee. "Wow," Angel said, "A Dodge Charger."

"You know your cars."

"Grandpa McCormick was a mechanic. So was Daddy. He had me around a car from the time I could walk. He worked full time as a mechanic so that I could have a decent education." Angel went to open the door, and found the door wouldn't budge. Then she realized why. She climbed into the car thru the window. She looked at Luke. "Who's your favorite racer?"


"This car's doors are welded shut. That means one or two things. Either you're a racer and aspire to be like your hero, or you're off your rocker. I'm hoping you're not crazy, what with you driving and all. So who's your favorite racer?"

"Richard Petty."

"Not bad. Give me Dale Earnhart any day."

"You've got good taste." Luke picked up the CB. "Cooter, you got your ears on? Come back."

A voice crackled over the speaker. "Breaker one Breaker one. I may be crazy, but I ain't dumb. Crazy Cooter coming back. What can I do for you, Luke?"

"There's a green Toyota off route 33 near the farm. Can you tow it and have it fixed by Monday? I'll take care of the expenses."

Angel looked at him and arched an eyebrow. This guy was very smooth.

"Who's the girl, Luke?"

"The doctor."

"Dr. Weaver? Isn't he a little old for you, Luke?"

"Cooter, I mean the new doctor. Dr. Angel McCormick. Her car has broke down here and I'm taking her to the clinic. Can you tow it and fix it?"

"You got it, Luke. Crazy Cooter over and out."

Angel smiled. "Okay, I'm not going to ask."


"Why you offered to pay to have my car fixed."

"Sometimes it pays to be nice. Especially to pretty doctor."

Angel busted out laughing. "You really are a smooth talker. You'll have to let me repay you."

Luke was silent. His cousin Bo, was the real ladies man. Then he had an idea. "You doing anything tonight?"

"Not really. Why?"

"There's always a Saturday get together for the whole town at the Boar's Nest. It would be the perfect place for Hazzard to meet it's new doctor."

"Okay," she said as the General came to a stop in front of the clinic, "Formal or casual?"

"Casual is fine. I hear that Waylon Jennings is playing tonight."

"I'll see you tonight, Luke."

"Will eight be okay?"

She walked around to the driver's side door. "That's fine. Again, see you tonight, Luke."

Luke smiled. He was sure that his Uncle Jesse was getting a kick out of this.

When Luke got back to the house, he was met with a surprise. Bo was sitting on the front porch with his wife Jill. The kids were playing with Luke's Bassett hound he'd named Knothead. Knothead was a product of Sherriff Coltrane's dog, Flash, having fun when out of the Sherriff's sight.

Luke climbed out of the General Lee and walked to the porch.

"Hey Bo!" He embraced his cousin in a bear hug.

"Hey Cousin."

"What brings you back to Hazzard?"

"Family. Besides, I told Jill she'd have to see what all ruckus was with the Saturday night get togethers at the Boar's Nest was all about. Are you going?"

"Sure am and wait till you see who I'm going with."

"Well it can't be Hannah, because Jill and I have asked her to baby sit for us."

"Bo, trust me. Wait till you see her."

Jill asked, "Where'd you meet her, Luke? Certainly not on the racing circuit." It was no secret that Luke made his living racing and training aspiring racers as well. It was good money, but Luke was one never to flaunt his good fortune. It would disgrace Uncle Jesse's memory.

"Actually Jill, I met her on the side of the road. Do you remember Wesley McCormick, Bo?"

"Old man McCormick who used to run shine with our daddies, Uncle Jesse, and Boss Hogg?"

"That's the one. Anyway his daughter is the town's new doctor, and she's agreed to go with me tonight."

"Wait a second, Luke. Isn't she some how kin to Boss Hogg?"

"Only thru Lulu. Her niece. Believe me, she's nothing like Boss Hogg or Sherriff Coltrane."

"Wow, Luke," Bo said, impressed. "I've got to meet this girl. She's got you higher than any shine Uncle Jesse could ever make!"

Luke smiled. "I sure do miss him, Bo. He's probably the one who sent Angel this way."

Bo laughed, his eyes tearing up. "Yeah Uncle Jesse was good at playing match maker, though he'd never admit to it."

That night, Bo saw what his cousin meant. Angel was drop dead gorgeous. Her long blonde hair was swept up into a French braid. She fit right into the country décor with the red button up shirt that was tied in the front, showing only a teasing of her stomach. Her jeans matched her blue eyes. Anyone who saw would have thought she was born and raised right there in Hazzard. She sat beside Luke and joined a lively conversation with Bo, Jill, Enos, and Daisy, who'd been given the night off.

"How's Hazzard treating you, Angel?" asked Daisy.

"Great. Today I've met some of the finest people, including your good looking cousin here."

"Yeah, you have to watch out for Luke. He's a real charmer."

"Tell me about it," Angel laughed, remembering how Luke had offered to pay Cooter for towing and fixing her car.

Waylon Jennings had launched into a slow love ballad. Luke asked Angel to dance.

Angel never felt as free as she did that night, embraced in Luke's arms. Many single men asked her to dance, but she seemed only to have eyes for Luke. Luke picked up on it. A lot of single women were vying for just a smile from Luke. But he never left Angel's side. The Hazzard men wanted to be with Angel, the Hazzard women envied her, because it seemed as though Hazzard's most eligible bachelor might be taken off the market.

That night, Luke took Angel home. He walked her up to the porch of the expansive and expensive home that Boss Hogg had built for Lulu.

"Luke, I had a great time tonight. Thank you."

"Will I see you in church tomorrow?" Everyone who was anyone went to church on Sunday in Hazzard. There was only one church. Hazzard community church.

"Yes. That is unless work gets in the way. Medical problems rarely take a day off."

Luke removed his hat and leaned down and kissed her. "Do you mind if I call on you tomorrow evening?"

Angel returned his kiss. "Luke Duke, you can come calling anytime you like."

"Goodnight, Angel."

Things went on like that for several months. When social events arose in Hazzard, and boy did they, Luke was always seen with Angel. Everyone knew that one day Luke would get the gumption to ask Angel an important question.

Luke asked Angel that question, on the same dirt road he'd met her. In tears she said yes to sharing his life with him.

It wasn't until a week after the congratulating by Luke's family and the article in the Hazzard Gazette, informing the good people of Hazzard of the upcoming nuptials, that a man no one had seen before walked into Boss Hogg's infamous back room of the Boar's Nest. A man who would put the fire back in J.D. Hogg's beady little eyes. A man from Savannah who would shake Luke and Angel's love to it's very foundation.