"So don't you feel sorry for the bunnies?" Kol's voice sounded across the forest "they have feelings too, you know?"

"I don't eat bunnies Kol" Stefan answered at the accusation, "well at least not anymore"

Kol noted the sad tone on his voice, and he knew his change of humor had something to do with certain blonde, not his sister, it was non other than the infamous Caroline Forbes, he had seen her for the first time at the dance his family organized and then when he met her at The Grill his respect for her grew, she was the only alive person he knew, that had challenged his brother on the way she did it, and still lived to tell it.

"She helped you a lot, right?" it was more a confirmation than a question.

"When everyone gave up on me, she stayed there" Stefan shared his thoughts, while the pair kept walking and searching into the woods "She doesn't give up on people she cares about"

With that the pair remained on silence, having all their supernatural senses on alert in case something would help them on the search of the blonde.

"Isn't that the wolf boy?" Kol interrupted Stefan and pointed a tree

"Tyler" Stefan rushed to the tree.

"Right on the heart" the original said, taking the branch out of the hybrid now dead. " Do you believe it was her?"

Stefan just looked at the body of Tyler, even when they had shared nothing but a few moments when he was with Caroline, he knew she cared a lot for him, or at least that was what he thought

"I don't want to believe it" it was all he managed to say.


"This is taking to much Elijah" Rebekah complained for the fifth time on the last couple of minutes "Maybe it didn't work out"

"Bekah..." Elijah was ready to send his sister away when the phone on his jacket started to ring, he took it out and answered, when he saw his brother's name on the screen.

"Did you find her?" He was never that close to Caroline, but she was the only person to see the little light on Klaus' dark heart and that was enough to care about her.

"Not exactly" Kol's voice came thru the mobile "I'm calling because we need help"

"I always knew he was useless" Rebekah said taking the phone from his older brother " On what exactly do you need help?, aren't you and Stefan enough?"

"Oh sweet sister always a pleasure to speak with you" Kol knew his sister and how impertinent she could be "Now pass me Elijah, I want to talk to him, although that's kind of obvious since I called him and not you"

"What is it Kol?" Elijah asked, calmed as always, taking his phone back

"Quick story" the younger Mikaelson explained "it seems like our dear Caroline went all ripper mode and killed Tyler Lockwood"

"Oh" that was all Elijah said "I'll send someone to help you with the body"

elijah never imagined that one day he would be on this situation, sending his people to cover Caroline's track

"Don't return home until you have Caroline with you" and with that he finished the conversation.

"Where is she?" A male voice made them turn and there he was, awake looking at his siblings waiting for an answer.

"Oh my God, Nik, you're awake" Rebekah rushed at his brother hugging him, but he didn't return the gesture.

"Where's Caroline?" He asked again, without get an answer

"God damn it, where is she?!" He yelled angry at the pair who was still watching him in silence.

"We don't know yet" Elijah spoke "Kol and Stefan looked over town but she's not there, they are searching in the woods now" he explained

That was all he needed to know, he got up and started to walk to the door.

"Where are you going?" Elijah asked
"To take a drink at the grill" Klaus answered sarcastically "what happened to Caroline? Why is she lost?"

Neither of Rebekah or Elijah dared to share the real reason why the baby blonde vampire was missing.

"So no one will tell me why?" The other Mikaelson said looking at his nervous siblings "Rebekah"

"She turned the switch" the original blonde murmured

"what?" Klaus' concern reflexed on his face. "how did this happen?"

"well you died" his sister started to explain "and then Damon killed Caroline's mom"

"son of a bitch" Klaus passed his siblings getting out of his room " first I'm going to find Caroline, then I'm going to make Damon pay"

Rebekah and Elijah followed him as Klaus left the house.


When Caroline arrived to the cellar, she had found a couple making out, the blonde vampire was sweating and her eyes looked a little lost, she knew the guy in there, he used to be her classmate, he was a jerk with her on her human time, and he acted like one that night.

"you look like shit" he said making fun of her, little he knew, Caroline ripped his throat quickly, another revenge, one that wasn't planned, he was just in the wrong place, at the wrong moment and said the wrong sentence.

The girl who was with him gasped in horror and tried to run, but she was captured and compelled by Caroline, the girl wouldn't fear Caroline, she wouldn't run and she had do whatever the vampire asked for.

"I don't want to die" the girly voice echoed the cave

"Me neither" Caroline said to the girl " but we don't always get what we want, do we? " she licked her lips tasting the blood from the last victim.

"Why are you doing this?" the tears from the girl's eyes in front of Caroline started to fall
"Nothing personal honey" Caroline explained "life is hell and sometimes you've to face it"

The blur vision made Caroline fell, she felt like her whole body was burning, she glanced at her arm and saw the blue veins around the wound. She felt the pain in her heart and how her whole body became heavier, she knew death would come sooner or later, but she didn't want to wait more.

"Go to the forest and bring a branch, you can't talk to anyone, do it quickly" she commanded closing her eyes letting her body relax, after all she already had made a decision.


There was a silence, the kind of silence that exists before something big happens, Kol and Stefan were now a few miles into the woods, but there was no sign of Caroline.

"What if she already left the state?" Kol was getting anxious as the minutes passed.

"For your own sake she better be near" Klaus made his appearance behind them, as always surprising people

"Brother you have been awake for ten minutes and you're already threatening me!" Kol exclaimed "old habits never die, right?"

Even when Kol was just trying to joke to hide his excitement for seeing his brother alive the ambience was pretty heavy, Stefan and the three originals were standing in the forest, looking at each other trying to find the answer or a suggestion to find Caroline soon as possible but suddenly all the silence was filled by a scream, it wasn't any scream, it was one full of pain and it was hers, it was Caroline's.

thank you so much for your reviews and putting my story on your alerts I'm glad you liked it

as always I don't have a beta so I must have several mistakes, if you see one feel free to point it :)

I love reading your reviews so if you have time and you want to leave them, you would make me really happy