It's finished. This is the end! I may make a sequel. But I need to step away from this sTory for a bit. I am sad to see it end. It's been such a blast to write! I wasn't going to post this yet, but Idecided to anyway. Thanks for all of those who read and reviewed my story!

Jill stood on the deck of the ship taking her back to Flower Bud Island. It had been four years since she'd wrapped up the case and left. Four years had passed since Marlin had stared at her with an anger in her eyes that haunted her nightmares. Four years since she had left the one man she had finally learned to love. She watched as the island started to come into view. Over the past four years she'd learned to appreciate boats and the ocean a whole lot more, since quitting FIA and working for a cruise ship company to get as far away from her father and the city as possible. Her father had been certain that after she cooled off a bit she would come back to work as an Agent, but Jill's agent days were over. She now had more important things to think about. When she had finally come back to the city, she had seen the ad for the farm in Forget-Me-Not and her breath had caught. The farm was still for sale. Without thinking twice about it, she'd called the realtor and bought the farm. Jill looked up to see Paolo, who had taken over Pascal's business after his death, walking over to her.

"Miss Jill, I can truly say I am happy to see you again? No cases this time?" Paolo asked. Jill shook her head.

"I quit the Agency a long time ago, right after the case here was wrapped up," Jill informed. Jill saw a flash of black and pink behind Paolo. She felt herself smiling as the small black-haired girl came running up to her, the corner of her eyes held trace remnants of her nap.

"Mama!" the little girl cried out. "Are we almost there yet?" Jill bent down to pick up the small girl.

"Yep, see that land over there, that's Flower Bud Island," Jill explained. "Say hello to Mr Paolo."

"Hi," the small girl in Jill's arms said. Paolo smiled widely. "I'm Marina."

"Well nice to meet you Miss Marina," Paolo said. "Well I need to get back, but I just wanted to let you know Miss Jill that we're about ten minutes from land." He tipped his hat and left Jill standing with her daughter.

"Mama?" Marina whispered hugging her mother tighter.

"Yes" Jill asked, looking lovingly into her daughter's eyes.

"Does my daddy really live there?" The little girl's finger pointed out to the landmass that was starting to get larger and larger.

"Yes, he does," Jill replied, blinking back tears.

"Do you think he'll like me?" Marina asked. Jill chuckled at the young girl's question.

"Of course he will," Jill replied softly.

"Tell me about him," Marina prompted. Jill smiled, they'd had this conversation so many times before, but Jill would not deny her daughter the details of knowing about her father.

"He's strong, and very tall. You have the same color hair as he does, and the same smile. He is a good man..." Jill started, as the boat gently swayed forward inching closer and closer to Flower Bud Island. Closer to Jill and Marina's future, and closer to Marlin, Marina's father. Jill did not know exactly what the future held for her, but she knew one thing, that her daughter would have a chance to know who her father was, and that Marina would feel all the love and acceptance as a child that Jill had never felt.

Marlin watched as the boat came to a halt at the dock. Paolo was just like Pascal had been, a creature of habit. Thinking of Pascal, always inevitably made him think of Jill. Since she had left, he felt a crater in his heart. Four years ago she left, never to return. So many nights had passed and he still thought of Jill. He was still in love with her. He regretted his last words to her. But that time was gone now.

Marlin rubbed his face with his large hand, when he looked back up the boat he thought for a moment he was hallucinating from the new medicine Dr. Robbins had put him on. He blinked and then looked again. Jill was stepping off the boat, just as she had five years earlier, she had the same look of hesitation that she'd had before, but not quite the same overwhelmed bewilderment. Her eyes scanned the crowd and locked on Marlin's, her face softened lightly, then a something caught her attention and she looked down.

Marlin's eyes followed Jill's and gasped at the sight of the small raven haired girl clinging to Jill's leg. Marlin watched as Jill bent down and said something to the small girl. The girl's face lit up into a large smile. He closed his eyes. Seeing her smile, he could no longer deny the creeping feeling he had been getting. The young girl next to Jill was his child! He was unsure of how to feel, a mixture of shock, anger, and sadness filled him. He turned away from the sight of Jill and the small girl so he could regain some of his composure. When he turned around they were no longer on the dock. His eyes scanned the area looking for them, and he saw them then, walking towards him. The little girl held her mother's hand tightly, she appeared to be chattering away.

It seemed like an eternity went by before they finally reached him. He couldn't seem to move a muscle to walk forward.

"Hello Marlin," Jill greeted.

"Hello Jill," He said back, his voice was a hoarse whisper. He was staring at the small child, who was clutching once again to Jill's leg. Jill bent down and picked the small girl up. Marlin looked at the child, she had her mother's eyes.

"Sweetheart ," Jill whispered, "I'd like you to meet someone." The girl regarded him shyly. Marlin felt a tightening in his chest.

"Is this my daddy?" the girl asked. Jill was silent for a moment, Marlin could see she was struggling to get the words out.

"Yes he is," she said. The small girl did something surprising. She held out her tiny little hand.

"Hello Mr. Daddy," she greeted. Marlin felt lethargic as he lifted his large hand and took her tiny one in his. "I've always wanted a daddy, now I get one!" The girl beamed at him. Marlin felt tears glistening in his eyes. "Mommy why is he crying is he sad?"

"I think he's just happy," Jill said. "Happy to see you."

"What's your name little lady?" Marlin asked, making the small girl giggle.

"I'm Marina," the small girl replied.

A few hours later, Marina was playing out in the field with her Aunt Vesta, and Jill and Marlin were in the small farmhouse.

"Why didn't you ever tell me I had a daughter?" Marlin growled.

"I tried to write to tell you, but I found myself never knowing the right words to say..." Jill trailed off. "I know it's not a good excuse but... I'm sorry. I should have said something sooner."

"You think Jill?" Marlin asked angrily, trying to keep control of his emotions. "Why are you here?"

"Look Marlin, I don't care about me, I care about that little girl, she is my whole world. She is the reason we are here. She deserves to know her father. You can hate me, but don't hate her," Jill pleaded. Seeing her real emotions now, he could see the difference between the fake ones she had displayed while under cover. It was raw and ragged, and it caused the clenching in his chest to get stronger.

"I don't hate you," Marlin sighed, unable to stay angry with the small woman in front of him. "I love you." He heard Jill gasp. "I've loved you for a very long time, when you left and never came back in nearly tore me apart. I've been an empty shell these past years without you." His voice was hoarse with emotions.

"I love you too," Jill replied softly.

"I don't trust you though Jill, you have to know that. I do not know if there could ever be anything more between us, but I will be a good father to that child out there, that I can promise you," Marlin assured.

"I know you will," Jill whispered. She looked up at the man she had fallen in love with. It was enough. For her daughter's sake she would be happy with that. She understood why he did not trust her. Even if it meant watching Marlin, and knowing she would never be able to have him for herself, she would stay if it meant her daughter would have the happiness of having both parents' love.

Jill and Marina were settled in the upstairs bedroom of Vesta's farmhouse, where Celia used to sleep. Vesta had insisted they stay the night there, since their new house was not quite ready to be lived in yet. Jill watched her baby girl as she slept.

"We're home now baby," Jill whispered and kissed the tiny sleeping girl on the forehead. She laid her head back on the pillow taking in those words. Yes, she truly felt like she was home.