On Stranger Tides


Summary: Due to a curse placed on Sesshoumaru he needs a mate and fast, what will happen when he decides Kagome will be the best choice, will love bloom between the two or will it only bring pain to everyone around them?

I do not own Inuyasha!

A/N: I want to thank my Beta kitana411!

Kagome threw her yellow backpack over the edge of the Bone Eaters well before following it up and out. Grabbing it from the ground and hoisting it onto her shoulders, Kagome looked around at her surroundings in the small forest clearing; lush green grass surrounded by trees and various other plants were scattered all over the place. Bugs flew through the air and skittered along the ground.

"I wonder where Inuyasha is," Kagome murmured looking around for a red spot of color high in the trees, letting out a breath of frustration as she began to descend deeper into the darkening forest known as Inuyasha's forest.

"He tells me that he doesn't want me to waste his time waiting for me to come back here. Then he says that if I'm late he'll come drag me back here!" The miko complained as she mocked Inuyasha's nagging voice as she continued on her path.

"While he's the one who's taking his time doing Kami knows what!" Breathing out of her nose as if to vent her frustration; Kagome saw something out of the corner of her eye startling her.

Within a flash she was flat on her back the items in her bag pressing against her back, glowing claws mere centimeters from her throat. Kagomes heart pounded in her chest. She couldn't help the tears at the edge of her vision as pinpricks of the acrid poison landed on her exposed neck, stinging her skin.

As she was about to scream for Inuyasha; another drop of poison dripped onto her neck making her forget and writhe in pain.

Kagome was strong but she was still only a human barely grasping her miko powers. A hand clamped on her mouth - a human hand at that.

Looking up at her intruder with large brown eyes, Kagome paled like a deer caught in headlights as she saw steely gold eyes glowing above her with malice dancing within them.

Sesshomaru stared her square in the face.

Sesshoumaru looked down at the girl wiggling under him as she was already starting to irritate him. Kagome watched as he leaned down, some of Sesshoumaru's bangs were lightly trickling across the young girl's cheek, his lips brushing her ear ever so lightly making a shiver run along through her body, and the hairs on the back of her neck stick up.

"If you dare scream, I will not hesitate killing you." His voice was smooth and collected.

Watching her for a reply he saw her nodded frantically as if she was about to get her head lopped off.

Kagome felt spots of darkness at the edge her eyes as the poison began getting into her bloodstream as she felt his-or the human's hand he attained slip away from her mouth, she asked about the well-being of her friends "Where is Inuyasha and my friends?"

He did not answer.

Seeing that, the demon Lord began to climb off her small body, while staring down at her as she slowly sat up, one hand covering her burning neck, the other on the ground holding her trembling body up, fearing she would collapse if she did not have the firm stability. Trying with what little powers she had Kagome began to heal her neck slowly.

Sesshoumaru could smell tears mixed with his poison as she blinked them away trying to use all the self-restraint she had in her, he also saw a pink light emanating from her hand around her neck.

Seeing how she was taking too long for his liking, the Taiyoukai grabbed a hand full of her black raven locks and yanked her upright, his claws scraping into her scalp.

Feeling a clawed hand dig into her scalp, Kagome yelped in both surprise and pain. "Aghhh," Tears brimmed her eyes as she tried not to let out a sob that was beginning to form.

Kagome could feel her neck wound tear, the forceful jerking from her hair had ripped open what she had tried to fix on her neck.

"I told you not to scream." Lifting her to her feet, he narrowed his eyes at her. "Or is your human mind not able to comprehend the meaning of that?"

Kagome slowly felt her fear ebb away and be taken over by the likeness of Inuyasha in Sesshoumaru. Her mind filled with all his impatient remarks and unhelpful comments, reminding her to give him an earful when she saw him again.

Looking up at the tall and threatening demon in front of her - anger sparked within her bright chocolate eyes.

She spit in Sesshoumaru's face with all the hate, anger and venom she could muster.

In the village

"Inuyasha," Shippo hopped onto his shoulder with little difficulty. "When are you going to get Kagome?"

"Keh, shaddup." He plucked him off his shoulder dropping him to the ground. "I know she's going to be late. She always is."

Jumping back onto his shoulder again, Shippo began to start poking and prodding the subject of getting Kagome with increased gusto. Inuyasha sighed in annoyance and glared at the small, pestering kitsune.

"Quit yer whining you little -" He froze as the wind picked up.

"Inuyasha?" Shippo quieted as he stopped in mid-insult.

"Sesshoumaru's here," Inuyasha growled as he got up from his sitting position and grabbed Tessaiga. Sniffing the air one last time just to double check, Inuyasha knew that he smelt his half-brother in the village he just wasn't sure where.

Shippo hopped off and sniffed the air. "Hmm…I can't smell -" Looking up at Inuyasha Shippo hopped back on top of his shoulder.

"Why would Sesshoumaru be here, of all places?" Inuyasha wondered aloud in a low voice, exiting Kaede's hut. His brow furrowed before he bounded off as fast as he could with poor Shippo tagging a ride on his shoulder.

Sango heard the noise and looked up from cleaning her Hiraikostu as he bounded off. "Inuyasha?"

"Sesshomaru's probably here," Miroku concluded rubbing the back of his head as he got up from his nap. "Kirara," The small cat demon lifted her head. "Could you follow him?"

"Meow," nodding her head, Kirara walked outside of Kaede's hut and waited for Miroku and Sango to follow her. Stretching herself out she rose, transforming into her full demon form in a tornado of flames. Sango and Miroku got on her back and she leapt off into the sky, tailing their hanyou friend as he ran.

"Inuyasha!" Shippo wailed, clinging onto the hanyou for dear life. "Where – uh - are we – eek! – going?"

Inuyasha glanced at the fox demon on his shoulder that he completely forgot about until he spoke. Inuyasha offered no response as he turned his head towards the scent of his older half-brother. Stopping dead in his tracks Inuyasha scanned the area. They were on the outskirts north of the village and still no sign of Sesshoumaru.

"I know he's here," he muttered sniffing more. "I can practically smell him all over this area." Turning his body Inuyasha looked all around and still no sign of Sesshoumaru. It was as if someone was messing with his senses.

"Inuyasha, I can smell Sesshoumaru too but where is he?" Shippo asked as he looked around the area jumping off on Inuyasha's shoulder.

"I can't either Shippo, and I don't know why." Inuyasha replied as he let a growl escape from deep within his throat his frustration getting the best of him.

"Inuyasha," Miroku called out as he, Sango, and Kirara approached the two demons in the open clearing on the outskirts of the village.

"Is something wrong? Sango asked as she looked around the empty clearing.

"I don't know!" Inuyasha paced back and forth annoyed. "I can smell him everywhere around here I just can't see him!"

"I can smell him too." Shippo added.

"Who?" Miroku asked.

"Sesshoumaru!" He snapped irritably.

"You too, Kirara?" Sango asked looking around the empty clearing, there was no sign of life.

"Meow." Kirara blinked as if in reply. Sango looked at Kirara and then sniffed the air herself; her eyes widened a she smelt something very familiar. Detaching herself from the group the demon slayer began to walk around the opening trying to pinpoint the familiar smell.

"Sango, my love," Miroku scrutinized her strange actions. She suddenly got on her hands and knees, shocking him further when he saw her sniffing around like a dog. "What are you doing?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Inuyasha looked at Taijiya with a funny expression

"I smell something vaguely familiar; I just can't put my finger on it." Crawling over to an abnormally large bush, Sango crawled half way into it as she got a stronger whiff of the mysterious smell. Moving some of the twigs and leaves Sango caught a glimpse of a small glass bottle with red liquid in it.

"She's lost it," Inuyasha commented to Miroku.

"I knew it!" Sango exclaimed as she made her exit from the middle of the bush, glass bottle in hand.