I don't want to be different anymore

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Summary: An AU where the Avengers are children, and Loki struggles with being different but soon finds someone else who is just like him. Larcy Friendship. Crackin' all over the place.

"Mommy!" A young Thor's voice boomed through the house "Steve would like to play, may I? Mommy!"

He ran past Loki in his search for his mother, who was preocuppied destroying a city with his toy planes. Steve was following closely behind. Thor's pudgy body came bounding off the staircase before Steve's more wirey yet tall body had gotten halfway up the grand stairs.

"And take your brother with you!" Frigga's voice hollered down the stairs. Loki didn't even acknowledge anyone around them. Thor had broken Loki's favorite toy; his sceptor earlier. Loki straightened his green sweater vest and kept playing, he didn't want to get in another argument with Thor.

"Come on, Steve. Let's go get Bruce and Tony." Thor practically yelled, pulling Steve to the door.

"Didn't your mom say to invite Loki?" Steve asked, looking at Loki, who was still angrily tearing apart his Legos. Thor looked at Loki, then to Steve and shook his head and left out the back door. Steve shrugged and followed.

Bruce and Tony were hard at work with their chemistry sets in Tony's backyard shed, where they spent most of their time.

"Here comes Thor. I swear I can hear his voice coming from a mile away." Tony said, rolling his eyes. Even at ten years old, Tony had a sharp tongue in his head.

"He's not so bad once you get to know him." Bruce said, with a slight lisp on the 'S' words.

"Well, at least he's fun to play with. He's easy to find in Hide and Seek." Tony shook his head and returned to his microscope before the doors swung open and Thor laughed loudly. "Speak of the Devil."

"My friends! Come out and play with us!" Thor boomed, Steve waved at Bruce. Steve and Tony were at odds more often than not.

"Come on, Tony. Let's go out and play!" Bruce suggested.

"Thanks, but no thanks. This is a very important experiment to me, I'm on a roll." Tony said, barely looking up from his observation.

"Sometimes, you can be a man of iron. So cruel to your friends. When was the last time you saw the light of day?" Bruce said.

"About an hour ago when we walked out here." Tony shrugged. "Oh, like you're one to talk not-so-jolly-green-giant."

"Whatever, stay inside if you want. Hey guys, let's go see if the new neighbors wanna play." Bruce said leading the group through the papers and test tubes of their 'lab'.

By the time they arrived at the new neighbors house they had Thor, Steve, Bruce, Clint, Natasha, and finally Tony in tow.

"You ring the doorbell, I'm not gonna ring the doorbell." Steve said.

"No you!" Thor bellowed

"I'm not doing it." Bruce said quietly.

"Boys are such babies." Natasha said with a roll of her eyes

"Then why don't you do it, Nat?" Clint said, with a light shove.

"Suck it up and press the button." Tony said rolling his eyes pushing forward to press the button. An older girl with strawberry blond hair and no shoes answered the door, Tony just looked up at her. "Well, hello there. I'm Tony, we're your neighbors."

"I'm Pepper. I've met your parents earlier." She smiled. She looked to be around fifteen years old. "This is my brother Phil, and my sister Darcy. Our dad, Erik is still unpacking things."

"How old are you, Pepper?" Clint asked.

"Fifteen and a half. How about all of you?"

"We're all ten and eleven. You're as old as my sister, Jane." Clint said with a slight eye roll at the mention of Jane. "You'll probably meet her when she gets home from science camp next week."

"Yeah yeah, that's nice and all. I'm more interested about you, Pepper." Tony said.

"Would you like to play with us?" Thor said brightly from behind Tony who cringed and moved away from him.

"No can do. I have to get ready for a date tonight. I'll see if Darcy wants to. She'll come out here if she does. Keep an eye out?" Everyone nodded and she closed the door.

"I'm so gonna date her." Tony said cockily. "Did you see the way she looked at me?"

"Keep dreamin', Stark." Natasha said. They all walked into the conglomerate backyard they all shared. That's how they all got to know one another, their houses were on the inside of a large circular court, so their houses were surrounded by each other's like they were on an island. They did just about everything together.

"Tag! Bruce is it!" Steve said, tapping Bruce on the shoulder. Laughs and screaming soon ensued, and they were running around like mad children. Clint took refuge in his treehouse, hiding and shooting suction cup arrows at people who tried to come up to the tree known as base.

Darcy exited her back door and surveyed the chaos through her thick rimmed glasses. She rolled up her sleeves to her black sweatshirt and sat down on the small stone bench in their backyard.

She hated moving. She never fit in with the kids she lived around, last time she wasn't surrounded by kids at all. She was more into mischief and pranks. All the kids wanted to play Red Robin and Hide and Seek. She was also always the youngest, being only nine and a half.

She sighed and rested her head on her knees, watching everyone else play tag.

Loki sighed and looked out the window. He wished he got along better with everyone else, but to them he was just the weird one, the one who didn't quite fit in. He knew early on that he wasn't from the same heritage as Thor. And not many of the kids mentioned it but the ones that did at school had been brutal.

And then there was Thor. When Loki wanted to read, Thor wanted to wrestle. When Loki wanted to have an actual conversation about the things kids talk about, Thor wanted to argue. They were like apples and oranges, but they loved each other deep down.

Loki was simply jealous, when it came right down to it. Thor was friendly and personable, Loki was reserved and introverted.

"Loki, what are you still doing inside?" Frigga asked him, coming down the stairs in a nice gown.

"I don't feel like playing mom. They never pick me." Loki said, sitting on the ottoman.

"Oh, darling. I'm sure someone will be nice to you. You are a very nice little boy. Please, go outside and try? Maybe they just don't know you well." She said, kissing the top of his head. "Now, mommy has to meet daddy at his work for a party. Nick will be here soon to babysit you. Please no more poking fun at his eyepatch, dear. You know he was in a bad car accident."

"Yes mother." He said walking to the back door where the delighted screams of the other kids filtered in.

"I love you, dearest Loki." She said smiling to him.

"I love you too, mom."

He cringed slightly when he entered the back yard, the sun was bright and it was getting to be midday which meant that the temperature was rising. He opted to sit on the porch and watch until he spotted another girl sitting over by herself.

"Are you as completely bored as I am?" She asked as soon as he sat down. "I'm Darcy."

"Loki. Actually, I woud love to play but I don't really get along with the other kids."

"You've got a weird name." Loki simply shrugged. It's not the worst thing she could say. "What's to get along with? They're all stupid. I'd rather pull a prank like put fake spiders in Pepper's bed."

"What's to get along with is they're my brother's friends and they should be my friends." He crossed his arms.

"You don't always have to be friends with the same people. I'm not."

"I just don't want to be different anymore." He said sadly, dropping his hands to his knees.

"You know, Loki, sometimes being different isn't all that bad. Someday you'll be grateful that you weren't like everyone else." She smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Thanks, Darcy. Friends?" He held his hand out.

"Best friends." She shook it and threw her arm over his shoulder. "Now, does your bike have pegs? We need to go to Dollar General to get some fake spiders."

"Loki! Darcy! Quit messing around! We're gonna play Mafia!" Natasha yelled waving them over.

To this day, Loki and Darcy remain friends, and even more.

A/n: I know this is probably really crappy I just had this idea stuck in my head so I had to write it out.

I'll probably end up regretting uploading it tomorrow. Oh well.

Good? Bad? Lemme know!