Trip sighed as the turbolift jolted to a halt. "Dammit, not again..."

T'Pol crisply stated, "Commander, perhaps you should fix the turbolifts. This is the third time this week."

"They only seem to break down when you're here," he said, kneeling to remove an access panel. "Maybe they just don't like Vulcans."

"That is illogical. The turbolift system cannot harbor opinions about its passengers." T'Pol paused. "Besides, it only happens when you are also on the turbolift."

Trip stopped working for a moment, thinking that one over. Then he realized what was going on.

He stood up and yelled, "Okay, if this is another stupid T/T fanfic writer, I'll..."


Author's Note: I like most T/T fanfic. However, sometimes you just have to be able to laugh at yourself.