Sorry again for another short chapter! I am suffering from a bad case of writers block... BUT! Do not fear! The next chapter (I PROMISE) will be longer. Anyway, please review! It means a lot to me and it only takes a minute. :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Assassin's Creed Franchise. I only own my characters.

I woke to a blinding white light. I blinked a few times, trying to rid the blindness from my vision. Yet everything still glowed in a strange light. I tried to sit up some, but my head throbbed in so much pain, worse than any headache I have ever had. All I could do is lay there, staring at the unnaturally bright ceiling.

While staring at the one spot on the ceiling, I had a sudden fright. I thought I forgot who I was. I racked my brain, trying to remember everything. I am an Assassin. I am 15 years old. My name is Alyssa... something. That bothered me. What was my last name? I was in this... place, all because some Templar got lucky. My head began to throb again so I pushed it all aside, and let my mind go blank.

It seemed like hours before anything at all happened. A man came into the room. He was dressed in scrubs, causing me to guess that he must be a nurse. But, something was wrong. He glowed. And not like he had been so happy he 'glowed'; he glowed blue. Bright blue. I tried to talk, ask what was happening to me, but I could only open my mouth. No sound would come out.

"Glad to see you're awake, Miss Walker," he said, all his focus on the clipboard in his hands. I breathed a sigh of relief, my last name was Walker. He looked up at the sound and looked straight into my eyes. He gasped, and dropped his clipboard.

I panicked. What could have been so horrible? Did that wretched Templar mess up my face? Was I glowing blue, too? I tried to sit up and ask what was wrong, but the pain came back in my head so intensely I almost blacked out.

"Your eyes," He finally let out. What was wrong with my eyes? There were hazel, nothing abnormal or special. They weren't huge, or super small. So, what was his deal with my eyes? He began slowly backing out of the room.

I forced myself to speak, but it came out raspy and barely audible, "What's wrong, with my eyes?"

He looked frightened, but answered, "They're glowing gold."

I gasped, and brought my hands to my eyes. I felt my eyelids and everything. Everything felt the same. I began to panic even more. What was wrong with me? What did that Templar do to me? I nearly passed out again, noticing my hands. They were glowing blue! I wanted to scream, to cry out in distress. I wanted to run away, to wake up from this horrible nightmare. I sat up fast and rolled out of the hospital bed, causing the doctor to flee in panic. I stood there, gathering the courage to run, but soon blinding pain rippled throughout my head and body, and I collapsed onto the ground.

I woke up again, the once blinding light was gone from my vision. I sat up and looked around, and my head throbbed dully but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

I was in the same place, but nothing glowed. The only thing different was a chair, pulled up next to me. A man sat there sleeping with his head lolled back.


"Wha-? Alyssa!" He leaned over and hugged me so tight that I couldn't breath.

"Dad. Squeezing. Me. Too. Tight." I squeaked.

"Sorry girlie," he said, laughing. "I'm just so glad you're okay." He looked relieved and happy, as if a weight had been taken off his shoulders. I felt sorry for my dad. He was always worried about me, and my brother. He wasn't an assassin, like us. He was a scholar. He looked at me, and tucked a loose, knotted strand of my hair behind my ear, and sighed. "You look so much like your mother."

"Thanks Dad, I miss her too," I said sadly. I slowly shook my head, ridding the thought of my mom from my mind. "Dad, where's Jamie?"

"The other room. She is in the same condition as you," he said.

"When will we get to leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Good," I sighed. I hate the hospital, and I know that Jamie feels the same way.

"Go to sleep honey," he said. I began to lay down. Then, he tucked me in, just like he used to when I was younger. "You can go back, tomorrow."

I closed my eyes, sleep and dreams invading my mind.

I was running. Fast. Something was chasing me. I looked down, at my hands, and in them was an object, I wasn't sure what is was. Yet, my dream mind gave me an answer; the Apple of Eden. I looked to my side, a man, whose age I couldn't determine ran beside me. Then I realized something. We weren't wearing clothes. Like Adam and Eve.

We leaped, across glass platforms. Trees and plants grew sparsely around us. We began approaching a circular door. I worried that it wouldn't open, but as we neared, it opened.

We ran in, climbing up a wall, quicker than any Assassin. We leaped from platform to platform, as fast as we could. We came to a glass window, and without hesitation, the man broke the glass.

We immediately jumped through climbing to the top of some structure. We stopped for a moment, seeing a strange sight; humans building a strange device, that I soon identified as another Apple of Eden. We continued on, climbing and climbing, until we reached the top. A mountain rose in the distance, and we stopped. I turned to him, saying, "Adam, I have it."

I turned back and what I saw frightened me.

"Eve," said Adam.

"Look out!" I screamed as something descended upon us.

So... what'd ya think? I hoped you enjoyed the second chapter to my Assassin's Creed Fanfic, Clarity! Please remember to review! Also, I'd like to thank all those people out there that have added this story to their favorites and/or added it to their story alerts. You guys are what make me write!
