TMNT: Return of the Nightwatcher

By: Phoenix Ride

Ch.1: Nightwatch Mania

Not to long after the whole Winter Towers incident the turtles had steadily returned to their normal brotherly way of life. All jobs quit, and all past lives forgotten. Or so it seemed on the outside. Inside though, Raphael could swear that he still heard the Nightwatcher helm call his name.

All the memories of what happened before and after he donned that mask still echoed through his mind. And when Mikey called all of them to the living room to see something, only made that call a little stronger.

"Hey guys check this!" yelled Mikey, making his brothers rush to the living room " it looks like Raph really made an impression,"

Curious, the other three brothers and Master Splinter looked over to the T.V. to see a screen labeled Nightwatch Mania appear on the big screen. A news reporter soon faded into view.

"It's a stunning story folks" said the news girl " but the mysterious Nightwatcher has become a big hit in New York. Gathering at the convention center now are millions of fans praising to their new found hero,"

"The Nightwatcher is the best man!" yelled a little boy, running up on screen " did you see that big light in the sky a couple of days ago? I bet he was facing some major supervillian up there!"

"More or less," mumbled Raph with a slight grin.

"I bet he comes from a whole different dimension" claimed a little girl, appearing next " where a charming young lady awaits his rescue,"

At that comment Mikey laughed.

"And what do the police have to say about this festive Nightwatcher event?" said the news girl, pointing her microphone over to the police chief.

"The Nightwatcher is just another vigilante Miram" said the Chief " taking the law into his own hands, like that wacko with the bat that's been seen around. It's our job to put him away,"

" You can't do that!" yelled the little boy " the Nightwatcher is a hero!"

"Half of the city disagrees with you sprout" said the Chief "Rest assured we will lock this criminal behind bars,"

At that statement Raph turned the T.V. off.

"Well, you can't please everybody," said Raph.

"That's for sure," said Don.

"You seemed to catch the attention of the kids though," said Leo.

"Yeah" said Don, looking to Mikey " especially this kid,"

"Hey lay off Bro," said Mikey, slightly embrassed.

"I still don't know why you're saving all those clippings of me" said Raph to Mikey " I mean, after I messed up and had to tell you guys who I was, I figured you'd be disappionted and throw them away,"

"No way man" said Mikey " I would never do that to my brother. Hard to believe, but you're the best superhero I ever met,"

" I figured I was the only superhero you ever met," said Raph.

Suddenly the phone started ringing and Don went to answer, while Raph shivered in his thoughts. Something that kid had said about a supervillian wrestled through his mind. In the mighty world of comic books, heroes always came with villians to fight.

"Is it possible that I made an enemey as the Nightwatcher?" thought Raph " do I have a villian too?"

"Hey Raph!" yelled Don from the kitchen, braking the red-masked turtle out his thoughts " Casey for you. He seems to be real steamed about his sidekick getting all the credit,"

At that comment Raph laughed and went over to grab the phone. This was the begining of interesting night.

Meanwhile, over in the bad part of town, the Boss of the Mafia was roiling in anger, crushing up a big batch of newspapers with the headlines Nightwatcher Mania written on top. His deep black eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness, as his gold teeth flashed in the pale moonlight, peeking beneath the blinds.

"Nightwatcher Rah!" yelled the mob boss, tossing the crumbled paper to the floor " this world has no need for heroes,"

Suddenly, the door to his office creaked open allowing a shivering little man with brown hair to step inside.

"Uh, Mr. Grind" stuttered the man " I'm afraid to report that with the Nightwatcher a know threat most of the staff has...well...quit,"

At this news, Mr. Grinds temper grew outraged, shaking the whole desk with a mighty slam of his fist.

"That Nightwatcher is seriously getting on my nerves" snarled Mr. Grind " he needs to be dealt with, permanently!"

"But how Sir?" asked the stumbling man.

"Simple" said Mr. Grind " I bring him to my side,"

With that said Mr. Grind picked up the phone on his desk.

"Yes, Hello Karai" said Mr. Grind " I have a little job for you and your Foot Clan. Find the Nightwatcher and bring him to me,"

"And what will you give in return?" said Karai's voice over the phone.

"A little trinket I've recieved from one of my operations in Japan" said Mr. Grind " I think you'll find it most valuable,"

"Very well" said Karai " my ninja shall hunt him down. He won't get away from us,"