Hooray! Summer vacation has started for me last Thursday! Here is the story I've been too lazy to finish writing!

Deep within the huge mansion, there was a study hall and inside was a 13 year old girl who was currently reading a book about comets and the formation of stars. Having a deep interest in astronomy and astrology she was lost in her own little world.

Then, the buter walked into the study hall.

"Lady Chan-Juan, I believe it is almost time for your appointment." By appointment he meant that she was time for her daily lunch with her cousin Julia and help her friend Natalie at her bakery/pastry shop.

"Oh, I see. I'll be on my way, Lee." The small child got up from her seat and walked out of the study hall, with Lee following after her.

Chan-Juan walked along the hallways and out to the front of the house, which has a flower garden and a fountain in the middle. She would have loved to stop and admire the beautiful flowers that bloomed in her garden but she absolutely could not be late for her daily lunch with Julia.

All the servants where lined up in two rows and when Chan-Juan passed by they all bowed and gave a respectful, "Have a wonderful, Lady Chan-Juan!"

Chan-Juan smiled, gave a light bow, and continued to walk out of the estate to her cousin's high school.

To be honest, although her cousins have the same wealth as she does they were given the option to attend high school like any normal child. Chan-Juan? Well, she preferred homeschooling.

Since the school was not really far she would walk her way there, on the many occasions that people would greet her as she walked by, which she returned with a small but genuine smile.

Soon, she found herself standing in front of the school and went inside Inside, she walked along the hallways and straight to the main office where she was greeted by the school secretary.

"Why, good afternoon!" She greeted happily.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Kinney," she greeted quietly. Darn her shyness!

"Here to have lunch with your cousins, again?"

Chan-Juan nodded.

Ms. Kinney proceeded to type some things on the computer and began writing something on a piece of paper before handing it to Chan-Juan, showing she had permission to be at this school.

"Have a good day!" She said.

"Thank you."

Ms. Kinney watched as the young teen walked out of the office, she couldn't help but let a smile form on her face before returning back to work.

"Such a sweet girl," she whispered to herself.

Chan-Juan made her way towards the grassy fields where she normally ate with Julia and her friends.

"Luna! We're over here!" Julia shouted while waving her arms about. Of course, she and her other older cousins would always address her by her English name.

"Julia, she heard you the first time so don't wave your arms like that!" said Grace, one of the two friends who were sitting with her.

"It's no use, Grace. She'll just continue waving her arms like that crazy person she is," said Morgan.


Chan-Juan simply smiled and walked towards the spot. Julia then gave her a big, tight hug.

"So how's my favorite little cousin!" Julia asked.

"I'm doing fine."

"As always you're dressed like the rich girl you should be," commented Morgan who was pointing at Chan-Juan's clothes which was a black T-shirt, a cream-colored skirt with floral designs on it and a small white sweater along with wearing black pantyhose and black flats in comparison to Julia's clothes, which was only a white Hello Kitty T-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.

"That's what we love about our cousin," said Julia once she broke away from the hug. Once that was settled the four started to eat their lunch.

As they were eating, Chan-Juan couldn't help but notice that at certain times a bunch of vehicles would often drive by the school be it a red van, a police cruiser, a Lancia, a red and white ambulance, two Lamborghinis (one red and one yellow no less!), some smaller vehicles like a yellow Volkswagen, a Porsche with blue and red stripes and a white "4" on top of the hood, and a large red truck with a trailer.

"Staring at those vehicles, Luna?" asked Julia, breaking Chan-Juan from her thoughts.

"Yeah, why are they-?"

"Well, they're the Autobots. They often patrol around this area to make sure none of the Decepticons attack here."

"...Oh." Chan-Juan couldn't help but ponder about how Julia even know what the Autobots were doing. Sure, they live in the area where two warring alien robots were located but still, how did she know?

Julia smiled, "You seem interested in wanting to know more about them."

Chan-Juan looked down at her hands, "Well...yes I do. But I'm too nervous and you know how nervous I am around people I don't even know."

Julia patted Chan-Juan on the shoulder, "Someday, you'll grow out of it. I'm sure you will."

That was when the school bell signalled that lunch was over.

"Awww, lunchtime is over," pouted Julia.

"Well, I must be on my way now. Natalie is expecting me to be on time," said Chan-Juan as she got up.

"All righty, then! By the way, I'll be stopping by with some other friends so you better be expecting me later!"


The girl was on her way again, pulling out her iTouch and began listening to an opening song of an anime she was currently watching. Along the way she caught many glimpse of the same or new Autobots driving by the city, though she dismissed it since Julia already told her that they are on patrol.

Eventually she arrived at her friend's shop and entered, the sweet smell of pastries and the heat of the ovens in the kitchen overwhelming her.

"Well, if it isn't the young heiress of Ying-wei and Yu-ching Lin!" Natalie happily greeted her younger teenage friend.

"Hello Natalie," Chan-Juan greeted, having gotten used to the title given to her.

"Awww, being formal as always. I still don't see why you insist on helping me out when you've got money and besides I don't think this is a place that is fit for a wealthy girl like you."

"Because I'm your friend, and friends help each other no matter what. Also, don't forget that my parents love this place as much as I do."

"Can't argue with you on that one, heiress." Both Natalie and Chan-Juan have known each other ever since Chan-Juan was five years old and her parents decided to take her to their favorite shop to eat pastries and such. It was that faithful day that Chan-Juan had decided to wander around the shop while her parents were talking to the owners as good friends. Luckily, Natalie was helping out at the shop when she noticed the small toddler wandering inside the kitchen. It was that day that both became good friends and Chan-Juan often asked Natalie to come over to her house to play, which Natalie happily accepted and whom also sometimes brought her friends over as well.

Smiling to herself from the memory Chan-Juan went to one of the vacant tables to sit down and began reading Evermore by Alyson Noël, unable to tear herself from reading about the main character's psychic powers and a mysterious boy who is attracted to her. Aside from reading she would often served the customers and would either resume reading or drawing on her sketch pad. Since she was preoccupied with herself she didn't realize that Julia was now arriving along with three other people that were Julia's age; two brown-haired boys and one blonde-haired girl. Not until Julia decided to make her presence known.

"Hey, Natalie!"

Natalie looked up from the counter and smiled, "Oh, hey Julia! Finally decided to stop by to watch your little cousin work?"

"Ha ha! Well, you can say that. It's just that I wanted to introduce her to some friends of mine and-" Julia continued conversing with Natalie, leaving the other three teens to look around the shop. One of the boys noticed the young Chinese girl seated in one of the tables, with her attention stuck to the novel she's reading. Wasting no time, he went to the table and sat down in front of her. It was not long until she peered up from her book to look at the slightly older teen.

"Hi!" He smiled.

"H-Hello..." The girl answered quietly.

"My name is Spike. What's your name?"

"I-It is Chan-Juan, but anyone who is not my parents or my servants call me by my English name Luna. It is...nice...to...meet you..." She could not help but start to feel her shyness starting to take over.

Spike's eyes brightened, "So you're Julia's cousin! It's a pleasure meeting you!"

"Y-yes. It is a pleasure meeting you too."

"Hey, you know you should meet the others. The girl's name is Carly, she's my girlfriend and the boy in the wheelchair is Chip." Spike gently took Chan-Juan by the arm and led her to the other two teens. As much as she wanted to turn down the offer there was nothing she could do as he already had a grip on her arm.

"Hey, guys! This is Julia's cousin, Luna." Spike introduced. Chan-Juan could do nothing more but to stare at ground from the attention she was receiving.

"It's great to meet you, Luna!" said Carly.

"Julia always wanted us to meet you at some point, she's been going on non-stop about it," said Chip.

"I see..." Chan-Juan couldn't help but silently wish the introductions were over so that she could continue reading, drawing, or help serve customers since she was never one to have long conversations with other people. By habit she made a quick glance towards the window to a giant yellow robot outside of the shop, which surprised her to the point that she was currently making more quick glances at the window. The three teens followed the smaller teen's gaze and smiled.

"Let's go outside, shall we?" asked Spike.


"That's Bumblebee, he's one of the Autobots," Carly explained. "Do you want to me him?"

"M-meet him?"

"Why not? He's a really friendly Autobot, I'm sure he would like to meet you too!" said Chip.

Chan-Juan turned to Julia and Natalie, whom both gave her a smile and silently goaded her to go and meet the Autobot. Seeing no way out of it, Chan-Juan reluctantly let the three lead her outside of the shop, with Spike still having a hold on her arm. Chan-Juan felt her nervousness rising to a higher point by the time she was outside.

"Hey Bumblebee! There's someone we want you to meet, this is Julia's younger cousin Luna," said Spike. Said Autobot kneeled down in front of the four with a friendly smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Luna!" Bumblebee greeted, his smile growing bigger.

"It is a pleasure to meet you too," Chan-Juan greeted quietly in return, doing a curtsey. Everyone couldn't help but smile in amusement at Chan-Juan's formal manners.

"You know, I've never actually seen you around before. Well, I do know that both you and Julia are of the same rank it's just, well..."

"It is understandable, I always reside at my home while Julia attends school just like my other cousins." Chan-Juan could not help but feel her shyness slowly diminishing once she was comfortable being around these new people.

Before they knew it, it was closing time and everyone had to go home.

"It was fun getting to know you, Luna! I hope we can see each other again," said Carly.

Chan-Juan smiled, "I will always be here to help Natalie, you are welcome to come here anytime."

"Well, now that this is over with. It's time for us to go!" said Julia. "You will come with me to my class trip to the planetarium on Friday, right?"

"Yes, I will be there."

"Then it's settled! See you later, dear cousin!" Julia yelled back at Chan-Juan as she ran to Bumblebee, who already transformed and is waiting for Julia. Julia did not notice that her backpack was still opened and by the time she got into the car, a strange looking e-book fell out of her backpack.

Uh-oh, Julia dropped her e-book. I hope it is not too important, Chan-Juan thought as she picked up the strange looking device. She could not help but feel curiosity growing within her just by looking at the device. She decided to take a look at it once she returned home.

Later, at night

After calling Julia to let her know about her lost item (apparently it was called a data pad), Chan-Juan decided to take a look at the data pad. To her surprise, they were not school-related topics but information about building a secret weapon to use against the Decepticons. Good thing she found it, otherwise the Decepticons might have gotten to it first and use it against the Autobots.

"Strange, why would Julia have such valuable information for a secret weapon? Could it be that the Autobots wanted her to keep the information safe or was it because she wanted to learn?" Chan-Juan pondered. Believing that both options seem to be the likely answer, Chan-Juan tucked away the data pad and pulled out a Fruits Basket manga from one of the many shelves in her room. Settling herself into the large bed and hugging her stuffed penguin, she continued reading where the story left off.

The poor little naïve girl was blissfully unaware of what she was getting herself into.

Question: Should I continue writing my OC's name as Chan-Juan or like everyone else say her English name Luna?

Please R&R!