Georgian Nights: In-Between II: Love-Bites

Note: One day I'll write the last chapter of Georgian Nights...just not today.

Richard winced as something crashed to the floor upstairs, indicating Bruce and Jonathan had yet again knocked over something more then likely expensive and irreplaceable. "It's been three days, you'd think they'd be done by now...or at least have died of dehydration."

"I think they're sneaking into the kitchen when we're not around, I found lube in there,"

"Ew, gross, Jeremiah!" Richard muttered, drawing a card from the pile in front of him, discarding a different one.

"Hey, I'm just telling you about it, you're not the one that stepped in it," Jeremiah muttered, drawing his own card.

"Boys," Jonathan called happily as he came into the room, ruffling his son's hair before climbing over Jeremiah to take a seat on the couch.

"Please tell me you're wearing clothes under that," Richard said, gesturing to the oversized robe Jonathan was wearing, drawing a card.

Jonathan rolled his eyes, opening the robe in the manner of a park flasher to reveal a pair of pajama pants before sitting on the couch and lighting a cigarette.

"Outside, Jonathan!" Bruce ordered from upstairs.

Jonathan flipped his middle finger in the general direction of the stairs, reaching behind him to open one of the windows. "I am outside!" he yelled.

"No your not," Richard countered, watching as Jeremiah lay down a set of cards, cursing.

"Of course I am, we're in the conservatory, a room that is outside,"

"Its' attached to the house, doesn't count," Jeremiah said, smirking at Richard's distress over his move.

"...shut up," Jonathan muttered before sitting in the sill of the window so that he could lean out to take puffs from the cigarette, thus ensuring the actual cigarette was outside, even if he wasn't.

"Not even close to what I meant, Jonathan," Bruce said as he stepped into the conservatory, tempted to push his boyfriend out the window before sighing and sitting next to his son.

"You said outside, it's outside," Jonathan said, taking a final drag before slipping back onto the couch and closing the window behind him before leaning in, kissing Bruce deeply.

"Oh dear god, enough!" Richard muttered, ducking under the adults who were kissing over him. "You're setting a bad example and it's disgusting," he added before giving up on the game and slipping off the couch. "Come on, Jeremiah, let's go to our wing, it's probably the only place in the house they haven't had sex,"

"Actually," Jonathan said with a wicked smirk, causing Richard to cover his ears, singing loudly to cover Jonathan's words before he grabbed Jeremiah's hands and dragged the other boy upstairs. Jonathan smirked, sliding into Bruce's lap, stealing another kiss. He sighed contently, resting his head on Bruce's shoulder. "Mind if I fall in love with you?" he asked softly, worrying his lip between his teeth as he looked up at Bruce.

Bruce smiled at Jonathan's rather unique attempt at avoiding actually saying the words, leaning down at kissing Jonathan, pulling the man's abused lip from between his teeth. "Please do, I already have," he countered, kissing Jonathan again.