End Game – chapter 22

I want to thank everyone for their patience. I greatly appreciated all reviews, comments, and commentaries.

Tabitha was still holding Thane's hand in hers when Joker came over the comm, "We are approaching Grissom Academy and Specialist Traynor was correct. There is a Cerberus Cruiser off the station with numerous fighter ships surrounding the station in a defensive position."

Looking at Thane, she inquired, "Have they detected us?"

Humor evident in Joker's voice, "No, Commander. We are fully cloaked."

Letting go of Thane's hand, she walked briskly through the war room toward the elevator speaking, "EDI, contact Cortez, Javik, and Vega. Tell them to suit up and be down by the shuttle in ten minutes."

EDI instantly responded, "Yes, Commander."

Knowing Thane was behind her, she spoke softly in Drell, "I could use you on this mission, Kadar."

Not responding, Thane waited patiently slightly to the side and behind Tabitha at the elevator. As Tabitha entered the elevator, she pressed the button to the captain's quarters. As soon as the doors shut and the elevator starting moving upward, Thane pushed Tabitha up against the wall hot breath fanning the hairs by her ear, "I am yours as always, Siha…my gun…" Placing one leg between her own, he let her feel his arousal, "My body…"

Groan escaped through Tabitha's lips as her arms snaked around Thane's neck bringing her lips to trace and tantalize the ribbing at his neck. "Siha," He growled as he moved his head to catch her lips with his. The kiss lasted till the elevator doors opened.

Breathless, Tabitha murmured against Thane's lips, "We need to get ready," releasing her arms from around his neck.

Reluctantly, Thane pulled back. She could see the open desire and love flowing from the depths of his eyes, "Yes, Siha, but before we sleep, we will finish this and I will have you," his voice deeper and passion filled.

Tabitha affectionately rubbed Thane's upper arm with her hand as she passed him stepping into their quarters, "I've got a question for you, Kadar."

Heading over to his closet, Thane replied, "Yes, Siha."

Keeping her back to him, Tabitha started putting on her armor. She knew if she saw him while he was changing into his armor, the mission be damned. Her voice serious and hesitant, at the same time, "Why am I horny all the time around you?" When she did not get a response, she turned seeing Thane eying her with open longing and desire in his eyes, "You are not the only one affected."

Walking over grabbing her helmet off the desk, she kept talking walking to the elevator, "Don't get me wrong, Thane. You are the most handsome sexiest male specimen ever, in my eyes, but I have control…well…most of the time, when it comes to you."

Following her, Thane had a hard time concentrating on what she was saying and it was not his Kepral's syndrome. His vision was concentrating on the sway of her hips and focusing on not allowing his arousal to openly show in the form fitting leather armor he was wearing. He quickened his stride walking alongside of her. Glancing over, Tabitha saw him smirk slightly, laughter evident in this voice, "I remember overhearing my parents having this same discussion."

"Was your mother pregnant?" Tabitha asked while waiting for the elevator.

Thane did not reply till the elevator doors shut and Tabitha pushed the button for the shuttle bay, "Yes, with my youngest brother."

Leaning against the back wall, Tabitha looked up at Thane crossing her arms in front of her chest, "Well, what did they say?" she stated impatiently, "Finish what you started."

One moment, Thane was opposite Tabitha and the next moment, he was leaning over her whispering darkly behind her ear, "Do you want to finish what we started, Siha?"

Tabitha shuddered from Thane's husky whisper. Swallowing audibly, she spoke in a raspy whisper, "Your parents…Thane."

In a flash, Thane was leaning back against the opposite wall, "Yes, my parents. The discussion between my parents on their amorous behavior concluded with elevated pheromones and/or hormones facilitating.." bringing his hands up in front of his chest flexing his forefingers down toward his palms, "the 'mood'."

"Was it only with your 'baby' brother that your parents got horny?"

"No, Siha. My parents became very amorous with all of us children. I was only old enough to hear the conversation concerning my youngest brother and experience it when I was allowed to come home on special visits to my parents." Smiling, he continued, "Drell have acute senses and well…I spent a lot of time meditating trying to keep the sounds of my parent's lovemaking out of my head." His eyes glassed over as his voice became distant…"Tired, listless, no sleep. 'One who is patient and longsuffering' asks why I am so tired and did I not enjoy my visit to my parents. Breathing quickens…neck fringes slightly inflate and turn a deeper red as I stutter a response that I enjoyed the visit but did not sleep well. 'One who is patient and longsuffering' inquires why I did not sleep. I blush further anxious twill escaping from my throat as I answer that my parents were….I tried to mediate 'master' but the noises brought forth images in my mind…my body. Bowing myself to the floor…I am sorry 'master' I have failed you. 'One who is patient and longsuffering' responds…you did well, my child. I sent you to see what you would do and the answers you would give me. You meditated…that is the correct response. You must be able to meditate and concentrate without letting anything influence you. You will do better. You answered me honestly, without hesitation. That is also correct. You would have been punished if you would have lied to me. My child… your body is changing from a boy to a man. You must learn to control your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional selves."

As the elevator stopped and the doors opened, Tabitha moved toward the opening placing one hand on Thane's shoulder as she passed. Thane saw the love for him in her eyes as she purred from her throat in a tone only he could hear, "Thank you, Kadar, for sharing that with me."

As Tabitha stepped out of the elevator, EDI's melodious voice sounded through the shuttle bay, "Commander, the Director of Grissom Academy, Ms. Kahlee Sanders, is on an emergency channel requesting assistance."

Striding purposefully toward the Kodiak, Tabitha activated her omni-tool, "Ms. Sanders, this is Commander Sheppard-Krios. What is your status? How may we assist you?"

Kahlee Sander's voice crackled, transmission static filled, "zzhh…Can barely ….hzzzhhzzz…please repeat…under attack by Cerberus…zzhhzzz"

Frustrated growl escaped from Tabitha's throat as she entered the Kodiak, her voice commanding, "Joker…EDI…what happened? Break through that inference…get Ms. Sanders back on the line."

Javik, Thane, Garrus, Vega, and Cortez heard her growl as they followed her into the Kodiak, each one commenting: Cortez and Vega both asked, concern in their voices, "Commander, you OK?" Javik responded in Prothean, "Daughter, I know your anger. Let it build and fuel you for the enemy."

Cortez and Vega passed her climbing into the pilot and co-pilot's seat. Tabitha looked at Javik nodding her head in affirmation, "Yes, I will. Thank you, father," replying back in Prothean. As Garrus sat next to Javik across from Thane and Tabitha, he spoke aloud, "Sheppard is fine. She just needs to release some tension," winking at Thane and Tabitha smiling widely showing his razor sharp teeth.

Before anyone could respond, Joker came over the intercom, "Commander, the signal interference is coming from Grissom Academy. Trying to reconnect without success. EDI and I will keep trying."

"Thank you. Joker, can you distract the Cerberus ships so Cortez can drop us off at the academy?"

Tabitha could hear the humor evident in Joker's voice, "Do Krogan have four sets of…"

Before Joker could finish, Tabitha cut him off, "Thank you, Joker, over and out." Turning her head toward the front of the Kodiak, "Cortez, take us out and get us over to the space station as quickly as possible without being seen."

"Yes, Ma'am."

While Joker got the attention of the Cerberus ships, Cortez maneuvered the Kodiak utilizing stealth mode up next to the space station calling back, "Commander, the docking port has been damaged and the shuttle bay is crawling with Cerberus troops."

Tabitha stood clicking her helmet into place, "We will go for a nice space-walk. I do not want give our position away any sooner than I have to. Once we have exited the Kodiak, go to the rendezvous coordinates. I will contact you once I am ready for extraction."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Speaking aloud, Tabitha stated declaratively, "Everyone ready," seeing weapons at the ready helmets, hoods, and breathing masks in place, "Good, let's go." The shuttle door opened with Tabitha and Thane exiting first pushing off with their feet arms down at their sides gliding effortlessly through space. Out distancing Tabitha, Thane reached the docking port first grabbing hold of the port door with one hand and Tabitha with the other. Righting herself, she activated her gravity boots moving forward stealthily as Thane assisted the others. Within moments, he was right beside her. As soon as they entered into the space station, Sander's voice came through clearly over Tabitha's comm in her helmet, "Grissom Academy is under attack. Can anyone hear me? I repeat…Grissom Academy is under attack."

Tabitha responded, "This is Commander Sheppard-Krios. What is your status? Are you injured? Where are you being held?"

All in Tabitha's group heard over their comm-links, the shock in Kahlee Sander's voice, "The Commander Sheppard-Krios of the Normandy?!"

Tabitha smiled to herself as she replied, "Yes, Ma'am. This is Commander-Sheppard-Krios. Again, what is your status?"

"Grissom Academy is under siege by Cerberus troops attempting to abduct our students. Most of the students left after the Reapers attacked earth, but a few elected to stay training in special biotic artillery teams headed by our best teacher along with a few specially gifted, savants really. I thought we were safe with the Alliance spec-ops teams guarding us, but Cerberus must have had in-bedded agents. Those bastards…I am safe. Let me ping you my location."

Tabitha took off her helmet magnetically hooking it on her side. Vega and Garrus kept their helmets on while Thane removed his hood rolling it back into his collar and Javik removed his breathing mask. "Thane, scout ahead…" spoke Tabitha softly, deadly gleam in her eyes, "doing what you do best." Bowing slightly arms at his sides looking Tabitha directly in her eyes, same look reflecting back at her from his fathomless black orbs, "Yes, Siha." Tabitha watched as her husband and mate stood up and seemingly vanished in front of her eyes.

Vega whistled under his breath, "I will never get over that, Commander."

Thumping Vega on the upper back, Garrus replied in his raspy tenor, "I know what you mean, Vega. I am so glad he is on our side."

Tabitha cut in, "I will take point. James and Javik will be in the middle and Garrus will be in the rear protecting our backs. Move out."

No words were spoken as the team moved through the battle scarred hallways eerily quiet and devoid of life. As they approached the set coordinates of Kahlee Sander's location, Thane materialized from the shadows next to her speaking in a quiet whisper, "All of the Cerberus troops are cybernetically enhanced and/or reaper teched. I smell it on them. The mission objective is to secure all students and teachers for experimentation and indoctrination. The main group of biotic students and teachers are in Orion Hall. They will not be able to maintain their position once reinforcements arrive."

Tabitha felt his voice as much as heard it as he was standing next to her. Breathing his scent deeply, she expanded her lungs before releasing slowly savoring the smell before responding in a quiet voice, "Thank you, Kadar. Get to Orion Hall protecting the students and teachers till we arrive for extraction."

"Yes, Siha," answered Thane pulling her into an embrace brushing his lips against hers before disappearing down the hall.

Vega started to speak, but Tabitha cut him off with an upraised hand smiling, "Don't go there, James."

Chuckling, Vega sniggered, "Go where, Lola."

As Thane was giving everyone the recon report, Garrus hacked into the security panel on the door where Sanders was holed up opening the door as the conversation between Vega and Tabitha ended; an alliance assault rifle pointing at them. Not giving any concern for the assault rifle, Tabitha strode in, smiling, voice matter of fact, "Ms. Sanders, I am Commander Sheppard-Krios."

Approaching Sanders, Tabitha put our her hand, which Sanders took in a firm hand shake placing the assault rifle on the desk in front of her, "Thank you, Commander. Is Admiral Anderson with you?"

Tabitha knew of the long term relationship between Kahlee Sanders and Admiral David Anderson as she replied, "No, Ma'am. He elected to stay on earth to rally the resistance against the Reapers till I return."

Her voice wavered and hand shook slightly before Tabitha released it, "I see."

"How many are left on the station? The Normandy could not cut through the jamming interference from Cerberus to communicate with you or determine the number on the station, friend and foe."

Going over to a computer console, Sanders sat down, her fingers moving rapidly over the keyboard bringing up Grissom Academy schematics, "I could not break through the jamming myself. Cerberus has integrated Reaper tech into most everything, soldiers included." Pushing a key on the keyboard transferring the data on the computer screen into a holographic image in the middle of the room. Everyone moved around the image as Sanders spoke manipulating the image with a laser pointer and her hands, "We are here. The bulk of the students and their teacher are in Orion Hall. There are less than twenty of us proto-typing experimental Alliance weapons and tech and conducting biotics spec-ops artillery training."

Tabitha asked seriously, "Are the students ready, Ma'am? This is no training exercise with simulated holographic dummies. This is the real thing with death and destruction and…" voice trailing off.

Sanders looked at the faces before her. All were weary and battle-worn and the war had just begun. "What have they seen already?" She thought to herself remembering the horror of what Reaper tech did to her friend Grayson. Looking them all straight in their eyes, she responded, "I do not know if the students are ready. Are any of us ready for the horrors of this war?"

Javik spoke up in his gravelly flanged voice, "I am ready. I have fought the Reapers before and failed. I am Prothean, avatar of vengeance for my people. I will not fail them this time."

Both of Sander's eyebrows shot up into her hairline as numerous questions formed in her mind, "I see." Focusing on her previous conversation, she continued, not letting her scientific curiosity overwhelm her, "As I stated, the students have not seen actual combat, but they are willing and they are the best." Raising a hand, she rebuffed herself, "Let me rephrase my last statement. Excluding yourself and the members of the SSV Normandy, these students and teachers are some of the best biotics and minds."

Vega spoke up, "Commander, we are not seriously considering sending teenagers and civilians into battle."

Javik countered, "They want to fight. Let them fight. The strong will survive and the weak will perish."

Raising her voice, Tabitha commanded, "Enough. The pertinent mission is to get all the students and teachers off this space station killing every Cerberus operative we meet. All else is irrelevant. Vega, stay with the director and protect her while she finds us a way off this station. Garrus…Javik…you are with me. Let's see if Thane left us any kills."


Thane smiled to himself as he moved effortlessly through the ductwork heading in the direction to Orion Hall. Hardly any changes had been made since he had been instructed by the Citadel Council to scout and gather intel on Grissom Academy. Along the way, He sniped Cerberus soldiers from a distance or dropped from above taking out five to six soldiers at a time without being detected before climbing back into the ductwork continuing on his way. He felt so exhilarated and alive with a purpose again purring and growling in his chest. Coming to an open vent at the top of Orion Hall, Thane laid down sniping Cerberus soldier after Cerberus soldier. He could hear the students below inquiring about who was killing all the soldiers tilting his head to the side when he recognized the response from the teacher. Smiling to himself as he took aim on another soldier, Tabitha would be pleasantly surprised.

Down below from Thane's position, some of the students were noticing soldiers slumping to the floor dead. "Ms. J, what's up?!"

"Who's killing all the soldiers?! We ain't doin' it."

"Is it the Alliance? Cerberus took out all the spec-op forces. Who is this group? Where are they located? I do not hear any backfires or repercussions. What special weapons are they using?"

Turning on her students after sending a shockwave into a group of Cerberus soldiers, she smiled, "Only one #% * man I know is that good with his green and black stripes."

"Green and black…"

"Yes, Rodriguez, green and # &% black. Thane Krios is a Drell and one of the best assassins in the universe." Rubbing one hand across her jaw line musing aloud, "If froggy is here then the girl scout leader is close behind." Smiling wickedly, slightly insane glint in her eyes, "Come on you'se *%$# babies. Show me what you've learned. Ya' want to fight Reapers…these %$^ Cerberus $ &% are nuthin."

A whoop and shout erupted through the teens as the Cerberus troops pulled back out of Orion Hall, "We've won," as the group high-fived and fist punched each other.

"Shut the *% #$ up! We've not won anything," came a terse reply from the teacher.

Thane's deep gravelly voice acknowledged the preceding statement as he landed nimbly on his feet behind the group, "I concur with Ms. Jack. The Cerberus troops are pulling back into a defensive position assessing the new threat and waiting for reinforcements. It would be advisable for ourselves to do the same."

Screams and shouts echoed through the cavernous hall as the group of teens jumped in the air at the unexpected intrusion. Turning toward Jack, Thane bowed slightly, "It is good to see you again, Jack. The Grissom Academy chose well for a biotics instructor."

Eying Thane's muscular physique, Rodriguez mused aloud, "Wow! That voice! That body!"

Thane smiled to himself as a young man stepped up next to her putting his arm around her waist as Jack laughed, "Rodriguez, you can quit creaming your jeans anytime now." Turning to Thane, she stated, "Froggy, it is $%& good to see youse too. How 'ya been?"

"As well as can be expected with Kepral's syndrome. Thank you for inquiring. Commander Sheppard will be here soon. Till she arrives with the team, we need to fortify this position."

One of the teen males spoke up, voice cracking and breaking up, "The Commander Sheppard!"

Jack replied, "Yes, the $%&^ Commander Sheppard," pointing to Thane, "and this $%& man is her husband.

Disappointed "awwww's" and "oh's" sounded from the young women as they all worked together to re-fortify their position waiting for Sheppard and the rest of the team.


The Cerberus troops did not stand a chance against Garrus, Javik, and Tabitha working together as a team moving through the complex. As they approached Orion Hall, Javik turned to Tabitha speaking in Prothean, "You and your mate are both warriors. As such, it is demeaning for you to openly show affection for each other. It is a weakness. You must be ever vigilant and strong."

Tabitha turned placing one gauntleted hand on Javik's shoulder, "I value your counsel and wisdom, father, but I am not you. I treasure my family and friends and now is not the time to not show them how I feel. Any of us could be dead today or worse." Looking straight into Javik's eyes, she continued, fervency in her voice, "General, I have enough regrets. I will not add to them with closing myself off from others."

Javik placed his gauntleted hands on Tabitha's shoulders holding her in place looking down at her, "You are fighting a war, daughter. You will close yourself off…It is inevitable. People will die…you cannot save them all."

Tabitha smiled sadly, grim determination edging her voice, "No, General. I cannot save them all, but I will do my damnest to save as many as I can without sacrificing all my principles." Javik's released his hold on her shoulders as she stepped back from him heading over to a locked door by Garrus, "Garrus, how goes the door?"

Turning, Garrus smiled showing sharp teeth, hands working on the door panel, "Almost have it...got it." The door slid slowly open revealing a Cerberus engineer working on an Atlas mech down at the end of the hallway before the main doors to Orion Hall.

Garrus and Tabitha pulled back before the engineer spotted them. Gesturing with her hand, Garrus followed her back down the hallway and around a bend. Whispering, she spoke to Garrus and Javik, "That mech could be used to our advantage. Stay back here and give me support." Moving stealth fully, she advanced slowly to the partially open door. Gathering her biotic energy, she rapidly moved by the engineer pushing off with her legs before reaching him; placing her hands on either side of his neck twisting as she soared over his head snapping his neck. Landing silently, she gestured for Garrus and Javik to come forward as she searched the body.

Tabitha spoke as she climbed into the Atlas, "Stay out of sight until I enter Orion Hall making a distraction. Garrus, get to high ground as soon as you can giving Thane support with long range sniping. Javik close the distance to the students giving them help and support." Both indicated acknowledgment by nodding their heads.


Thane tapped Jack on the shoulder talking softly by her ear, "Reinforcements are here. Prepare yourselves." She turned to say something, but he was gone from sight. "#^& but he was good," she thought to herself. Turning to her students, she yelled, "Here they come. You know what to do."

Thane saw an Atlas coming from a side door heading straight for the bulk of the Cerberus troops wondering what strategy was being deployed when the Atlas sent two rockets into the middle of the front line troops. As the mech pivoted, it shot two more rockets at an advancing mech before destroying it with gun fire. Smiling to himself, he placed a bead on a Cerberus engineer's head pulling the trigger, "Tabitha was in the rogue Atlas," he thought to himself. Scanning the area, he noticed Garrus and Javik coming into the hall through the same side door that Tabitha had come through in the mech. Centering himself, he concentrated on shooting more Cerberus soldiers than Garrus.

Down below, the students saw the rogue Atlas shooting at the Cerberus troops and other mechs, "What's goin' on, Teach?!"

"Who's in the mech?"

Jack did not answer, but shot back, "Don't worry about the ^%$ Alas! Concentrate on #*&$ you suppose to be doing!"

With both Thane and Garrus sniping from a distance, Javik using his biotics and firing his plasma rifle with deadly accuracy, Jack and the students conducting artillery biotic charges, and Tabitha decimating whatever was in front of the mech, the battle did not last long.

Garrus and Javik came alongside of Tabitha as she climbed out of the battered Atlas. Garrus spoke, "Sheppard that Atlas looks in as bad of shape as the Normandy's Mako after a mission."

Tabitha did not reply as she headed toward Thane, Jack, and the students coming down the stairs from above. Jack stormed up to Tabitha striking toward her face with one hand, "Sheppard, you know what I %^& told you about Cerberus!" Tabitha easily blocked the strike replying in a serious tone,"You don't have to tell me anything about Cerberus I already don't know."

Jack got up in Tabitha's face, "Bite me!" Turning her head toward Thane, she continued, "No, bite him. He will enjoy it more."

Taking one step back, Tabitha pulled her underweave down from her neck showing Jack the bite mark from Thane's fangs, "He already has," she smirked.

Whistling under her breath, Jack laughed, "Well, %^&. For a dying man, Thane, you still got it." Seeing Javik, she asked, 'What are you?"

Javik replied, "Prothean."

Jack eyebrows raised, "*%$ Prothean."

Thane inclined his head slightly in Jack's direction in acknowledgment as Tabitha spoke into here omni-tool, "Cortez, we are ready for extraction."

Cortez replied instantly, "I am not able at the moment, Ma'am. The Cerberus cruiser has come back with its full contingent of fighter ships."

"No problem, Cortez. Rendezvous with the Normandy. We will find another way off this ship."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Tabitha then pinged Kahlee Sanders, "Ma'am, are there any ships available on this space station?"

In less than a minute, Sanders came back, "Sheppard, there are Cerberus ships in the shuttle bay. We can take one of them. I am sending you the coordinates now. Vega and I will meet you there."

Thane and Tabitha took point with Jack and the students in the middle and Javik and Garrus bringing up the rear. They met some resistance as they advanced toward the docking bay, but easily eliminated any and all threats. Rounding one corner, they saw a group of five students and one teacher enclosed in a barrier bubble while three Cerberus soldiers were setting up charges around the barrier. The soldiers were so engrossed in setting up the charges; they did not notice Thane, Tabitha, and Jack coming up behind them.

Tabitha tapped one of the soldiers on the shoulder, "Wha' cha doin'?"

As the soldiers turned, Tabitha snapped the neck of one, Thane collapsed the throat of another, and Jack placed her shotgun up against the chest of the final soldier pulling the trigger. As all three soldiers slumped to the floor, Tabitha recognized one of the young men in the statis bubble, "David, is that you?"

David stood up releasing the barrier, "Commander, it is good to see you."

Tabitha moved forward pulling David into a hug, "David, it is good to see you too. How have you been?"

As Tabitha released David, he stepped back smiling, "I am well. Commander, are you fighting the Reapers?

"Yes, I am."

"I want to help you."

"Let's get everybody off this station first and then we can see about that, OK."


Vega and Sanders met up with Tabitha and her group at the shuttle bay. There was a Cerberus shuttle undamaged so everyone climbed onboard. Tabitha moved to the pilot's chair with Vega taking the co-pilot's seat. As she readied the shuttle, she spoke behind her, "I know it is cramped back there, but we will not be on this shuttle for long." Turning back to the front, she radioed the Normandy, "Joker, we are leaving Grissom Academy in a Cerberus shuttle."

EDI replied, "Joker and I have you on our sensors."

Turning to Vega, Tabitha stated, "Let's go home.