Summary: What if Vlad wasn't the only halfa Valerie learned about in D-Stabilized? Episode re-write from her P.O.V.

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or any of it's characters. They all belong to Butch Hartman. I'm not making money for this, it's solely for entertainment. This is entirely based off the season three episode, D-Stabilized. The dialogue and actions are taken directly from that for the entire story, but I own nothing. I am using my legally purchased iTunes copy of the episode to get all of it. Only a few parts (i.e. things that aren't seen in the episode that I'm making up, Val's thoughts) are my own.

A/N: I just watched the episode and felt compelled to write this, sort of as an explanation kind of think. Tell me what you think, Stained.

The Phantom Secret

I was sitting at home, staring blankly at the homework assignment in front of me when a buzzing sound alerted me. It was Mr. Masters. Without missing a beat, I allowed my new ghost hunting suit to cover me and flew at top speed towards his mansion. I was there in record time, something he seemed to be quite impressed with.

"Well, that certainly was fast," he commented upon my arrival. "My, don't you look fancy."

"I got a few upgrades," I told him, showing off one of my many new weapons.

"Well, perhaps you'd be willing to upgrade your life as well. Wouldn't you like to finally move out of that rundown apartment?" I can't deny, that sounded pretty good to me. I let my hover board disappear from beneath me, landing gracefully in a crouch.

"Hmm. What do you need, Mr. Masters?" I was willing to do anything to get out of that place.

"A little bounty hunting," he said simply, a small smile on his lips. I punched one of my fists, a smile of my own spreading quickly.

"Hunting down ghost scum is what I'm all about," I told him, placing my hands on my hips. "The target?"

"Dani Phantom," he said, pressing a button on his keyboard. I couldn't hide my surprise.

"Danny Phantom?" Anger welled up inside of me. "That guy's been an intangible pain in my butt for a long time." He smiled again.

"Oh, no. Sorry, my dear. Not Danny Phantom; Dani Phantom, with an I. The girl ghost." He turned his computer monitor around to show me a video of a young girl. She had white hair and green eyes, like Danny Phantom, but was much younger... and a girl. She was dressed different too, her outfit cut off at the stomach and the black and white fabric in vertical patterns.

"You're kidding," I said in disbelief. "There's a girl called Dani Phantom? Ha! These ghosts gotta come up with more original names."

"Yes, well, this Dani Phantom is an incredibly evil, dangerous ghost who's out to destroy me!" he informed me, a little worry coloring his face.

I was trying, and failing, to understand this. "What's she got against you?" Before answering, Mr. Masters turned his chair away from me.

"Word must be out that I am hunting down ghosts," he said. "When she brings me down, who knows what kind of terror she'll unleash on our fair city." Once again, anger coursed through me. I couldn't let that happen. I had to protect Mr. Master and Amity Park from this Dani Phantom!

"There is no way I'm letting that ghost girl get you, Mr. Masters," I growled, my hands balling up into fists. "She's as good as caught!" I typed in tracking information into the cuff of my suit. It told me she was somewhere in Elmerton, just across the river from Amity Park.

"I knew I could count on you, Valerie," Mr. Masters told me as he spun his chair back around.

I jumped up, letting my hover board return, and said, "And I'm glad I can count on that new apartment." With that, I flew out, leaving Mr. Masters and his ugly, white cat alone once more.