I don't own hetalia

Special thanks to Lunar Mischief for being the awesome editor for this chapter.

Summary: Gilbert is an infamous rake in his area, enjoying his life as a single unattached man, leaving all his responsibilities to his younger brother was the most awesome idea he had since letting go of the Hungarian girl. And a one night stand with the quite French-American girl was he thought something right at the time of her nineteenth birthday. Until he had impregnate her that had caused a scandal not only on his own but the peaceful life of Mathilda was shattered right in front of her eyes. Will Gilbert finally do something right in his thirty-one years of existing? Would he let go of his pride and take the little girl under his wings sweetly? Or surge it off and enjoy his life as before?

Mathilda fanned herself inside the huge cathedral. Why her twin sister had to pick the hottest day to get married was beyond her. She tried loosening her corset a little to let more oxygen inside her system, puffing a warm breath and causing her mother to scowl.

"Ma Cherie do stop fanning. It's quite inappropriate." Her mother, Laura B. Jones, was a beautiful Frenchwoman, with blond hair and blue eyes, a regal face, and quite tall, much like her uncle Francis (though he said that his sister was more aggressive when angered). Mathilda got her solf wavy hair and kind smile from her mother. She looked back at the altar where the bishop was saying prayers to the blond couple.

Mathilda smiled when she saw her sister, normally a head strong woman, was nervous from how she gripped Arthur's hand tightly. Her sister, Amelia F. Jones, was more like their British-American father, John Jones, with their wheat colour hair, bright cerulean eyes, and a smile that would charm anyone near them. Both her parents had come to England with them. They all returned to America when Yue's wedding had finished a year and nine months ago. It was a surprise for all of them when Amelia had shouted that they would be leaving in two days. Mathilda was rather devastated when she knew she wouldn't see the Prussian prince for a while. So she, along with her sister and uncle, went to the docks with a broken heart.

That was until Arthur had showed up on their doorstep asking to court Amelia. Their parents were delighted to know that one of their daughters would marry an Earl. Well, he wasn't yet, but he was the heir to it. So Mathilda had been her sister's chaperon for the whole courtship.

She hadn't particularly minded it. In fact, she supported the pairing. After all, they chased each other across the Atlantic Ocean. Mathilda smiled. Her sister didn't know, but she was writing a story and she had sold it to a publishing company in New York a few weeks back after Arthur had proposed to her. Mathilda may be quiet verbally, but she was quite loud when given a paper and pen.

Another heat wave came through the cathedral that had Mathilda seeing white. She pinched her gloved hand to stay awake. But that had only caused her hand to bruise. When the Bishop finally said the words Mathilda wanted to hear all too long, she sighed of relief.

People clapped as the couple kissed and went down the aisle. Mathilda jumped (quite literally) when she was face to face with Gilbert again. He was, after all, her partner for the ceremony. A blush rose to her face again. His well known silver eyebrows crooked an arch on his face.

"You look quite red." She placed her hand on his elbow as they walked down the aisle with the rest of the party.

"It's the heat." Well, it wasn't a complete lie. But her heart was still pounding against her chest so loudly that she was sure Gilbert could hear it. She had finally reunited with him three weeks ago and thought that he was also waiting for her. Given that he had made her birthday present so special that Mathilda thought it was her turn to have a proposal. But the next morning when she woke up, a bitter taste was left on her mouth from the empty bed space beside her.

She cried after reality had hit her when Gilbert didn't return to her room that day, and then paled when she realized she had been deflowered by a man ten years her senior that wouldn't take her hand in marriage. She would be in big trouble when her parents found out what had happened to their innocent daughter. She was ruined.

Mathilda grew pale again at the thought that her parents finding out what had happened to her. She glanced at her happy sister, smiling her heart out in the hands of the man she loved. Mathilda then looked at Gilbert. He was also smiling, but his eyes were somewhere else. She was in the arms of the man she loved but it had left a lump in her throat knowing that this man would never had eyes on her.

"Mathilda. Mathilda." Said girl looked up at her mother. She was gesturing for her to go inside the carriage. She let go of Gilbert's hand and followed her mother. She didn't want to look back behind her knowing that the silver haired man was too preoccupied with some other women more attractive than her.

Both of her parents were talking happily on their trip to the estate. Mathilda looked out the window and saw the carriage her sister and husband rides.

"Mathilda." She turned to her father's sad look. His huge hands were holding her mother's firmly.

"I hope this wedding won't cause you any trouble." Her father's caring voice had her full attention. "Knowing that your younger sister has married before you must have you feeling insecure about yourself." He patted her knee. "You're a beautiful lady. You will find your husband in no time."

Mathilda gave a weak smile. No she wouldn't, not when they found out what she did three weeks agoo. The rest of the ride was silent. Mathilda didn't want to see the look on her parents' face and just kept her gaze on the road.

When they reached the Kirkland estate, a servant went to Mathilda to ask her to check on the Braginski's since they hadn't come down the last time they called. Knowing them, they must have known that she and Yue had grown close the past year or so. She excused herself and went to the familiar staircase.

Two lefts and one right had her standing at the door of her pregnant Chinese friend. She knocked on it softly.

"Ivan? Yue? Is everything alright?" She heard soft footsteps coming towards the door.

A tall Russian male smiled down at her. He wore an average English suit and his famous pink scarf over it. How he wore it even on a hot days was beyond Mathilda.

"Privet, Mathilda." Mathilda curtsied and moved aside to let the couple through. Mathilda smiled at her petite Chinese friend. She had her hand on her swollen belly and her clothes looked a little uncomfortable for her to be standing and walking around in with that on her midsection.

"Mathilda, you looked a little pale. Are you all right?"

Mathilda nodded. "Just the heat." She wiped an invisible bead of sweat off her brow. Yue took her hand and they walked back where had Mathilda came from, Ivan following silently behind.

"Let's get you some refreshments. The weather is quite dreadful today." They descended the stairs and went to the hall were everyone was talking and fanning themselves. The ladies were all given Chinese fans from Yue's mother and the guests were excited to be using them; they were in style nowadays.

Mathilda scanned the room, looking for a pair of ruby eyes, which should have been quite easy; they were, after all, a beacon in the mass of blue, green, and brown eyes. Mathilda craned her neck but to no avail. He was not here.

A glass of lemonade was given to her, causing her to gasp. Yue smiled sadly at her.

"If you're looking for Gilbert, he isn't here." Mathilda opened her mouth to protest but nothing really came out. This was usually her sister's job, not hers.

"I know you have something for Gilbert. But as a friend, I worry for your safety. He isn't the perfect husband for you. Or for anyone that matter. He only thinks of his position in the army and nothing more besides enjoying his life." Mathilda's heart dropped a few feet below her stomach. She had learned that the hard way.

"Are you really feeling well?" Yue's motherly instinct made Mathilda smile. Her child would be the luckiest in the world. Yue had her hand on her forehead and was shocked that she pressed her head.

"What's wrong?" Mathilda asked as Yue pulled her out of the hall and into the library. Once she closed the door, Yue told her to sit on the couch. Her brows were drawn together.

"Yue, please sit down. It's not good for the baby." Yue stopped her pacing and grabbed Mathilda's wrist.


"Shhh." Yue placed her index and middle finger on her wrist and she silently counted. Mathilda swallowed and looked as the worried look on Yue's face turned into a grimace

"Mathilda." Her voice was slow as in to verify what was wrong. "Have you been throwing up lately?" Mathilda blinked but nodded. "When did this start?"

"A few days ago." Yue was silent for awhile then.

"Your last bleeding?" Mathilda blushed at the blunt question from Yue. She was still mentally counting when Yue's next question had paled her completely.

"You're not a virgin are you?" That had Mathilda taken aback. But the petrified look on her face had confirmed Yue's suspicions.

"What have you done?" Yue's voice was so like an angry mother that Mathilda cried on Yue's shoulder, trying so hard not to crush her stomach in the process.

Yue patted her back smoothly and thought to herself years back when she also cried her heart out in this room with Arthur.

"There, there, Mathilda." Mathilda was still crying but was trying to control her nerve. She was done for. Yue had found out what she has done. She would be a laughing stock for the rest of her life as well as an unwanted woman. A whore. Mathilda cried more when she thought of it.

"Mathilda, dear, hush now. You don't want anyone to hear you." Mathilda held back a sniffle and Yue wiped her tears away, and then gave her a napkin to blow her nose.

"Oh, Yue. What have I done? This will be a scandal for my parents." Yue patted her shoulder and let her continue. "I thought he loved me. But he left before I woke up. And now he's acting like nothing ever happened." Yue put two and two together and know who the gentleman responsible for herquiet friend to act like this was.

"He was so sweet and gentle with me and now I'm ruined. He left me with nothing but a broken heart." Yue felt sympathy for her but she was about to break the little lady's dream of peaceful life once more.

"He didn't leave you nothing." Mathilda sniffed and looked up at Yue with puffy eyes. When Yue took and placed Mathilda's hand on her abdomen, she felt as if her heart had stopped beating.

"Ho—" Mathilda saw blackness consuming her vision and fell forward onto Yue.

"Mathilda!" Yue's distressed voice caused her husband to throw open the door to the library. Yue looked at him with surprise and concern for the fainted American in her arms. Luckily for them, they were seated on the couch so one got hurt.

Ivan had carried Mathilda upstairs to her room, placed her on her bed, and turned to look at his wife's frowning face. She was moving the girl's soft wavy blond hair away from her pale face.

"You were listening, weren't you?"

Ivan nodded. "Are you mad?"

Yue sighed and turned to her husband. "No, but I will be if you tell anyone." Ivan smiled and kissed her wife's lips.

"Should I tell the German what he has done to her?"

Yue shook her head. "No, let Mathilda do it. She is kind and sweet but her love blinded her to a dangerous man in Europe." Yue pulled Ivan out of the room and closed the door behind them.

A/N: Yeah hey. I had finally started writing Mathilda' story. I hope you guys like it. Thanks to Lunar Mischief for being the editor for this~

Note: this is a sequel to my other story "Wedding" you can read it as it but some of it will be a bit dizzy without the first story.

And for those who are wondering how Yue had known she is pregnant with just looking and a few heartbeats? It's because, in Ancient China, doctors or any member of the family would know if a female was pregnant by the sudden paleness, a slight fever and the quicken heart beat of this person. Of course now a day we have test to prove if one is pregnant. But my grandmother always says that this method is always reliable and easy. She had proven me with one of my cousin's pregnancy before it was confirmed by a doctor.

And of course in that time, 18th or 19th century, people do value a women's virginity before they are married and usually the scandals were either married women or widowed. The rake rarely had eyes on virgins since they take more time and work to get them to bed.

Please do comment if anyone of you are in agreement or disagreement in this story. Thank you.

Also please don't be mad with me for making Prussia a bad image. Its just a story that I want to do make for him to be like this and I had of course make this fic a PruCan so you will be getting that and a bonus of Rochu and UkUs and other pairs. This are just the top three pairs in the story. Stay tune.

Have a great day everybody!