A/N: Hey peoples! Ok so I'm new to the whole "Writing A Story" thing. This is my first time and I'm really excited. Warning: since this is my first time writing a story it probably won't be good. I decided to write this story based on a book I read "Gamer Girl" I thought it was really good. If you've ever read this story you probably know how it goes. This is my take on it a little different from the actual book. : O *embarrassed* Here I am ranting on and on srry ok let's just get to the story.

Kurt Hummel fashionable, stylish, caring, sweet, and GAY. Kurt is the only gay person at his school and for a gay person he's got a lot of friends his best friend Minnie, Selena, Danny, Jake, Stacy and Kasey just to name a few. Kurt's mom died when he was a little boy. His dad remarried a woman named Dana. His dad and Dana have been having some problems and they're thinking about getting a divorce.

At School

"Hey Kurt what's goin' on" Minnie said. "Hey my little Minnie Mouse" Kurt said happy to see his best friend his smile soon turning into a frown.

"Kurt what's wrong" her voice now filled with concern. "My parents are considering getting a divorce you know that's fine with me because I don't like Dana, but if they do….. my dad and I are moving to Ohio" Kurt said in disappointment.

"Aww Kitty Kurt I don't want you to go" Minnie said with puppy dog eyes. "I don't really have a choice Minnie" Kurt said hugging his best friend.

"Life's gonna suck without a gay guy around it'll be….. different" Minnie said. "Yea I can't imagine what this school would be like without me" Kurt said playfully.

"OMG guys look at these super cute tops we just got!" Twins Stacy and Kasey said in unison. "Oh my goodness I just might have to still that from you two" Kurt said laughing.

"Hey guys" Minnie said "I hate to ruin this little moment but, bad news Kitty Kurt's moving". "What!" Jake, Selena, Danny, and The Twins said in unison.

A/N: Kk guys that's chapter 1 hope you liked it and if you didn't I warned you it was probably going to be bad. Keep in mind this is my first story so don't be so hard on me. I know it's short but, I kinda wanted to do how they react in the next chapter. :D Review I'll accept bad reviews because I prob deserve them so yea anyway still review plz and thank you. If you wanna know what happens keep reading if you don't that's ok with me it's your decision sorry again ranting bye.