Chapter Twenty

The Masks of Paul Kellerman

Paul Kellerman watches as the red-headed detective approaches the coffee table at the side of the room. He observes her closely as she stirs in sugar and cream into the black coffee before approaching the table. He moves to stand a mere step away from her, and before he knows it she is covered in the dark brown liquid. Paul quickly mumbles out quick apologise as Detective Douglas pushes him back and threatens to fire him from his place on the police force. He can't help but to chuckle as he moves forward to make a cup of coffee. He adds a perfect about of sugar and cream before pulling a vile from his pocket and pours in a small amount of a transparent liquid. He stirs it quick before putting the lid on the travel mug and heading outside.

Cameron was about to pull out of her space in the lot when Paul came alone and tapped on the driver's side window. He watches with his smiling blue eyes as she rolls down the window and holds out the coffee for her to take. "Made you one for the road," Paul smiles before handing her the travel mug.

"Stop being a kiss ass Kraveki." Cameron chimes in with a smile. "Thanks for the cup of Joe; you think you can get started on a paper work on my desk? I'll be back to help in twenty minutes tops. It's the least you could do after wreaking my favorite shirt."

Paul nodded as he stepped back from the car, giving the woman time space to pull out. He took note of the colour, make, and model of her car before sending it off in a text message to the agent waiting a couple blocks away for Ms. Douglas.


Paul pulled up in front of the Chicago fire house a couple blocks away, the police uniform he wore minutes ago stashed under his seat. He grabs his bag from the passenger seat before stepping out and making his way inside. "You're late Lieutenant." One of the men he works over tells him sternly but he blows it off and constant watches the clock. Five minutes would be all it would take for the sedative to kick in, maybe less. In ten, they would be loading up into the trucks to head to the scene of the accident.

He watched the third hand of the clock tick around slowly. One minute. Two minutes. Three minutes. Seven minutes later, as if on cue the alarm sounded and Paul and her team jumped into action. Kellerman made his way to his turnout gear and pulled it on quickly before making his way to the truck. Once everyone was in, the truck roared to life and rolled out onto the city streets.

Sirens cried out over the lines of honking cars as the fire engine of a down town fire house barreled its way down the cluttered Chicago streets. Its deep horn echoed over the rest as a warning sign to the surrounding cars to come to a stop or move out of their way. Little information was given to dispatch and the team of fire fighters but Paul knew exactly what to expect.

He steps from the truck his turnout gear heavily hanging off his broad frame. Paul looks over the accident with his deep blue eyes with an unsatisfied look. Two cars had been involved in the accident; a small white car had been struck in the driver's side trapping the driver in their seat. The other vehicle's front is compacted back much like an accordion and has pitch black smoke fuming from under the hood. The driver's door of the second car is left ajar, the driver has fled the scene. "The stupid ass left," One of the fire fighter's erupts from behind his lieutenant drawing him from his thoughts and hardening his blank expression. The other man catches the odd expression of his lieutenant and quickly calls him on it; "You alright there Krevecki?"

Paul didn't respond, instead he lead the way to the cars and instructed his team to help him move the vehicle that could burst into flames at any moment. "Get them back!" Kellerman shouted as he noticed a crowed gathering around the scene watching at they moved the smoking car. Once the car was moves back far enough he had some of his men work on it while he and two others rushed to the small white car. He tries to pull open the door but it is compacted to tight. He stepped back at the other two men rushed forward with the Jaws of Life in hand. The Jaws crunch the body of the car slowly disjoining the pieces. The two men back away when there is enough room for Kellerman to access the crash victim. "Miss?" He sounds as he pulls of his think gloves and looks over the red-head. Cameron is unconscious and sit hunched over in the driver's seat, her head resting on the deflated airbag that was now draped over the steering wheel. She had been tossed like a ragdoll upon impact; this could be seen through the laceration on her forehead, and other injuries on arms and neck.

Kellerman brushes the curtain of deep auburn hair from the woman's neck and gently places two fingers on her cool, pale skin. He sighs in when there is a pulse, he is not sure if it is out of relief or frustration. Before retracting he grabs the woman's wallet in search of her license. He makes room for the paramedics as he opens the wallet and reads over her information; Cameron Douglas, thirty-one, green eyes. He slowly slides the wallet into his turnout gear pocket, swapping it out for another. The medic looked up from the woman and over to Kellerman in need of knowing her personal information and he quickly scrambles to get the drivers license from the wallet; "Cameron Dobson, thirty-one..." He trails off as he begins to sort through the multiple other cards that had put under the name Cameron Dobson. "...Organ donor... Not much else." He tells the paramedic quickly before placing the wallet on the gurney next to the unconscious red head. With that the paramedics rushed off, loading Cameron into the ambulance and speeding off sirens wailing. Kellerman watched the ambulance disappear down the congested street with his icy eyes, his work here was done. "Pack it up boys!" He shouts simply before helping his team clear the way for the tow trucks that would later come to remove the totalled cars from the scene.


"It'll be done by tonight," Paul was kicking himself for what he had told Vise President Reynolds. For months he had been trying to take out Cameron Douglas and every single time he failed. She lived through the collision he set up but he seemed to be in the clear when she didn't remember a thing. Then the baby had to come along... in a sick way he almost felt like he had grown attached to her like some lost puppy that followed him through the streets.

Kellerman slammed the car door behind him as he got out of his black Sedan that hid in the shadows of the street. He made his way into the apartment building Gretchen had set up for Cameron to occupy. He runs his hand over his head as she makes his way up the staircase, winding up towards the higher levels. He moves towards her apartment when he comes to her floor and picks the lock open casually before slipping inside. Paul looks around the dark apartment and takes a seat on the sofa facing the door. He reaches into his suit jacket and pulls out his SIG-Sauer P228 and attaches a silencer before waiting anxiously. His hands shook with anticipation, she was going to arrive home at any moment and he needed to shoot her dead in her tracks. Was he going to be able to put the subtle feelings he was feeling for his target behind him? Was he going to be able to forget little Victoria and how she was going to have to grow up not knowing her mother and father?

Paul was quickly broken from his thoughts when he heard the deadbolt unlock. He raises his gun and once the door opens wide her fires sending the bullet into his target – or who was supposed to be his target. The woman's pain filled scream filled the air, but soon faded as the blood filled her lungs. He stood and tucked his gun away before approaching the body that lay on the floor. He shuts his eyes tight when he finds that the woman he had shot lacked the ruby hair of Cameron, he had shot the doctor. Evangeline's once compassionate eyes looked up at him with anger and fear as he punched the wall beside the door way. Paul took a deep breath, he was wasting time. Kellerman quickly picked up the warm calibers before fleeing. As far as he was concerned, he killed Cameron tonight and that's just what Reynolds was going to hear.


"Pull in hear." Paul instructs and Danny pulls the black sedan into a clearing in the woods along the side of the highway before coming to a stop. Kellerman and Hale in the car step out onto the dry earth and make their way to the trunk of the car, Danny with their gun drawn the Paul's hands ready. Paul opens the trunk quickly, letting the sunlight shine down at Cameron who was trapped in the dark. He jolts back when her feet kick Danny hard in the stomach. She goes to pull herself out of the trunk, but Paul gets a hold of her and tosses her roughly to the ground. "Danny, really?" Paul asks his partner as he watches Danny pick up his gun. Paul shakes his head slightly as he removes his aviators from his face before looking down at the woman at his feet. "Hello Cameron."

He watches as Cameron pushes herself up into a sitting position before brushing the hair from her face. She looked around at her surroundings quickly taking in the trees and the short dirt road to the main highway. As she looked up at him Paul pulled out his gun, flicked the safety off and loaded a bullet into the chamber before pointing it at her forehead's center. He watched as she swallowed hard before her green eyes met with his blue; "Hello Paul."

"Take her out there." Paul orders to Danny as he points out into the trees. "Hundred yards or so should do it."

"She's nothing. Nobody would believe her if she talked anyway." Hale said as she stepped forward to get a grasp on the back of Cameron's shirt.

"Just do it." Paul orders stiffly as Danny stands her up. "Go!" Paul barks as she lowers his gun. He hopes that Danny will be able to carry it out, because he hasn't been able to do it himself. He tucks his gun back into his coat before leaning against the trunk of the black Sedan. He checks his watch occasionally when he hears no gun shot. He goes to head for the tree line and picks up speed when Danny shouts out for assistance. When he crosses paths with Hale Cameron was nowhere to be seen. She was gone, with no blood trail to follow. Not even Hale could take this woman's last breath, leaving another obstacle as the execution date drew near.

Sorry it has been so long everybody! This will be the summer I get this fic rolling again and hopefully take it to the end. Hopefully this chapter was nice and refreshing of what has happened in the past nineteen chapters and a good kick start to what is to come!

Disclaimer: I don't own Prison Break.
