Hello Everyone (or just those few loyal readers that I am very sorry about hurting)

I am sorry. As much as I'd love to tell you about my amazing adventure to becoming a real adult, I'm sure you just wanna read the story.

Also to my very loyal fan Savemechocolate. I am sorry for being away for so long.

I hope you can forgive me and I hope that the next few chapters I bring out will be to your liking.

(also if you have any special requests I would love to hear it and try to incorporate it into my next chapter, You know where to reach me ;P)

Disclaimer: I owe nothing. Not even the computer I'm using.

Chapter Nine: Just Fluff


Sakura whistled and backed away slowly as she noticed Pein enter the room emitting the same deadly aura towards the blonde.

"Sorry Dei, Sacrifices must be made." She stated as she kept stepping back.

"I leave you to take care of my princess and you go and take advantage of her!"


Flashback Ended

"Pein-sama, why don't you look handsome today." Deidara stuttered eyes darting back and forth looking for a way out while backing away from the taller man.

"SHUT UP YOU BLONDE HAIRED FREAK, I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU!" Pein yelled harshly walking towards the blonde who decided the best place was to cower behind Sakura's legs.

"Not if I get him first." Gaara said walking next to the angry man

"Papa, please calm down this isn't as bad as you think it is." Sakura said putting her hands in front of herself in an attempt to stop the seething man in front of her

"Ya old man what they are saying are lies! Sakura and I are not married! Un" Deidara said crying

Both men stopped in their tracks and looked at the blonde who was staring at them with big eye and tears running down his face. Then they looked at Sakura who was nodding her head slowly still smiling mischievously

"So the reporters were just lying." Pein said calmly and then turned to a smirking Konan

"I want whoever is responsible for such slander to pay." Pein clapped his hands together as the rest of the bands gathered.

"Sakura is it true that you're not married." Gaara asked uncertainly

"Well of course it's true, come on red seriously." Sakura said walking towards him, relieved the tension had suddenly been diverted someone else, well for the few seconds before Deidara went and opened his mouth to comment.

"Well, yea since we got the annulment the next day after lunch, Un."

With that one sentence Sakura found herself facepalming, Pein and Gaara had a murderous aura around them, Konan was laughing, and the rest of the bands shook their heads in utter disbelief.

"What the fuck?" Sakura said turning and throwing the nearest thing next to her at Deidara's head. The others held thin their laughter.

"We were so close, you darn idiot. Your on your own now dumbass."

"So you were married." Konan said after calming down.

"Un, Weelll.." Deidara said shrugging his shoulder

Sakura continued to glare at Deidara, then sighed and turned to Pein and Gaara with a innocent stare.

"In my defense it was their fault," She said nodding her head towards the blonde and Kisame who had their mouths gaped open.

"They made me go with them, made me play in their bet and also had me win them at an all in game of strip poker. I barely remember anything till the next day." She continued on looking away.

"Why you little shit!" Kisame growled out

"Sakura!" Deidara whinned

"Wait Kisame knew about this affair" Konan said looking at the blue man

Sakura shrugged "He's the one who bought the rings and the hotel room that we had woken up in the next day."

Pein stared at the two and said "Run"

Both stared at each other and ran out the door as fast as they can Pein following behind them slowly moving like the creepy killer from those Halloween movies.

Sakura sighed and turned to see Gaara glaring at her from the same spot where he stopped at earlier.

"Interesting day isn't it red." She said smiling

"Hotel room.." Gaara started before he was cut off by his brother putting a hand over his mouth and whispering

"Don't even fucking do it."

Sakura smiled widely seeing his annoyance

"Yea red. Hotel room. It was a beautiful place, big windows, railings, amazing tubs. All great places for Deidara to do what he does best." She giggled knowing what outbursts and suspicions are coming from the red head in front of her.

Gaara seethed in his position, turned and headed straight to where he heard deidara and pein going. Intent on making sure that he had some of the action in hurting the blonde hairded man.

Sighing Konan walked next to a triumphant Sakura who just smiled at her and nodded her head.

"Guess we should hold a conference?"

Konan nodded

"Hmm I wonder what I should say." She said looking at Konan

"They are not going to believe I'm single."

"Thought you weren't."

"He asked me on a date not to be his girl." She said shrugging and looking at her phone.

"And he didn't see that loophole?"

"Never mentioned it."

"Of course not" Konan said smirking

"So what songs am I singing tonight?"

"Dunno, wonder if your lead guitarist will be able to move."


~The Next Day: Conference~

The news room was packed. Reports from everywhere wanting the truth and looking to spin the story everywhere they can make it twist to.

Sakura sat there on the leather couch calmly humming and checking her manicure. Her blonde companion on the other hand was moaning in pain with an ice pack over his


"Kama this is painful." The blonde whined

"Well now who had to go open their big mouth."

"You could have helped me."

"What fun would that be?"


"I love you to sweetheart."

Deidara jumped when he heard the door open and saw the red headed man glaring at him

"Sakura..." Deidara whispered

Sakura looked up and got up walking over and hugged the red head who continued to glare at the blonde.

"Hi love." She greeted with a kiss on the corner of his lip.

"Whatcha doing here?"


"Ah I see." She said rolling her eyes

"Deidara looked from her to the red head confused

"Gaara speak for Hi." She elaborated

"Five minutes you two, everyone else is up here." Konan called from the other room.

"I still don't get why everyone is here but whatever, I guess besides damage control we need more fans in the seats. I thought last night's crowd was pretty lively." Deidara

commented as he got up and check the stage makeup he had on

"Konan also decided to introduce the new band tonight."

"This should be fun."

Reviews would be nice thank you