hi folks. This may not be my first fanfic, but the first I've published in English. Since that's not my first language, I could really use someone to beta my stuff. And now - have fun with the story!

„Oh god, turn right. Kutner, Taub! Turn right!" Thirteen hissed and grabbed one of her co-workers by the arm to drag him into the next patients' room, closing the door fast behind them.

"What was that? Kutner asked rubbing his lightly throbbing arm.

"Voldemom." Thirteen mumbled under her breath while trying to peek through the curtains.

Taub turned and spotted a small family sitting by a woman's bed, staring at them in bewilderment. "Everything's okay. We're doctors. See the lab coats and stuff?" He pulled uncomfortable at his sleeve. "It's okay. I think we can leave now." The brunette sighed and pushed the door open.

"Did you just say Voldemom? Who the fuck are you talking about?" Kutner rose his voice.

"SHHH! I'm gonna tell you once we're in…"

"OHHHHH, Dr. Hambling!" A female voice echoed through the hallway.

"Shit!" Thirteen cursed, turning into the direction the voice came from. She forced herself to smile, while giving a hand to a woman in the sixties.

"Actually, it's Hadley."

"Ah, well.. whatever." The woman ignored her last comment and gestured with her hand. "I'm searching for my daughter. She told me to have a look at the town or stay in the hotel, but I wanted to see where she's working. But everything's so big and confusing and I'm so not going to ask one of those… nurses. I thought she may have been in her office, but…"

"I don't think that she'll be there at this time." Thirteen cut her off, eying Kutner and Taub, who were following the conversation interested. "Why don't you grab something to drink in the cafeteria and I'll try to catch and send her to pick you up?"

"I'm sure I'm going to get lost again." The woman crossed her arms and tried to look down on Remy – even if she was one head shorter, she did a surprisingly good job.

"There are signs everywhere." Remy pointed out, trying to stay nice.

"Well… couldn't one of those two good looking gentlemen behind you come along and show me the way?"

"I'm sorry, but we have work to…" Taub moved and grabbed her arm slightly, while Kutner jogged to her other side.

"What's your name anyway ma'am?"


Thirteen raced down the hall and into the ER.

"Jesus, Dr. Hadley! Is everything okay?" Cameron had spotted her and looked up from the patient she was sewing up. "Have you been running?" She put down the needle and gave her a concerned look.

"Could you just give me a moment over there, please?" She pointed towards the nurse station.

"Uhm… sure. Excuse me Mr. Richards, I'll be right back." She followed her co-worker to the nurse station, crossing her arms as she did so.

"Hell Remy. Spill already? What happened?"

"Your mom is here."

"Fuck. Where is she?" Cameron rubbed her forehead.

"In the cafeteria. She caught Taub, Kutner and me on our way from the lab."

"And… do I want to ask where Kutner and Taub are right now?" She looked at the brunette pleadingly.

"Guess not." Thirteen reached out and rubbed her shoulder gently.

"Could you sew Mr. Richards up? I have to get her out of here."

"Sure Babe."

"I'm sorry that she's getting on your nerves, too. I know that you're all professional at work."

"Don't worry about that. With you, I don't have to be all professional." The taller woman smiled and squeezed her shoulder. "Remember? Remy, not Thirteen."

Cameron put her hand on the hand on her shoulder.

"Do I really have to go?"

"You want her to tell Kutner and Taub stories all day?" Remy teased.

"Oh god. No. Hell. No." She smiled at her and straightened her back.

Thirteen walked over to the patient's bed.

"Bad news for the blonde doctor?" The man asked.

"Kind of, Mr. Richards. But I'm sure she'll be doing fine. I'm Dr. Hadley. Let's close this nasty cut."