Chapter 1.


…It was there, I could feel it! I could feel the inspiration flowing through me; through this city! At this height, there's no wonder so many people come to view the city in this tower. Holding my camera up steadily, I looked around through the eyepiece at the clustered city. I moved from one spot to another, one viewpoint to another but never once did I actually take a picture.

It wasn't there. That feeling wasn't there.

The beauty of the cityscape fooled me; it was breath-taking but yet… I couldn't find it in me to take a picture of it. Sighing, I dropped the camera, letting it fall onto my chest with the support of the neck strap keeping it from falling to the ground. I raked my hair with my fingers, staring at the gorgeous death trap of a city.

"What am I to do...? I'll never get anywhere in my career this way." closing my green eyes, I decided to leave the tower with my hands shoved into my pockets.

While in the elevator, I checked my watch,

'10:20pm, I wonder if they're still open.'

I quickly rushed out of the elevator at my stop and out the door, nearly slipping on the wet pavement. I dashed across the streets, passing multiple cars, stoplights, buildings and a whole load of people until I finally came to a halt outside a small shop. I ran a bit out of the city, not too far out, it wasn't that far from the tower anyways.

The small shop was quaint, warm and stood out for the grey, dull buildings that towered over it. The aroma of fresh, roasted coffee filled my nose as I took in a big whiff. I had a warm and fuzzy feeling in me as a stepped into the old-style coffee shop, waving at the workers. I was a regular here, I'd come here as often as possible, even if I didn't order anything. The atmosphere is inspiring, the people are friendly and their coffee is homemade and a tickle to the taste buds.

Not to mention her.

I searched around the café, looking for those oceanic blue eyes. I didn't seem to find her anywhere so I called a waiter with a friendly smile.

"Where's May?" I questioned the young man as he smiled back.

"She's at the back, getting ready to leave."

I nodded as I was about to get up to leave before he stopped me,

"But you can still go see her." He added, gesturing to the back door.

I thanked the man and took my leave towards the door. As I opened the door, I see her; her and only her. Not only that, but as an added bonus, she was only in her bra and shorts. She stared at me in shock and was about to scream at me before I put my hands up and stopped her,

"It's alright, I got my eyes closed." I smirked smugly as she sighed in relief.

"Jesus, Drew, what was that? Ever heard of knocking?" She snapped while changing.

"I do recall being told to have to freedom to enter."

"I do recall this is the girls changing room." She retorted, "Anyways, I'm all done changing so you're free to look."

I nodded as I uncovered my eyes so I could see her again. I smirked at her as she pouted slightly, crossing her arms.

"What?" She asked hastily.

"Ohhh, nothing." I loved messing with her, watching her get riled up is the best.

She pouted more and stomped out the back door as I followed her into the alley that it led to. She'd never leave through to front door which worried me dreadfully.

"May, I really don't approve of you always leaving through the back, especially at night." I muttered in disappointment.

"Pf, I'll be fine, I'm used to it." She shook her head at me, smiling. "And besides, I'm a strong girl! Have faith in me."

I sighed, as I grabbed her arm and wrapped it around mine.

"Well then I'll always be there to walk you home, got it?"

"When are you never?" She giggled at me and clung onto me tightly.

I didn't mind, I was enjoying this. I made sure she safely arrived home and we said our good nights.

"Thanks for walking me home, Drew." She smiled sweetly.

I shrugged, flicking the bangs of my hair out of my face. She leaned in and pecked my cheek. What? What was that? What's this strange feeling? Fluttering in my stomach? Heat rising in my cheeks as she ran into her home, giggling? W-What? I touched the spot she gently yet quickly pecked.

I tried to shrug it off but it was all I thought about while walking home. I rubbed my temples, oh how this bothered me. I'm Drew. I can't feel this way. Sure she was beautiful, friendly, bubbly and somewhat… smart, I guess? But doesn't mean other girls aren't. What makes her so special? What makes me so addicted to her? I sighed at this.

"You really are a puzzle to solve, May Maple."

I tucked my hands smugly into my pockets as I went up the steps to my apartment. Step by step, she flashed in my mind.

And then it hit me.

Why didn't I think of it earlier? Sure it'd bother me to think about her in such a way but she could be the missing piece! The missing puzzle piece to me and my career! You may be a puzzle, Maple, but you're also a puzzle piece that fits well into my puzzle. She inspired me, she gave me motivation, she's gorgeous, and why didn't I see this?

"I'm saved!" I shouted in sheer happiness as I barged into my own room.

I laughed at myself and gave myself a pat on the back… well not really but you get the idea. I jumped onto my bed, what a day I'll have tomorrow. I placed the camera I had in my hands onto the bedside table, falling asleep with a grin plastered onto my stupid, hot face.

Ergh, that Sun needs to piss off. Some people don't have to be anywhere in the morning, so go away, you stupid Sun. I think May is rubbing off on me, God. I groaned, stretching my arms as far as I can reach which felt amazing if you were wondering. Getting up with a smile, I went to the bathroom, did my morning routines; all that stuff and got ready to take a jog. I put the shuffle on in my playlist on my iPod as I jogged out the apartment door.

I went to my favourite lakeside park, maybe I'd see Misty there or something. She's always here. I jogged around the lake, past benches and eventually stopped to have a drink of water. While I was drinking, I saw a familiar orange-haired girl from the corner of my eye and I smirked, throwing the empty bottle into the bin. I went to sit next to her by the lake and she stared at me with a smile on her face.

"Hello, Drew."

"Hi there. I see you're admiring the view as always."

"Mm. I wish I could just swim in this lake. Too bad." She stared at the 'no swimming' sign with a frown on her face.

"Where's Ash?" I asked, changing the subject.

"He's at the grocery store working his shift, I'm on my break."

I nodded at that and got up. She, of course, stayed sitting.

I rolled my eyes. "How long do you plan on sitting there?"

She shrugged, looking at me. "As long as it takes."

With that, I left, waving at her. I jogged out of the park and towards the small coffee shop I loved so much. I entered, the bell ringing while I sat my sweaty butt down. There she was, smiling so magnificently. I felt like a creeper staring at her like this, she's so beautiful. She glanced at me with a smile as I smiled back and waved a little.

She rolled her eyes and came to me. "May I take your order?"

"Yes you may, May." I smirked as she twitched.

"Don't try-"

"I would like a cappuccino, please." I interrupted her, with a bigger smirk that caused her to fume more.

"Whatever." She huffed, walking to the kitchen as I watched her.

I wish I had my camera, I would adore to take pictures of her in this coffee shop, in that cute little waitress dress of hers.

"Here you are." She gently placed my cappuccino down.

I gestured at the seat in front of me. "Sit with me."

"In your dre-"

"Sit with me." I said once again as she glared at me interrupting her twice.

And there she sat, looking at me in discontent as I smirked.

"What do you want, Hayden?" She growled, she wasn't in a very good mood I take it.

"Just to see you. I have a proposition for you." I shrugged plainly.


"I want you to come with me after your shift, your shift today is short if I remember correctly." I flicked my bangs out of my hair and looked at her.

She nodded, getting up and leaving to serve other people.

I watched her as she went to another man's table and served him with a smile. He smiled back, but not in a way I'd want him to. He wouldn't stop staring at her boobs and this angered me. When she got back with his cup of coffee, he whispered in her ear. Whatever he whispered to her must've been disturbing on account of the fact she widened her eyes in disgust and rushed off, with a 'sorry'.

I got up and sat opposite this man, with a glare.

"Who do you think you are?" I asked hastily.

"Excuse me-"

"What makes you think you can hit on my girl?" I'm getting good at interrupting, aye?

"Your girl?" He scoffed, shaking his head. "You mean my girl."

"Pardon?" I raised an eyebrow.

"She's going to be mine, thank you very much." He smirked at me in smug content.

I shook my head, getting up and grabbing the man's arm. I shoved him out the restaurant and made sure I did it with so much force, he'd hit his face on the pavement. He cursed under his breath and stomped off. May ran out and tried calling him back but it didn't work.

"What're you doing, he was a perv-"

"You can't chase away every man that you think is a pervert!" May shouted at me.

"Who's doing the interrupting now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Drew, he was a regular customer, he contributed a lot of money to this café."

"So did I." I frowned. "And besides, he wouldn't stop staring at your boobs."

"What do you care?" May grumbled and walked back in, slamming the bell-triggering door in my face.

"…Whatever, man. Last time I try to help her." And with that, I walked away.

End of chapter 1.