Time to face the music. He fulfilled his end of the deal. They would have to allow him to take Renji as his life-partner. It wasn't his fault the Hollow that invaded the Kuchiki grounds had torn into Kazuko before he could even release his Shikai, and Yamamoto-Sotaicho himself had agreed that no one else in the Soul Society could have responded more quickly to the threat. So, that meant that he was free, right? He was on top of the world, possibly all four worlds. He'd reconciled with Renji, and for the last two months the pair had not wasted a moment in remembering each other. He took advantage of the tradition of being sequestered in his rooms after the death of a spouse to steal the redhead away and have him all to himself. Yes, truly, nothing could bring him down this day.

Underneath his mask, Byakuya steeled his resolve before striding confidently into the attendance hall for his early morning meeting with the Kuchiki clan elders. He gave a very slight nod of his head in reverence to many of the council's advanced age as he took his place at the head of the chamber. "Good morning."

The council spokesman rose from his kowtow, "Good morning, Byakuya-dono. The Council trusts you are coping well with the loss of your second wife?"

"I am, as you are no doubt well aware, dealing with my grief as befitting a husband of my stature. The draperies and linens of the Kuchiki manor have laid in black and white since Lady Kazuko's tragic passing." All of the assembled members of council knew just as well as he did that while he was sorry for her loss, he held no personal grief over her death, but he played along happily.

"There has been some rumor, Byakuya-dono, that the man, Abarai Renji, once your Fukutaicho, is staying with you and your honorable sister at the manor. Is this true?" The spokesman kowtowed a second time at the end of his question.

Again, everyone in the room already knew the answer to this question, but the old men and women of the family seemed to have nothing more entertaining to do than to pry into his personal life. So, once again, he played along, "Yes, Spokesman, Abarai-fukutaicho was injured during his last mission to the Living World and has been taking his recovery at the manor. He is well on the way to mending but it will take several more weeks before the tendons and ligaments in his arm are sufficiently healed for him to return to his normal duties. I am afraid he will have to remain at the manor at this time, or were you more worried about my dear sister's innocence?"

The haughty spokesman merely smiled, causing a chill to run down the noble clan leader's spine, "It is not Rukia-sama's innocence this council is concerned with, Byakuya-dono. It is yours."

Several hours later found the council dismissed, and the household trying to adjust to something that had not been expected for several more years. Rukia sat in the nursery cradling her adopted nephew against her chest, though her thoughts were far away. On the table next to her were long, sleeve-like gloves made of the same fine almost white silk that matched her brother's wrist-length version. Being acknowledged as a member of the noble household had been a shock enough when the stuff representative of the council had approached her earlier, but to have been handed a set of Regent's Gloves was almost more than the diminutive Kuchiki could handle. She had immediately gone in search of her brother, only to find that he'd sequestered himself in his rooms. His personal attendant told her he'd left instruction that the only reason he could be disturbed was if something was wrong with Tamotsu. So, she found herself in the babe's nursery, drawn to the infant that was now her personal responsibility.

The elder had been clear on that. She was responsible for his upbringing, his education, and all other aspects of his life in preparation for ascending to the position of Head of the Clan once he was old enough. The former street rat was shell shocked. This never happened. The only time a regent was elected was if the current Head of Clan was dead and the heir was underage, but Byakuya was still alive. So, why? Because Kazuco had died? She wished she had someone to talk to, but for some reason she couldn't find her best friend either. Thoughts spinning in circles in her head, she suddenly gave a small gasp, her eyes going wide, and the hand that had been absently stroking the baby's head flying to her mouth.

'This is your third strike, Byakuya-dono. This council warned you that any further indomitable acts would severely affect your position. Now that an heir has procured, and the proper paperwork has been filed regarding the child's care, this council is free to react to your subversion two years ago. The exchange of Zanpakutou is a serious agreement that should not be entered into lightly, and your choice of partner is something that this council will no longer tolerate. Turn in your kenseikan, Byakuya-dono. This council has determined that it is in the clan's best interest for you to step down as Head of Clan.'

The words echoed in his ears, affecting him more than he had ever expected. Truthfully he didn't regret the actions of the council, but Renji had reacted badly. At this moment the redhead was still raving, throwing every curse the Living World and the Rukongai had to offer at the stodgy old men and women that made up the Kuchiki Council of Elders. He'd been coloring the air for the past fifteen minutes.

"I can't! I won't let you do it!" The tattooed man threw the framed picture of he and his lover against the wall. Said lover merely sat on the bed, allowing the destruction to go around him. The fiery Fukutaicho roared, slamming his hands on the bed. For once, because they were in the safety and privacy of their bedroom, the man was bare from the waist up, all the way down to his fingertips. This left the myriad of scars littering his forearms to catch the lamp light as well as the gleaming pink petal shaped blade around his neck. "I just can't sit back an' watch ya give up yer position fer me!"

"Renji, this isn't something I can choose to do. It's been done already." This was the third—fourth?—time Byakuya had attempted to explain how this was a good thing to his lover, but the stubborn—ahem—wouldn't listen.

The redhead fell to his knees next to the bed, taking his lover's beautiful hands into his own, "But, Bya, what happens now? I mean, will you lose the Sixth? Do you have to move? And Tami? Who's gonna look after him? Isn't he gonna at least get to know you? I mean, disregard us for a minute and think!"

"Disregard us? Bakamono, this whole thing is about us!" The noble's patience was wearing thin. "Ren-koi, I love you. I have always loved you. Going all the way back to the first day I ever met you. I gave you a piece of my Zanpakutou. Twice! Does that not mean anything to you?"

"Of course it does!" Their eyes were locked, hands gripping each other frantically.

"Then why do you not believe me when I tell you that none of those things matter if I cannot have them with you? Why do you continue to think so little of yourself!" Storm clouds raged in that gaze and both knew they were nearing the edge of a cliff; a precipice from which they would either fly or fall together.

"Because of what I am! Byakuya, I'm a street rat! I'm a sneak thief, and a con artist! I ripped people off! I sold my body for coin! When I got promoted all I did was waste my money on alcohol and prostitutes! I'm no good for you!" He couldn't stop his words, and as they rang out a familiar burn echoed in his chest.

"That's not your decision!" Ebony was shouting now, recognizing the fires burning in cinnamon. "I decide who is worth my time! I am master of my personal life!"

"Except when they hold it over your head!"


Renji rocked back onto his heels, blinking. He couldn't breathe. The floor disappeared from under his feet. His hands trembled, shaking so much that he lost his grip. He couldn't hear. Byakuya's mouth was moving, but he couldn't hear any words. There was a rushing sound blocking out all others. He knew this sound. There was a weight against his chest, keeping his heart from beating steadily. The burn radiated from this place of pressure, shooting through his veins like liquid fire. His skin tingled, and beneath the surface began the blinding, all-consuming need to release the evil in his body.

He said something, but he couldn't hear it.

The next thing he knew he was walking out of the room. Then he was running, bare feet carrying him down the porch to the garden path that would take him through the short cut out of the manor's grounds. He thought it might be raining, his eyes burning with the force of the wind against his wet face. That was the last thought he had as the itching, pressing, tingling sensation in his veins took over his mind. One thing called to him—the cool, releasing metal of the ceremonial kunai he knew still hung on the wall of his apartment in the Sixth.

The room was dark, but that was ok. He didn't need lights to find what he was looking for in the musty room. It hadn't been aired since that first night after his return from the Living World. As though sent from above a shaft of light, formed by a hole in the curtain, glinted off the edge of his target. He dove on it as though it was a life preserver and he was drowning.

The single purpose of relieving that unrelenting pressure the only thing in his mind as he dug the still dirty point into his flesh. He screamed, the sound of his own voice breaking through the fog as the crimson fluid that had been forcing his actions ran down his arm. He knew he was crying now, the tears of relief at the delicious, focusing pain rocketing up his arm.

Yes, this was what he needed. Living in that cushy mansion where every whim was seen to in a matter of seconds was like living in Wonderland; all bright colors and animated caricatures of real life. But eventually he had to come back to reality. There were no cartoons here to sing him silly songs and distract him from the truth of his station. He was a dog; a street rat. He didn't deserve to capture the moon.

Byakuya was only moments behind his lover. He knew immediately he'd said the wrong thing. Renji had shattered in front of him. He'd watched as the burn consumed him, emptying his eyes of all awareness. He tried calling out to the redhead, tried to explain, but it had fallen on deaf ears.

"I gotta go." Was all he said, and then he was gone.

A few minutes' hesitation was all the noble took before following his lover out the door. He saw him leave the garden into the alley between the Sixth and the manor, and knew immediately where he was going. Backtracking Byakuya slammed open the nursery door where Rukia was still trying to comprehend her change in status.

"Call the Fourth! Renji's going to try to kill himself again."

He knew he looked wild, his hair completely undone, dressed in nothing more than a sleeping yukata, fear evident in the way his body shook, but none of that mattered as he Flash Stepped out of the house, chasing after his tormented lover.

The door that had fallen shut after the redhead's violent entrance was opened forcefully, the afternoon sunlight flooding the small room, framing the kneeling figure clutching the ornamental knife in a shaking grasp. His eyes were wild, his hair half up-half wild, several long gashes carved into the forearm of his right arm. The figure in the doorway was like an angel, glowing from the back lighting of the daylight. His ebony hair blowing around him with the swell of his reiatsu.

It shattered the grip Renji's obsession had on his mind. His eyes widened as they met silver, and he began crying a new. "H-help me, Bya! I-I can't-I can't stop."

A/N: Well, that's it for Part 1. Keep your socks on and your eyes peeled for Part 2: Somebody That I Used To Know. I will be posting it either next week or the week after. ^_^ I hope you've all enjoyed this one. Ja ne, minna!