Hi everyone,

I am truly sorry this took so long to be published I had the worst case of writers block and so I kept visiting and reading other stories to get inspiration and ended up getting hooked on a new show along the way. Supernatural. sad to say I even started stories for it as well and a few others on my new Wattpad account under the name RyuKuroichigo. so if you have the chance go there see if you like any of my other stories in the mean time and again I am sorry this took so long.

Thank you again for your patience,


Chapter 16

As the sun rose above the still waking manor the lady Alexis found her self slowly opening her eyes to her still dark room before she closed them again and turned in her bed snuggling in to something warm as a deep chuckle could be heard. At the sudden noise the lady looked at what she was cuddling and realized it was pale flesh. At the realization the lady nearly jumped and fell out of bed but two arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to their owner

"now, now my lady there's no point in trying to get away from me." Sebastian whispered in to her ear causing her to shiver as his lips brushed against the shell of her ear and a bright flush of red warmed her cheeks. Her reaction only drew another chuckle from the relaxing demon

Realizing she was stuck in this position until Sebastian decided otherwise Alexis mentally checked if she could feel the material of her night gown or not. Thankfully with a sigh she realized she was in fact in her night gown but that only brought the harsh truth that she didn't remember getting changed and that would only mean.

"Tell me my lady." Sebastian said drawing circles in her hip "You said you'd do anything I would wish of you. But how much is anything." He whispered pulling my hips back to meet his causing me to squeak in surprise

"So long as you keep your part of the deal than all that I am, everything is yours" Alexis said closing her eyes in fear as Sebastian buried his face in the crook of her neck

"Hm hearing such things from you My Lady it really does get a demon's blood pumping in excitement." He said as his eyes changed to the demonic color he shows only when truly angered or wanting to strike fear to people "What about marriage. Child birth. Binding yourself to me for the rest of eternity."

"Wh-what." Alexis said turning around to face him only to see a strange look on his face the same kind of look he normally only gave to cats when he found them. "i…I"

"Become mine. Become mine and only my lady." He said moving on top of me with his hands beside my face "Will you marry me, a demon, and remain bound to me for eternity in exchange for prolonging my meal till the next head of Phantomhive is ready to inherit all that comes with such a title."

"Yes." Alexis said nodding her head and Sebastian smirked above her before he leaned down till his nose was brushing against the lady's

"Then I look forward to it my lady" he said smiling down at her before he kissed her again and this time Lady Alexis shyly started to kiss him back causing him to growl in pleasure only to follow by a growl of anger when she tried to pull away in fright but he refused to lose contact with her lips until he was fully satisfied.

When he did pull away he looked down at the blushing lady with swollen kissed lips and smirked

"I can't tell you what joy it brings to me knowing I will be the one to taint you, the fallen angel. To claim you as my mate and have to bare me very strong offspring." He said as his eyes roamed over the lady's body though still clothed in her night now in his eyes it was as if she were bare to him.

Meeting her eyes once again she showed fear in her own and he sighed before leaned down and nuzzled her neck

"But if I am to taint one as pure as you it must be willingly I cannot force myself on you. Even though every fiber in my body it telling me to claim you here and now to mark what is now mine I will wait if only to make the satisfaction of it all the more delightful for me." He whispered in to the slightly trembling yet blushing lady. "Alas our time this morning must end for now as I need to get things started for breakfast this morning." He said as he moved to sit on the lady's hips.

The still blushing lady refused to look at him at first and for a moment it amused the demon but he quickly became annoyed with it.

"Now, now it is not in the way of a noble lady to ever look away from a servant." He taunted with a smirk and she hesitantly looked him in the eye "oh my lady you truly are too naive for you own good." He smirked leaning towards her again and kissing her forehead "now rest for a bit longer I shall return to get you ready for the day."

"s-Shouldn't May-rin be the one to do that?" Alexis asked as the demon began to leave the bed. Honestly the lady was mostly relieve to see he was still wearing pants.

"In normal circumstances, yes she would." He started has be began to dress for the day yet as he was finishing his tie he looked at her again with a demonic hint in his eyes "But as you are now mine I will not let anyone touch you ever again. I am a demon yes but one thing you should always remember I am possessive of things I claim as my own."

And with that he left the lady to the many confusing thoughts in her head but then one thing rang clear. He was not accepting her offer because he liked her oh no it was because he wanted to be the one to taint her. To lay waste to the one given the rare and legendary title of Lost Angel. To dominate the angel turned human and assert his power over such a being that his kind has fought against for centuries.

And in that instant she felt broken as the only reason she had become human was to try and experience the love and happiness humans do but in the end what happiness she had was torn away by one of the angels she had cared for in another life who had become misguided and lost, fallen from the heavenly path. And what little chance she had for love was forever shattered as she just surrendered herself to the will of a demon in order to save the one person she has been able to think of as family if only for a little while longer.

Before long tears rolled down her ladyships face and try as she might she couldn't stop them.

"You shouldn't cry" Sebastian said as he returned to the room "be glad that you will not have to suffer the fate of marrying for money in this world of humans. You will be safe and protected in my home in hell no one will dare to harm you there." He said attempting to comfort the weeping lady

"A cage is still a cage even if it is made of gold." She said looking away from him and he grew angry

"Do not forget my lady it was you who chose the terms of our deal should you wish to back out now" he said holding a section of her hair smelling it slightly with closed eyes before looking at her with his glowing eyes once again "Than I will eat the young master's soul as I had originally planned."

"…" she didn't say anything but look away from her as she then pulled her knees close and hugged them to her chest hiding her face in the fabric that covered her legs.

"Well my lady what will it be. Deal … or no deal" he asked "Honestly you should have thought over your words more carefully when you suggested it. How foolish can one get to simply offer themselves to a demon, body and soul." He mocked then he pulled on her hair "and now you chose to reflect on your mistake and whine and cry about the choice you made well my lady here's a rare opportunity." He said practically growling frightening the raven haired noble woman as she now faced him with eyes wide and panic in her eyes

"Make me a deal" he hissed in her ear as she trembled "will you offer yourself once again or will you find something better to tempt me with." He said pulling her hair again only harder forcing her to stay with in a breath of his own face as fangs could practically be seen in his mouth rather than the perfect teeth he normally has.

"You have thirteen hours my lady if you fail to make me a deal I will disregard it entirely and the master's soul will be mine as planned. I must say I'm interested to see what you will try." He said smirking before he left and may-rin entered shortly after.

"What have I done?" the Lady now dressed in red whispered