asuke's P.O.V

I waited impatiently as I watched the clock's second hand tick by excruciatingly slow like it did everyday as I tried to listen to my math teacher. The same girl who likes me, as always, was staring me at and I sighed heavily and rested my head on my desk. I heard the bell finally ring but I wasn't the first one to get up like I usually was. I stared out the window, "How am I suppose to explain the black eye?"

"Sasuke-kun, are you okay?" the girl who had been staring at him was now standing next to his desk holding her bag. She had a slight blush on her cheeks and she was rubbing her knees together as she stood waiting for his answer nervously.

"I'm fine," I sighed heavily and stood up. I picked up my bag and put it on my shoulder as I headed towards the door. The good highlights of today: got one hundreds on all three of my tests today and won a fight. The bad highlights of today: failed two quizzes, found out I'm in danger of failing Japanese History, I got into another fight which gave me my new black eye and busted lip. I walked up to my shoe cubby, switched out my shoes, and walked out front to see my best friend waiting for me, "Pineapple head."

He turned and looked at me, "Congratulations on winning your fight."

"My mom is going to kill me," I walked down the steps and out the front gate. "Itachi won't be to thrilled about it either."

"Are you going to go straight home?" he asked as we walked down to the train station.

"I have too," I sighed. "Shikamaru, if I don't come to school tomorrow, you know why."

Shikamaru chuckled, "Yeah. Your mom would've killed you."

I sighed heavily as I looked at the large scaling buildings and the impressive technology everywhere, "I wish my neighborhood was like this."

"Yeah," Shikamaru and I swiped out train passes and saw our train was already in the dock. We were able to get on before the doors closed and we sat in our usual seats panting.

"Close one again," Shikamaru looked at me.

I nodded, "Yeah."

Like always, the two of us complained about our day at the jail we call school. Shikamaru talked about how he slept through all his classes again and I complained about my Japanese History teacher snapping at me every time I opened my mouth.

As usual though, Shikamaru got off after an hour at his stop and I had to wait another hour before the train pulled in my part of the city, the projects of Konoha. It had a lot of names: The Slums, Ghetto, Sewers, and other things.

After I got off the train, I noticed that it was just getting dark since our train was stopped because of the body found a station before. I had to hop fences and climb through people's backyard, and even almost got mugged. I fell and scraped my leg 4 buildings down from my apartment. I wear hand-me downs, and I only have 3 pairs of clothes for home. So they're old and ripped up anyway. The only valuable thing I really wear is my Uchiha family pride necklace. My father wore it… Yesterday I was at Shikamaru's, and he gave me a new pair a of clothes, that were Nara Clan made, but new and a lot better than mine. Anyways, thankfully I made it to my backyard before the local gangs started to come out and ransack people's houses by going through backyards. I walked inside through my backdoor as usual, took off my shoes, put my pocket knife in the cabinet, smelt my mom's cooking and heard the TV in the small living room. I walked down the cramp hallway and saw my mother had her back to me, "Hi Mom."

She turned with a smile on her face but it disappeared when she saw the black eye, "Uchiha Sasuke!"

I sighed, "I know."

"Let me see," Itachi was next to me right as he heard mom yell. He held my face and looked at my eye and lip.

"Stop," I pushed Itachi away. "It's nothing, I'll be fine."

"That isn't nothing Sasuke!" my mother shouted. "Let your brother clean you up."

"I said I'm fine," I groaned.

My mother watched me and saw Itachi shrug from the couch. She went back to cooking and didn't say anything about my black eye or busted lip for the rest of the duration of her cooking.

I walked into the living room and sat down next to Itachi, "Don't say anything."

"I didn't say anything," Itachi shrugged.

I heard gunshots outside and sighed heavily. I had made it just in time again and saw Itachi relax a little. He must've been glad I made it home just in time too. I heard yelling outside along with more gunshots and I sighed, "There they go again."

"Ignore it," Itachi looked into the kitchen and saw their mother at the sink. "Mom, you okay?"

"I'm fine," she called.

Itachi nodded and heard the front door get kicked in. He stood up and saw a few people walk in holding guns up and Itachi put his hands up. I followed what he did and saw drag Mom into the living room and throw her down in front of Itachi.

"We'll be quick," the girl holding a gun at me said with a smirk on her face as the guys with her began to search. She walked closer to me and pressed the barrel to my forehead, "No sudden movements." She saw the necklace around my neck and laced her fingers around it, "Looks like platinum, don't mind if I do." She snatched it from around my neck and dropped it into the pouch on her hip.

I stiffened. That was the necklace my father always wore and now it was in the pouch of some random woman robbing us. I don't know what possessed me but I punched her square in the jaw and took her gun. I grabbed my necklace back but was kicked in the ribs by one of the men with her. I doubled over in pain and saw Itachi tackle him to the ground and start beating him.

I struggled to my feet and groaned in pain. I looked up and saw Itachi had one henchman down and there were two more. I was able to stand up fast enough and punch the fat one and pin him against the wall to punch him in the gut repeatedly but the other grabbed me by my arms and locked my arms in place. I recieved several blows to my gut but I kicked the fat one back and flipped the skinny one over my back. I kicked him in the ribs hard and hit the fat one over the head with the makeshift coffee table.

Itachi stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "You okay Mom?"

"I'm fine," Itachi helped Mom up and sat her down on the couch.

I sighed heavily and rubbed my ribs. I cringed in pain and looked up. I froze when I saw who was standing there.

"Looks like they got beat up," a man with long black hair and pale skin walked over to the woman and kicked her over with his shiny dress shoes. He held a simple handgun in his hand and he looked up at the three of us, "You must be the infamous Uchiha Sasuke."

I froze and heard my mother scream. I turned and saw she had been grabbed by another group of men and they were tearing at her clothes and two guys that were bigger than him were holding Itachi. I was about to jump in and help my mom but I felt the barrel of the pale man's gun on my head, "What do you want?"

"It's not what I want, it's what my boss wants," the pale man snickered. "You have two options Uchiha Sasuke, join us or your mother gets raped in front of you then killed, your choice."

I watched as the continued to tear at her clothes and begin to unzip their own pants with sickening smirks on their faces. My gut twisted and I saw the look of fear on my brother's face...fear. Something I rarely saw in my brother and it's the first time I've seen it since we found out our father was mugged and murdered...

"Orochimaru, we found someone back here!" one of his men walked out dragging my twin sister, that's when I felt like I was going to lose it...

"Satsuki!" i shouted but was held back by two men and I watched them tear at her clothes two and threaten to take her. She was kicking at them and kicked one guy square in the face but he hit her and took her. She screamed and I felt her pain as I watched him take her and watched two more join in. My knees gave up and the two men holding me were holding me up.

"What a shame," Orochimaru snickered. "Losing all three pieces of her virginity through rape."

"Make them stop," my voice was barely a whisper.

"Say what?" Orochimaru knelt in front of me. "You want me to do what?"

"Make them stop and I'll join you!" I shouted the words without realizing what I said. I saw the look on Itachi's face and saw the pained look on my mother's face.

"Good boy," Orochimaru stood up. "Bring the girl along as well."

I saw them pull away from her and I watched her crawl over to me and hug me. I wrapped my arms around her limply and cried into her hair, "I'm sorry."

"Let's get them in the van and back to the lab," a young man with grey hair ordered and watched them pick us up and take us outside and throw us into a van.

I groaned and felt someone beneath me. I sat up and saw a guy about my age, thirteen, lying still and he was curled up. He was beaten badly and a girl who looked like him was shaking him.

"Nii-san," the girl cried as she shook him. "Nii-san wake up!"

The blonde haired kid with spiky hair moved a little and opened his eyes. His bright blue eyes met my and he put on a weak smile, "Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto."

I gave him a small smile back, "Uchiha Sasuke." We shook hands.

"What do you reckon they want with us?"

"I don't know. My grandpa died a while ago, and these guys wearing Green came in my house, and kidnapped Naruko and me."

"I'm Naruko, by the way." The blonde Girl gave me a hug feeling relieved.

"Its good to know there is someone else besides my older brother to protect us."


"There are more people here you know. Some kidnapped, some mislead, some just here because they were at the wrong place, wrong time."

"So where are we-"


The doors to the van opened, and two big guys were the last things I saw as they masked my face, and carried me somewhere. I'm kind of worried for Naruto And Naruko But what happens next? Am I going to die? Oh god I don't know. Dad, if you could hear me help me please!

They unmasked all three of us, including one more girl. She had pink hair, and she had a bruised cheek. I saw a man with long, black, spiky hair in a black and red suit.

"I gathered all of you here because you lost someone important to the 'thug life' in Konoha. Naruto, Naruko, you lost your grandfather Jiraiya. Sasuke, You lost your father. And you, Sakura, you lost your Father."

"Did you order the hits on them!"

"Calm down, Sasuke."


They just taped my mouth! Dick.

"As I was saying, Genetics prove. You all have 'thug life' in you in a way, so your all in my gang, The Red Crescents." (Fun Fact: In Naruto, Akatsuki means 'Red Moon' and since the crescent is a phase of the moon that's how we came up with the name!)

"If you decline, we harm you in a way you won't forget, and it will haunt you for your life. If you accept, we let you be a member of our gang but you must be dedicated. Now, Choose your paths."

"I….I accept, but my parents cannot know. Do you have that Men In Black thing? Erase their memories!" Naruto said worried.

"Kid, were a gang. Not a secret governmental organization that deals with aliens. But we could give them a dose of Amnesial. It gives them permanently Amnesia from what you tell them. It activates certain brain cells to forget permanently because the brain is thinking of it." The man explained.

"That is…Useful?" Naruto said oddly

"Yes, very Naruto."

"Naruko accepts too, obviously."

"I, I accept. But I swear on my life if you do anything to my family I will rip you piece by piece…" I tried saying acting tough.

"And last but not least, you, Sakura."

"I have a lot to lose. But my family cannot know of this. At all."

" I will give each of your family witnesses Amnesial to erase the memory, and you kids live at you house, go to school, work for me. Understand?"

In unison "Yes sir."

He released us to go back home and erase our parents and family members memory. I have had a long ass day, and I'm going to sleep.