"So… it's over," Avery sighed, collapsing next to me in bed.

"Mmm," I sighed.

I really wished that I didn't have to do what I was about to do. But I couldn't hold in this secret any longer. I had to give him a reason for all the madness. And tell him why our son was going to turn into a wolf in about ten years. I hoped his love for me was enough to get him to forgive me for all the lies.

"What's wrong, love?" Avery asked, turning on his side towards me.

"I'm trying to figure out how to tell you…"

Avery's face grew concerned and he shakily let out, "Tell me what?"

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving you," I promised, touching his cheek with my hand , "But I do have a story."

"Oh," Avery sighed in relief, "Do tell."

I smiled and took a deep breath, "Once upon a time there was a girl. A very… stupid and angry girl that did stupid and mean things because she was jealous. But this girl wasn't an ordinary girl. She had a power that no other girls had…"

And so I told him. I told him the history of wolves and how we all just thought it was a myth. I explained the reason Sam had disappeared for so long was because he was the first to shift. And then I told him how we only thought men could shape shift, until I came along. And that that was the reason I had to give up my children. First because I couldn't take care of 2 babies and run patrols at the same time. Second because I did not want anybody to find out about them and with the mind link, it would be a lot harder to keep it a secret.

"How do you feel?" I asked him tentatively.

He blinked a few times, "Weird… like… I don't want to believe it but… you've never lied to me before and… it all makes sense kind of."

I laughed dryly, "Trust me, it gets even weirder."

"Oh god…"

So then I explained imprinting.

"That's why Sam left you for Emily," Avery muttered, finally understanding. I was surprised at how well he was taking this.

I nodded, "Avery I have to ask you a question."


"Did you… when you first met me and… those few nights in that hotel… did you actually love me?"

Avery nodded, "I really did. And it was strange for me to feel that way because I had just met you but it was like a… pull… I… couldn't… ignore…"

He trailed off, beginning to understand.

"I loved you, too. And all that time we were apart, I couldn't stop thinking about you. So then when we met in that coffee shop…"

"Oh," Avery nodded, "You imprinted."

"But I loved you before that Avery, I swear," I promised, "We would have ended up together no matter what. It's just the imprint… it was almost like a push in the right direction, you know?"

He nodded ,"I know."

He was quiet for a while, staring off into some place I couldn't see. I wanted to see into his mind so badly so that I could know what he was thinking. It had been twelve years we were together, and I was just now getting around to telling him. I would be mad, too.

"What… are you thinking?" I asked, impatience getting the better of me.

He shrugged, "I'm just going over everything you told me. If all fits but… it's hard to believe."

"Well there's a whole pack of shape shifters downstairs if you really want to see for yourself," I said, not completely serious.

"Okay, I want to see!" he said, sitting up.

"Whoa, really?" I asked, slightly taken aback.

"Yes," he nodded, looking determined.

"Alright," I said unsurely, getting off the bed and throwing some appropriate clothes on.

Avery held my hand as we walked down the stairs together. I kept glancing at him nervously, but he seemed at ease. We reached the kitchen and sure enough, there were wolves galore. I just needed to pick the right one.

"Brady!" I said as soon as I saw him. He was sitting at the kitchen table with Samantha on his lap. He turned towards me.

"What?" he asked, annoyed.

"Don't speak to me with that tone. If you are going to date my daughter, demand respect," I told him sternly.

"Really Leah? I've known you since kindergarten and-"

"Ew!" Samantha said, covering her ears, "Don't say that, it makes you sound so old!"

"Sorry babe," he said sheepishly, kissing her on the cheek. I rolled my eyes.

"Get over here," I told him. I expected him to take Samantha off of his lap before he came to me but instead he just lifted her up bridal style. Sighing in annoyance, he trudged over.

"Are they…" Avery trailed off.

"Imprinted? Yes."

"Yes ma'am?" Brady asked sarcastically, bowing a little at the end. Samantha laughed and flicked him in the ear.

"That's better," I muttered, "Now come on, I need a favor."

They followed me outside and into the woods. From behind me, I could hear Samantha and Brady bickering about how she was perfectly capable of walking but how Brady was perfectly capable of carrying. I smiled at how perfect they were for each other.

"Brady I swear to god I will-"

"Now now, none of that," I warned, "Brady, put Samantha down."

Brady shrugged and dropped Samantha onto the ground. She landed with an oof and immediately jumped up.

"Are you serious?!" she screeched, "Did that actually just happen?!"

Brady was laughing too hard to properly apologize.

"Okay," I said, clapping my hands together nervously.

"Yes?" Brady asked.

"Change into a wolf," I told him.


"So that Avery can see," I said.

"Ugh do I have to? It's such a hassle and I have to get all naked and-"

"Brady!" I yelled, "Just… do it!"

"Ugh fine," he sighed.

I grabbed Avery's hand and Brady started unzipping his pants.

"Hey come on now, at least go behind a tree," I warned him.

He rolled his eyes and went behind a tree.

"Can I phase now, oh powerful and mighty Leah?"

"Yes Brady, you can phase," I told him.

I kept my eyes on Avery, waiting for his reaction. His face turned from calm to shock in a matter of seconds as Brady stood in front of us in his wolf form.

"Uh… wow?" he said unsurely, not taking his eyes off of Brady's wolf form.

"EW!" Samantha squealed as Brady licked her face.

"You… definitely weren't lying," Avery said after a few seconds of silence between us.

I nodded slowly, "Let's go back to the house."

Avery finally peeled his away from Brady as we walked back together.

"Are you upset?" I asked tentatively.

"Hm… shocked maybe but definitely not upset," he said.

"And what about the… imprinting thing?" I asked the question I had been the most nervous about.

He smiled down at me, "Leah is that what you've been worried about? Imprinting doesn't change the fact that I'm in love with you. I promise you, I'm glad it happened. I've always loved you okay?"

I nodded, sighing in relief.

"Good. Now can we please go to bed? My brain has a lot of readjusting to do and it's been a long day."

"Of course, love," I laughed.

"Oh and Leah?"


"No more secrets okay?"

"Okay," I promised. And this time, I would actually keep it.

One more chapter and then it's over!

I'm so sorry I havent updated! I spilled water all over my computer and I had to wait for it to get fixed! But I updated finally!

To be honest, i'm really losing interest in this story. i have so many different ideas floating around in my head that i just want to get out there. So I'm going to write the sequel but first I'm going to start a different story. which brings me to my next topic.

VOTE! I put a poll up about what story I should do next! Please please please vote! You can pick up to 2 choices!

And finally, I realized how close to 1000 reviews im at! just like 45 more or something and then i'm there! i would really appreciate your help! So tell me what you think!